DHT natural blockers – reviews, do they really work.
There are many causes of excessive, accelerated hair loss and all of them may even result in complete loss of hair on the head. This is why it is important to counteract them decisively by minimising the risks with the help of generally available but safe means. It is not worth risking unproven and often extremely harmful preparations, it is better to rely on the power of nature, which is an effective aid in the treatment of many types of baldness. Extracts from plants with confirmed therapeutic properties can even cope with difficult-to-treat androgenic alopecia caused by the destructive action of DHT.
DHT – what it actually is
Almost everyone who has struggled or is currently struggling with baldness will have come across the term DHT. For those who have not heard about it, we rush to explain that the extension of this abbreviation is dihydrotestosterone, which is an androgen, or steroidal male sex hormone. You may also come across its other names, such as stanolone, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, or the Latin Androstanolonum, but they are less commonly used.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is produced in the body during the conversion of testosterone by the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, which occurs in several parts of the body:
- seminal vesicles;
- In the prostate gland, commonly called the prostate or the steroid, it can cause hypertrophy;
- the epididymides;
- the liver;
- brain;
- skin and hair follicles, hence its effect on hair loss.
DHT – what functions does it have in the body

The effects of dihydrotestosterone on the human body are not exclusively negative. In a positive sense, it is a hormone responsible for, among other things:
- proper formation and later development of the male sex organs, penis and scrotum, it also affects the development of female organs;
- the appearance at puberty of facial hair and hair on other parts of the body, including the intimate area;
- the functioning of the prostate gland;
- increased muscle strength;
- regulation of other sex hormones.
The positives cannot be underestimated, but excess DHT production takes a toll on the health of the hair and scalp, causing androgenetic alopecia. It is divided into two types, male and female, because it affects both sexes. In case of women, elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone also lead to the appearance of hair like in men, on the back, abdomen, face and neck. In men, on the other hand, it means growing problems with the prostate, which if neglected, very often end up in prostate cancer.
However, we are most interested in the negative impact of rising levels of DHT on hair and scalp, the causes of this particular type of baldness, inherently associated with hair growth phases:
- anagen, the period of its intensive growth and highest activity of the hair follicles, usually lasting from 2 to 6 years;
- catagen, the so-called transitional phase, the shortest phase, during which the hair gradually dies, the size of hair follicles decreases, and all this in just 14 to 21 days;
- telogen phase, i.e. resting phase of hair, a period in which they stop growing completely, and those that we have on our head become fragile, brittle and begin to fall out in large amounts, which lasts from 2 to 4 months.
Disturbances occurring in the androgenic variety of alopecia concern the telogen phase, a rapid weakening of very large amounts of hair. The main cause of this condition is the aggressive action of DHT on hair follicles, reducing their activity leading to gradual shrinkage, and if not treated, death. In this case, you must reckon with even complete and irreversible baldness, so it is worth starting to use natural dht blockers.
Androgenetic alopecia – other causes of the development of this disease
Using natural, safe but at the same time strong blockers allows to deal with other causes of this disease, unfortunately often resulting from our own mistakes. Androgenetic alopecia is not only caused by elevated DHT levels or genetic factors, it is also caused by:
Nutrient deficiencies in our daily diet
Not only do our dietary mistakes result in increased overweight and obesity, but what we eat also has a significant impact on the health of our scalp and hair. Sugar-containing products, alcohol, too much black coffee and tea, highly processed food and the much-loved fast food have a destructive effect on the hair.
They must absolutely disappear from the daily diet, replaced by food products full of such valuable active substances for the hair as:
- Vitamin A, which has hair-supporting properties and conditions the metabolic processes taking place within the hair follicles;
- B vitamins, responsible for regulating the secretion of sebum, which can make hair and scalp greasy, prevent greying and maintain the natural, deep colour of hair
- Vitamin C, a strong, natural antioxidant that removes excess free radicals, thus determining the health of not only the skin, but also the entire body;
- mineral substances, among which the most important for hair are silicon and zinc, also contained in many natural DHT blockers. Both elements protect against the development of skin diseases, a symptom of which is difficult to control baldness. They participate, along with ascorbic acid, in the synthesis of the two most important building materials of tissues, namely collagen and keratin;
- healthy fats, which have fatty acids Omega – 3 in them, which are necessary to protect hair from weather conditions, especially the scorching rays of the sun.
Hair Care Mistakes and the Wrong Choice of Hair Care Products
Contrary to popular belief, everyday hair and scalp care mistakes do not only affect men. Women also have to deal with this problem and improper hair care procedures with the use of wrongly chosen cosmetics are a real plague.
Hair is often washed in too hot water, which weakens its structure, or tied up too tightly with an elastic band. You should also not dry your hair too often with a hairdryer, and straighteners heat them to such a high temperature that they damage, and sometimes irreversibly destroy their structure. The biggest danger, however, are some artificial and extremely harmful ingredients in shampoos and hair conditioners. Commonly used, which are worth paying attention to include:
- sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), blocking the mouths of hair follicles, causing their inflammation;
- silicone, which forms an impermeable layer on the scalp for the vitamins and minerals it needs
- Parabens, by far the most dangerous and many studies show that they can cause skin cancer.
The use of certain medications
Unfortunately, many of the medications used to treat various ailments have quite unpleasant side effects, including hair thinning. Among others, people who use
- immunosuppressive drugs;
- hormonal contraceptives;
- cardiac beta-blockers or drugs, which reduce blood clotting;
- anticancer drugs, hence hair loss during chemotherapy;
- anabolic steroids.
Natural DHT blockers – which of the available ones is worth using
However, the effects of the above-described neglect can be stopped by stop ping hair loss and accelerating the growth of new, stronger, healthier and more resistant to any adverse factors. There are many methods used for this purpose, but it is better to avoid taking strong pharmaceuticals, whose active ingredients are minoxidil or finasteride, and their use causes side effects not indifferent to health.
Therefore, it is better to rely on natural DHT blockers, extracts obtained from plants with known medicinal properties, and the most commonly used to stop the destructive action of this hormone are:
Sabal palm

