Yohimbine – will it solve erection problems and help you lose weight?
Men’s potency problems, that is most often the inability to obtain a correct and long-lasting erection, affect more and more men every year, usually over 40-50 years old. Initially ignored and blamed on tiredness or stress at work, they gradually intensify being the cause of growing frustration and if not treated properly may even lead to impotence. This, in turn, becomes the cause of serious problems in the relationship, and sexual dissatisfaction of yourself and your partner is a simple way to severe depression, which requires the intervention of a specialist. So it’s best not to underestimate the situation and use appropriate treatment, and one of the most well-known preparations that help remove the causes of erection problems is yohimbine. It is also used as a fat burner, and whether it is effective and safe will be shown later in this text.
- 1 Erectile problems – what are their causes and how to treat them effectively
- 2 Yohimbine – the origin of this popular aphrodisiac
- 3 Yohimbine – properties and effects on potency
- 4 Yohimbine – dosage and possible side effects
- 5 Yohimbine – weight loss at your own risk
- 6 Eron Plus – erection and potency always at the highest level
- 7 Fast Burn Extreme – safe and fast fat burning
Erectile problems – what are their causes and how to treat them effectively

Anyone who encounters erectile dysfunction, should first of all realize that this is not a reason to be ashamed, but the same disease as others, although its causes may vary. These are the reasons why the treatment must be individually selected for each patient, although substances such as yohimbine show a wide spectrum of action, helping an exceptionally large group of frustrated men.
The most common causes of erection problems
- psychological basis, fear of or aversion to intercourse often resulting from childhood inhibitions, from the way of upbringing showing sex as something completely reprehensible;
- strong, prolonged stress and equally strong physical fatigue, resulting for example from the nature of the work performed or problems in private life;
- coexisting diseases, especially of the heart and circulatory system, atherosclerosis, hypertension, or equally dangerous diabetes;
- insufficient testosterone levels and other hormonal disorders;
- complications after a stroke;
- conditions of the spine resulting in pressure on or damage to the spinal cord;
- neurological diseases;
- heavy drinking and abuse of other drugs, including and cigarette smoking.
See also: Testolan – how to increase testosterone levels.
The most important thing is to identify one of the above causes as soon as possible and correctly, but in most cases, commonly available aphrodisiacs such as yohimbine can help.
Yohimbine – the origin of this popular aphrodisiac
There is no denying that the word yohimbine is known to most men, at least the middle-aged ones, and the amazing stories told about its effects have significantly influenced the still existing popularity. Some of these stories have little to do with reality, but its effectiveness in increasing male libido cannot be denied, it has also gained another use, as a substance that stimulates fat metabolism and allows you to get rid of its excess from various parts of the body.
Yohimbine came to our continent from Africa, where it is extracted from the bark of a tree called johimba, otherwise known as the tree of potency and has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. The bark produces an alkaloid with an extremely complex chemical formula, C21H26O3N2, and from it in the process of chemical synthesis yohimbine hydrochloride is obtained, which has been known on the pharmaceutical market since the fifties of the last century. Yohimbine in this form is added to numerous erectile dysfunction drugs and sold completely legally, also in our country, where it is on the list of agents available only with a prescription.
Yohimbine – properties and effects on potency

