Workout for muscle mass – exercises to do at the gym and at home
In one of the previous entries we presented an effective diet to facilitate the subsequent development of muscle mass, which however is not possible without a properly selected training plan. Let’s not conceal the fact that every man would like to get rid of a belly flab and turn it into impressively outlined muscles, also sculpting his entire silhouette. Similar dreams have people who are too thin, who lack the proverbial body, and in this entry we will show you how to achieve them, even at home, without using the gym.
- 1 Training for muscle mass – once again we remind you about the diet
- 2 Training for muscle mass – the most important plan is
- 3 Training for muscle mass – the pyramid method, or small steps to your goal
- 4 Training for muscle mass – SPLIT and FBW methods
- 5 Training for muscle mass – exercises that can be done at home
Training for muscle mass – once again we remind you about the diet
Building muscle mass is a complicated process, requiring a lot of self-denial and patience, but if you follow some generally accepted rules, you will get through it relatively smoothly. Building mass is directly related to metabolism, which facilitates the burning of fat tissue, which is why the aforementioned diet is so important. It stimulates the body to work properly, influencing the course of the so-called metabolic, anabolic and catabolic reactions. The most important are anabolic reactions that give us the strength we need to train and guarantee rapid growth of muscle tissue.
Training for muscle mass – the most important plan is

Observing people exercising at gyms, even the professional ones, we can often notice that training is done without any previously developed plan. It makes no sense at all, the effects achieved will be really poor, and with incompetent use of training equipment you can easily get a dangerous injury. Properly devised plan also helps to maintain regularity of exercises, and this for beginners should be developed by a professional trainer, taking into account such important factors as:
- the number of days per week that a person can devote to training, and it is best if it takes place 3 – 4 times a week;
- lack of possible injuries or other health contraindications to exercise;
- proper selection of the technique of their performance, in the initial period always under the watchful eye of the trainer, immediately correcting all mistakes;
- including warm-up exercises to prepare muscles for increased effort. For example, aerobic exercises are perfect, generally warming up the whole body, and the next step is to warm up the individual parts of muscles that we want to develop on a given day. They should be stretched, preferably without load, and we should also remember about wrists, which without a warm-up can easily be damaged during exercises with load.
Training for muscle mass – the pyramid method, or small steps to your goal
When you come to the gym or training at home, do not immediately throw yourself into the largest loads, performing the maximum number of repetitions on a given instrument. It’s not difficult to get injured, so it’s better to apply the pyramid principle, especially recommended when building muscle mass. Briefly describing this method, we can say that it consists of gradually increasing the load, while decreasing the number of repetitions. It is used both in the upper and lower body, and the basis of successful training is again proper planning.
The first thing to do is to determine your maximum load, which you are able to lift at one time, and on its basis plan the next series of repetitions. For example, the first series is only 60 percent of the maximum load and 10 – 12 repetitions, the next is a heavier weight and let’s say 8 repetitions at 70 percent weight, and the last is 6 repetitions at 80 percent of what you can lift. The results that can be achieved with this will be really surprising.
Training for muscle mass – SPLIT and FBW methods
This is one of the most famous training methods, developed by the master of bodybuilding Joe Weider, and SPLIT, otherwise known as split training, consists in forming each muscle group separately during one workout. This form of exercise allows you to build not only muscle mass, but also to obtain an impressively outlined sculpture. Unfortunately SPLIT is not suitable for beginner strength sports enthusiasts, whose muscles require appropriate adaptation to such an intensive training regime. Exercising with this method without preparation usually results in injury, so it is worthwhile to train for some time according to the FBW or Full Body Working principles. It is safe to say that this is a more universal solution, not only getting the body used to increased physical effort, but also facilitating the rapid burning of excess accumulated fat tissue. SPLIT also requires a lot of regularity and frequent visits to the gym, even 5 times a week, which unfortunately not everyone can afford.
See also: Fast Burn Extreme
Training for muscle mass – exercises that can be done at home

Going to the gym regularly requires reserving quite a lot of free time, and when you’re still short of it you can take care of your muscles by exercising at home. Contrary to popular belief, such training brings excellent results, while allowing the body to prepare for the more intensive methods described above. Regularity is equally important here, but in turn you don’t need any specialist training equipment, in this role household appliances and basic equipment, bar, expanders or dumbbells with exchangeable loads will prove perfect. They can be used to perform many effective exercises, and a well-structured training plan should include:
- classic squats or squats with weights;
- pull-ups or hang-ups on the bar, ideal for developing the biceps and back muscles, and a model designed for use at home can be bought at a sporting goods store and can be fitted to the door frame;
- classic push-ups and push-ups with legs supported e.g. on a chair or a stool, which allows for more intensive development of chest and biceps muscles,
- exercises with an expander, overhead, developing the back muscles, or squeezing from behind the back or stretching it in a sitting position;
- exercises with dumbbells, various types of triceps and buttocks muscles and the so-called stretches good for triceps;
- abdominals done on a carpet or a training bench, which can easily fit into a wardrobe. Under the name of abdominals are both the usual trunk bends and leg raises and scissors, strengthening straight and oblique abdominal muscles.
- Using properly selected dietary supplements, based on safe natural ingredients, not only allows you to build muscle, but above all helps you get rid of excess body fat, such as Mass Extreme recommended by specialists.