Better known by the name Saw Palmetto, which can be safely considered the most famous plant used in preparations against androgenetic alopecia. It has been used in natural medicine for over 100 years, which is helped by its composition, full of valuable substances taking care of hair and scalp comprehensively. Sabal palm leaves contain:
- Vitamin A, preventing hair loss by strengthening its weakened structure, preventing brittleness and fragility. It also protects the scalp against diseases, including acne ;
- vitamin E, responsible for thorough moisturising of hair along its entire length, preventing split ends, improving blood flow, thus increasing blood supply and oxygenation of the skin;
- vitamin K, without which the proper functioning of the circulatory system would not be possible, protecting the walls of blood vessels from cracking, characterized by antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
- coenzyme Q10, not without a reason called the “elixir of youth”, regenerating damaged hair and significantly inhibiting the natural aging process of the skin;
- Phytosterols, with a comprehensive health-promoting action, protecting the skin against excessive drying, strengthening the epidermis weakened for various reasons, reducing inflammation, lowering blood cholesterol levels, helpful in the treatment of prostate hypertrophy.
Sabal palm extracts reduce the negative effect of dihydrotestosterone, effectively inhibiting the processes leading to its formation, the activity of the mentioned enzyme 5 – alpha – reductase, they also block androgen receptors preventing them from connecting with DHT molecules. Saw Palmetto needs to be used with caution as it can cause some side effects if overdosed, mainly gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. It should also not be used by pregnant and breast-feeding women, and an excess in the body may increase menstrual bleeding.
Common nettle