Yohimbine, as an agent that has a positive influence on potency, has gained recognition of patients and doctors treating this type of disorders, but its use does not quite bring the effects we expect from it. It is primarily a substance with an extremely strong stimulating effect, which in some cases can have quite unpleasant consequences on health.
After taking yohimbine a rapid erection occurs, mainly due to the action of tryptamine contained in it, increasing the secretion of norepinephrine in the sympathetic nervous system and epinephrine in the adrenal glands. The so-called center responsible for erection located in the spinal cord is stimulated, blood vessels supplying blood to the penis also expand. Additionally, yohimbine has a good influence on the general psychological well-being, putting in an excellent mood, it also increases the sensitivity to touch stimuli which results in a better sexual experience.
Yohimbine – dosage and possible side effects
When deciding to use potency drugs containing yohimbine in its composition, it is necessary to be very careful and always follow the advice of a doctor. The biggest problem is that no one has really been able to determine what dosage is completely safe for your health. Most doctors recommend not exceeding 50 mg per day, preferably in 3 doses and only in this case, no adverse effects have been observed, and in case of overdose of yohimbine they can be really serious. Many people even risk their health and even life by buying untested, unapproved preparations from uncertain sources, usually available illegally. There is no need to take such risks, especially since the list of possible side effects of yohimbine is really long and you will find on it such ailments as:
- uncontrolled increase in blood pressure;
- heart palpitations;
- severe headaches and dizziness which can even lead to unconsciousness;
- violent allergic reactions, skin flushing;
- nausea and even vomiting;
- excessive sweating;
- motor disturbances, muscle tremors;
- hallucinations in large overdoses.
In addition, there are many contraindications that should also not be taken lightly, and anything containing yohimbine is definitely not recommended for men complaining of:
- thyroid disease;
- hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases;
- gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Yohimbine should also not be mixed with other drugs with which it may interact, especially those that have the mentioned tyramine in their composition.
Yohimbine – weight loss at your own risk
Although the main use of yohimbine is to help with erectile dysfunction and other male libido problems, many people also decide to use it as a weight loss aid. They do so at their own risk, and the consequences of such irresponsibility can be really tragic. On the web every now and then we come across information, unfortunately again from unverified sources, that yohimbine effectively burns body fat, facilitating rapid weight loss. There is a lot of truth in this substance actually intensifies the processes of liposis, that is burning fat from places where it accumulated the most, such as thighs or belly, but at what high price?
Most people who lose weight in this way do not follow any recommendations, repeatedly exceeding the permissible doses, which almost immediately results in the side effects described above, and instead of losing weight, they face long-term and expensive treatment, which in many cases may be too late. There are, after all, other preparations, dietary supplements based on one hundred percent safe, natural ingredients, thanks to which you will not only regain your manhood, but at the same time gain a slim, muscular figure without a gram of fat.
Eron Plus – erection and potency always at the highest level

The first such supplement, also recommended by numerous specialists, is Eron Plus, thanks to which erection problems will become a distressing memory. We get an effective set consisting of two tablets, one of which we take regularly twice a day and the other Eron Plus Before, as the name suggests right before intercourse. The most important is, of course, their composition, unlike yohimbine not causing any side effects, in which we find, among others:
- maca root, the best male libido enhancer, also having an impact on fertility by increasing the number and motility of sperm;
- Ground mace, or tribulus terrestris, which ensures proper testosterone levels;
- Korean ginseng, an almost legendary aphrodisiac, responsible for strong and long-lasting erections;
- l-arginine, which improves blood supply to the genitals.
All this is the best guarantee of effectiveness, which is fully confirmed by opinions enjoyed by Eron Plus, removing all disorders in record time.
Ranking of the best preparations for penis enlargement
Fast Burn Extreme – safe and fast fat burning

When potency problems have been solved, it’s time for safe weight loss, which is not guaranteed by yohimbine, but by Fast Burn Extreme, a new generation fat burner. It should become an essential part of any treatment designed to bring about the desired results, but combined with a well-balanced diet and plenty of daily exercise. Let’s face it, no supplement, even one based on yohimbine, will give results if you don’t get off your sofa or computer. Fast Burn Extreme is designed to help you get rid of excess body fat, with such substances as
- green tea extract, which regulates digestive problems, flatulence or constipation and lowers blood cholesterol levels;
- Indian nettle or forskolin, which increases the production of insulin that helps burn fat and also increases testosterone levels;
- garcinia cambogia, a source of hydroxycitric acid, one of the most effective fat reducers;
- Turkish pepper with a warming effect;
- bitter orange extract, full of synephrine, effectively suppressing excessive appetite, also giving a boost of energy necessary for exercise;
- Caffeine with a similar effect to synephrine;
- large doses of vitamins and minerals.
Regular use of the supplement increases the burning of fat tissue by up to 40 percent, it also prevents its re-deposition, and most importantly, its use has no side effects. The performance of the body improves, which in itself is an incentive to move more, and practicing sports will not only give slimming effects, but will also become a real pleasure.
As you can see, you can get the expected effectiveness of solving erectile problems and obesity without the need for radical solutions, and yohimbine can be considered as such, looking at the side effects. Of course, they do not have to occur in every case, but due to the high risk, it is better to save yourself from this by choosing Eron Plus and Fast Burn Extreme. Detailed information can be found on their manufacturers’ websites, you can also place an order there for any number of packs of supplements, always available at attractive, promotional prices.