Moringa leaves – a new way to lose weight?
There is no denying that overweight and obesity have become a permanent feature in many people’s lives, so it is time to get rid of them effectively. Thanks to that we will gain not only a perfect silhouette, slim without the unnecessary burden of kilograms carried by excess fat tissue, but also full health, so necessary at any age. Body weight which is too far from the norm BMI (Body Mass Index) predicted for our height may become the cause of diseases affecting such things as heart, circulatory system, bones, joints and digestive system. Their treatment is often much more expensive than a weight loss treatment, preferably using natural methods, plants and herbs long used for this purpose. One of the herbs increasingly used in phytotherapy, and not only as a remedy for obesity, are Moringa leaves, which we will describe in more detail, presenting their numerous advantages, directly contributing to its growing popularity.
Phytotherapy, or the use of herbs to treat various diseases

The use of herbs, initially in natural, folk medicine, has its roots dating back thousands of years and plants with medicinal properties were commonly used in many cultures of the world. For centuries, it was the only way to cope with practically all ailments, ranging from the mundane cold to more severe infectious diseases. Initially, it was mostly monks who provided treatment, but with time, herbal medicine became an integral part of medicine, and herbs are still as widely used as synthetic pharmaceuticals. The latter, also used in the fight against excess weight, are often composed of very harmful active ingredients. In many cases, they are additionally characterized by a large number of side effects, which is why so many people are trying to replace them with natural equivalents.
The term phytotherapy was coined in ancient Greece from a combination of two words, phyton meaning plant and therapeuo meaning cure. Of course, under no circumstances should one engage in this activity without prior preparation, acquiring vast knowledge about hundreds or even thousands of plants and their healing properties. The steadily growing popularity of phytotherapy results from its indisputable advantages, among which it is worth mentioning
- in most cases, the absence of any side effects or undesirable interactions of the herbs used, but only if we properly select their species and the recommended, safe and effective dose. One should also take into account the possibility of possible allergic reactions, individual for each organism;
- relatively low cost, especially in comparison to the price of some artificially produced drugs, although before we decide on such a natural substitute, we should check whether it is as effective. The conducted research has unequivocally shown that they work well in the treatment of almost all diseases, also in the case of overweight, obesity and the conditions causing them, or those caused by weight gain, such as diabetes;
- various forms of commercially available herbal preparations, green leaves, buds or flowers, dried products for making hot infusions, concentrates for mixing with water, essential oils and the most popular, easiest to use tablets;
- the widespread availability of herbs, most of which grow simply in nearby meadows or gardens, but the more exotic varieties unfortunately have to be imported from other countries and this is the case with Moringa leaves.
Moringa leaves – origins and properties
Moringaleaves come from the Moringa oil tree (Moringa oleifera) which grows in Asia, mainly India and Pakistan, but also in some regions of South America and Africa. The tree belongs to the Moringidae family, grows to a height of nearly 10 m and is called the horseradish tree due to its characteristic horseradish root flavor. However, we are not interested in the taste of this vegetable, but in the medicinal properties of its leaves, and they really have something to boast about. As with most such plants and herbs, they are a direct result of their composition, which is rich in nutrients that have a certain effect on weight loss. But before we get to that, let’s take a closer look at what is in the leaves of Moringa, and we are dealing with the following substances:
Vitamins from all groups
These are the most important ingredients, relevant not only for the weight loss itself, but also for the other aspects of health. It is no exaggeration to say that these leaves are a real vitamin bomb, mainly due to the content of
- Vitamin A, also known by other names, retionol, provitamin A, or beta-carotene. Its action can be considered comprehensive, determines the correct vision, takes part in the process of regeneration and cell growth, is an effective antioxidant eliminating free radicals;
- B vitamins, such as: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B9 (folic acid), B12 (cobalamin), essential for the health of the body, responsible for the functioning of virtually all its systems, circulatory, nervous and digestive, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties;
- vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, another antioxidant, even stronger, giving full protection against free radicals, strengthening immunity, participating in the production of collagen, an important connective tissue, facilitating the absorption of calcium and iron;
- Vitamin D, responsible primarily for strong teeth and bones and preventing painful arthritis, maintaining proper calcium levels. It is effective in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, especially heart disease and diabetes, the latter by maintaining adequate glucose levels in the blood. Vitamin D deficiency interferes with the burning of fat tissue, and its correct amount prevents the accumulation of fat deposits on the belly;
- vitamin E, characterized by anticancer properties, also protects against cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. It protects cells from the negative effects of oxidative stress, inhibits the skin aging process, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Minerals and other nutrients
Of course, vitamins are not the only components of Moringa leaves responsible for our health and fast and permanent weight loss, without the much disliked yoyo effect. They also contain other substances that make it possible, such as
- minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium and manganese;
- dietary fiber, without which we would constantly complain about digestive disorders negatively affecting the entire weight-loss treatment, mainly painful and troublesome constipation, which fiber eliminates in a blink of an eye
- fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega – 6, lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol LDL in blood, while increasing the level of the necessary one HDL. They regulate the entire lipid metabolism of the body, strengthen its weakened immunity, and take care of the proper functioning of the nervous system.