Commonly growing on Polish meadows and gardens, which is still mistakenly considered by many people to be just a weed, completely unaware of its numerous medicinal properties. The action of nettle against hair loss comes down to blocking androgen receptors, the enzyme 5 – alpha – reductase and, consequently, DHT itself.
This is determined by the composition of nettle leaves, which natural medicine specialists have recognized as extremely rich, far superior to other plants used to treat different types of baldness. In each intensely green and steaming leaf we find:
- Vitamin B1, thiamine, discovered by Polish scientist Kazimierz Funk, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the sebaceous glands, preventing the secretion of too much sebum that can lead to greasy hair and scalp, the development of seborrheic alopecia and acne on the face. Lack of thiamine is immediately visible in dull and brittle hair, because it participates in the processes of synthesis of their building materials;
- vitamin B2, riboflavin, another of this group, without which we can not dream of a lush, thick hairstyle, providing energy to the hair matrix, which is necessary to activate the process of growth of new hair. It also helps in the regeneration of old hair, prevents dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis;
- Vitamin C, involved in the production of collagen, the building material of connective tissues, also found in hair. In addition, it intensifies the production of hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes, nourishes and stops the skin aging process. It also regulates the processes of red blood cells formation and strengthens weakened immunity of the body, which is also necessary to stop baldness;
- Vitamin E soothes all irritations and inflammations of the scalp, nourishes follicles, hair bulbs and hair itself, protects them from the negative impact of free radicals, improves blood circulation and regulates sebum secretion;
- Vitamin K seals and strengthens weakened walls of blood vessels, thus protecting against haemorrhages, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, which prevents the development of many dangerous skin diseases manifested by intensive hair loss
- numerous minerals: calcium, which prevents split ends and strengthens bones, phosphorus, which makes hair flexible, manganese, which prevents the skin from drying out and cracking, as well as silicon, which strengthens hair bulbs and follicles and the structure of the hair itself, making it more resistant to mechanical damage.
Green tea extract

Green tea is not only good for helping you lose weight, it is also very beneficial for the health and condition of your hair and scalp. It is therefore more and more often found in shampoos and conditioners designed for daily care. It is also worth using for making hair waxes, masks and rinses on your own. It nourishes the hair, strengthens it along the entire length, accelerates its regeneration, removes dandruff, gives it fluffiness, accelerates growth and of course prevents hair loss.
This tea variety can be successfully used to regulate DHT levels in the body, which is greatly enhanced by its anti-androgenic properties due to the numerous catechins it contains. Its other ingredients also support the growth of new, stronger hair, which not only grows faster but is also softer, even velvety to the touch. The composition of green tea, full of vitamin A, B, C, zinc, potassium, manganese and fluorine, is also beneficial for other aspects of health:
- strengthening the heart and circulatory system, reducing the risk of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and myocardial infarction;
- a reduced risk of cancer due to the antioxidant properties of green tea;
- delaying the already mentioned aging processes of the skin, which is after all the basis for new hair growth;
- Better digestion and fast metabolism, allowing for significant fat burning, which is also important for the functioning of hair follicles;
- improved brain and nervous system function, resulting in better memory, concentration and learning abilities.
The three plant extracts mentioned above are the most popular and are most often used as natural DHT blockers. However, they are not the only ones and other herbs or plants that deal with excess dihydrotestosterone are also worth looking into:
Field horsetail

Just like nettle, field horsetail iswidespread in our country and also contains many ingredients for a healthy hair and scalp:
- Vitamins A, B (B1. B3, B5) and C:
- organic acids: malic, ascorbic and silicic acids;
- flavonoids: glycosides and quercetins;
- minerals, salts of potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium and aluminium;
- saponins and polyphenols.
All these bioactive substances are characterized by a wide range of health-promoting effects, but the most important component of horsetail, in terms of hair care and prevention of hair loss, is silicon. It occurs here in the form of easily absorbable, soluble silica , which is one of the building materials of hair. It also has other functions in the body:
- It participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, compounds which improve the condition of hair follicles, giving the hair elasticity, flexibility and resistance to adverse weather conditions;
- reduces the possibility of greasy scalp, minimizing the risk of many skin diseases;
- blocks the action of dihydrotestoserone (DHT), thus minimising the risk of shrinking and dying of hair follicles;
- acts as a diuretic, helping to remove dangerous toxins;
- accelerates the healing of wounds and skin irritations, also affecting hair loss, protects against the development of inflammation;
- helps to fight harmful microorganisms, bacteria and fungi;
- supports functioning of many internal organs.