Collagen Select – wrinkles on your face will be just a memory
Proper, systematic care of your appearance should in no way be accidental and you should always approach this issue in a comprehensive manner. Our attention is required by practically all parts of the body, and the determinant of beauty, distinguishing us from the environment is not only a slim figure, but also firm, wrinkle-free and even gushing with health skin. Its care is our duty and we are talking about daily hygiene, using the best cosmetics and preparations with proven effectiveness, and such certainly include Collagen Select . It is a modern, recommended especially for women, dietary supplement to drink, based on natural ingredients, thanks to which the skin will gain the look of which we could only dreamso far.
How to care for your skin at any age

The skin, especially on the face, has a strictly defined protective function to perform, but for this barrier to be fully effective, it must be taken care of from the deepest layers down to the epidermis. There is no denying that everyone would also like to be able to boast of a perfectly smooth skin, without the slightest trace of pimples, acne lesions and especially unsightly wrinkles, unfortunately inevitable with age . Gradually, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness, becoming flabby, but it is only up to us whether we want to quickly and effectively stop this process. First of all, you need to answer the question what factors most adversely affect its condition, the reasons for this can be really many, and among the most important it is worth mentioning:
- negligence of hygienic nature, resulting, inter alia, from the use of cosmetics improperly matched to the pH of the skin, which can cause redness, swelling, and Collagen Select is devoid of irritating ingredients and therefore completely safe to use;
- exposing the face, and not only, to intense sunlight, the skin’s greatest enemy due to the high level of UV radiation;
- improper methods of removing acne lesions and other pimples, most often mechanical squeezing, which can have serious health consequences, the formation of difficult to heal inflammation resulting in scars that require removal by laser;
- bad diet, adversely affecting the state of the skin, which is full of such harmful products as large amounts of salt, fat, excess carbohydrates or stimulants, especially alcohol. Equally harmful is smoking cigarettes, after which the skin becomes gray and loses its inner glow.
There are dozens of such unfavourable factors, but the worst thing is that most of them also cause the loss of natural building blocks of our skin, collagen, one of the most important elements of the human body.
Collagen Select – allows you to effectively supplement collagen deficiency
Our skin ages with us and as the years go by its elasticity decreases, which is directly linked to the decreasing amount of collagen in the body. It is the most common connective tissue in our body and its main part is a protein that can be confidently called unique, also responsible for the structure of the dermis. Unfortunately, the human body naturally produces collagen only up to a certain age, and studies have shown that the decrease is clearly visible after the age of 30, and after 60 – 70 the production stops almost completely. Although this is an unavoidable process, it can be significantly inhibited with the use of a collagen supplement. Collagen Select The supplement, thanks to which you will be able to maintain the health and youthfulness of your skinfor a long time.
Collagen Select – natural, safe composition
There are many supplements designed to rebuild collagen fibres in the skin, but Collagen Select stands out from them not only because of its high effectiveness, but also because of its carefully selected, and most importantly, natural composition. It contains not one or two, but as many as nine active substances working comprehensively, such as:
- Verisol® collagen hydrolysate, a unique ingredient patented by the manufacturer, which is an exceptionally easily absorbed collagen of the latest generation. Its particles, called Bioactive Collagen Peptides®, are smaller than normal collagen particles and thanks to this they can easily reach the deepest skin layers, improving its firmness, reducing wrinkles and speeding up wound healing;
- Moldavian bee hive extract DracoBelle™ Nu, another revolutionary substance, also the result of the latest advanced research conducted in the company’s laboratories. It works on the principle of similarity to natural processes occurring in the human body, the so-called caloric restriction, preventing skin aging, increasing its elasticity and density;
- biotin, vitamin B7, also called H, particularly important for maintaining healthy skin, and its deficiencies are immediately manifested by dryness and change in skin tone;
- riboflavin, vitamin B2, which has a significant impact on the proper functioning of the body, strengthening the immune system and thus protecting us from serious diseases, including skin diseases;
- niacin, vitamin B3, with the most beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizing and allowing to cope with all the unsightly, often painful acne lesions;
- vitaminA and vitamin C;
- acomplex of minerals, led by zinc, which helps maintain the correct structure of our skin, treating the above mentioned acne symptoms. In Collagen Select we also find copper, which increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, reduces wrinkles, regenerates the epidermis and counteracts the natural aging processes.
Collagen Select – action and dosage of the supplement
The supplement is designed for women who have noticed the above described changes in the appearance of their skin with age. Collagen Select It can help with many of these ailments, and its action comes down primarily to:
- Reduction in the visibility, and in many cases even complete elimination of wrinkles, as shown in studies conducted by an average of 32 percent;
- stimulation of collagen production, increasing its level by 56 and elastin by over 18 percent and equally rapid growth of connective tissue;
- increase the elasticity, resilience and density of the skin and improve the degree of its hydration;
- care for the appearance and health of hair and nails. Hair regains its natural vitality and proper, deep colour, and nails stop splitting after regular use of Collagen Select.
An important advantage, emphasised by both consumers and numerous specialists, is the form of the supplement itself, available not as a cream, gel or tablet, but as a tasty, easy-to-make drink. It has a wonderful, tropical taste, which will certainly appeal to every lady, and its preparation comes down to just dissolving 200 ml of the supplement in still water, preferably a healthy mineral water. Also important is the fact that, as we have already mentioned, it is completely safe and its use will not cause absolutely no side effects. The first effects will be noticed after about 2 months, but the whole treatment is better to continue until fully satisfactory results, taking just one ordered dose of Collagen Select daily.
Collagen Select – opinions of satisfied users and specialists
Such spectacular effects that the use of Collagen Select It can help many of these ailments, and its action boils down primarily to: such spectacular effects that the use of the product gives, are fully confirmed by the opinions of not only people using it, but also specialists. Quickly and effectively rejuvenates the skin together with cosmetics for daily care, and comments that can be found on the Internet, show it in a decidedly positive light. Specialists in skin problems are of a similar opinion, and women satisfied with the effects write, among others, as follows:
“For me it’s a revelation, not only do I have a delicious, refreshing drink but on top of that I find in its composition everything my skin needs to finally regain its full health and that glow that my husband likes so much. Highly recommended!!!” – Ala, 46 years old.
Such positive reviews are, in our opinion, the best incentive to buy, and Collagen Select can be purchased directly from its manufacturer, through website .