An interesting and at the same time important advantage, often emphasized by lovers of a healthy lifestyle, is the sheer weight of nutrients, and just 100 g of dry leaves Moringa contains:
- 25 times more iron than we find in spinach and 15 times more potassium than bananas contain in them;
- 4 times more vitamin A than carrots and 12 times more vitamin C than oranges;
- 17 times more protein than in cow’s milk.
Moringa leaves – uses in cooking, medicine and weight loss

Few plants can boast such a rich composition, so it’s no surprise that Moringa has found widespread use in cooking, cosmetics and, above all, as an ingredient in many medical preparations. In the kitchen, they are used as a healthy addition to many dishes, especially beverages, mixing the leaves with buttermilk, yogurt or kefir. They can also be added to your morning oatmeal or muesli and go well with whole grain bran. The dried leaves can be used for making an infusion by simply pouring a tablespoon of boiling water over them and covering the container until they are completely steamed. It is also worth taking interest in moringa oil, however, it must not be heated to high temperature, unlike coconut oil, because it will lose its valuable healing properties. However, when cold, it is perfect for salads, which thanks to it will take on a new, exotic flavor, not to mention the health benefits. In cosmetics, it is mainly included in preparations for hair care, giving them a soft, fluffy and unique shine. But let’s move on to other uses of Moringa leaves, and the most important for us are:
Medical use:
- Resulting, among other things, from antioxidant properties, and the antioxidants in them are a record number, as high as 46, higher than, for example, in an analogous amount of red wine, green tea, berries goji, dark chocolate and berries Acai. Thanks to this we can count on the most effective elimination of all free radicals and protection of cells from their destructive influence. At the same time we gain the best protection against the development of cancer, inhibition of the process of multiplication of cancer cells;
- prevention of many diseases, asthma, dysentery and other diseases of the digestive system, epilepsy, dizziness and strong migraine headaches, respiratory infections, fever caused by colds;
- beneficial effect on memory and concentration, better work of the brain and the entire nervous system, that’s why Moringa leaves are more and more widely used in the treatment of Alzheimera disease;
- prevention and treatment of stress symptoms resulting in excellent mental well-being and lack of even the smallest problems with sleep, so they help in the fight against insomnia;
- supplying higher doses of energy needed for both physical and mental activity, faster regeneration of the body after effort and removal of all symptoms of fatigue;
- strengthening immunity;
- prevention of diabetes, regulation of blood sugar levels, which is also important for weight reduction;
- reduction of pain in joints, resulting from their overloading and progressive degenerative disease;
- improving the health and appearance of the skin, removing acne, blemishes, cellulite, restoring elasticity and natural color.
Help with weight loss:
- reducing by up to 2/3 the amount of fat cells absorbed by the body, which thanks to more efficient combustion are almost completely transformed into energy, less storage in the liver, allowing to avoid fattening of this important organ;
- speeding up metabolism, which has a positive effect on stable weight loss without the risk of health complications that often accompany it. At the same time the rate of fat burning increases, some studies indicate that even twice;
- suppression of appetite, usually so strong that we are unable to resist the urge to reach for unhealthy, high-calorie and unfortunately fattening snacks, we also do not feel the so-called sugar craving;
- Increased training capacity, strength and physical performance, allowing the body to build muscle mass faster;
- Reduction of LDL cholesterol levels mentioned above;
- better absorption of all nutrients, both those contained in the leaves themselves Moringa and those coming from food, of course in an easy to digest weight loss diet.
Young green barley – an alternative to Moringa leaves
The composition and properties of Moringa leaves definitely predispose them to include in your diet and get rid of all the excess weight with their help. It also fits into the current ecological trend of “losing weight the green way” using only herbs and plants that are safe and do not cause any side effects. If we are looking for the right ones for ourselves, it is also worth taking an interest in the properties of young green barley. Green barley leaves have in them components with the highest nutritional value:
- dietary fiber;
- B vitamins;
- Vitamins C and E;
- amino acids, also essential for weight loss, which our body cannot produce on its own;
- folic acid;
- a large amount of chlorophyll, which perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, including the remains after quitting smoking;
- minerals, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, selenium, bromine, silicon, phosphorus.
You should also take a look at our ranking of slimming pills, which you can find at the link below.