The best smoothies for weight loss! + Recipes
The menu of every healthy eating person should be rich in vegetable and fruit cocktails. Such a diet is very filling, healthy, but most importantly, it supports in losing unnecessary body fat. It is also the most popular way to detox the body. Then it works purifying, eliminating all toxins and harmful substances.
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What is the cocktail diet about?
The basic ingredient in the menu of the cocktail diet are blended vegetables such as tomatoes, beets and carrots. Thanks to the large amount of such mixtures you will provide your body with essential vitamins and microelements.
A great example of using weight loss smoothies is the fruit and vegetable diet, which I previously wrote about here.
What is the cocktail diet?
smoothie diet is also a cleansing diet, so you can do a healthy detox of your body. Antioxidants, or antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits, support while cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances. The main task here is also the efficient removal of free radicals, which cause cell aging. The active substances increase their potency when accompanied by other vitamins, acids or elements. For this reason, such a treatment should contain a variety of nutritional products. This is also the case with the cocktail diet. In such a menu you need to include a tomato, beetroot or carrot cocktail.
- Red beets are extremely powerful in purifying the blood and preventing it from diseases. They also support the work of the kidneys in eliminating uric acid from the body. As a result, they not only have a detoxifying effect, but also regulate blood pressure. Therefore, they are increasingly recommended for the treatment of hypertension. Recent studies confirm that beets protect the liver and increase the production of red blood cells, protecting us from anemia.
- Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant helps to cleanse cells and is better absorbed from juice and concentrate than from fresh vegetables.
- In carrots we can find provitamin A and vitamin C. They stimulate the immune system and cleanse the body of unnecessary products of metabolism.
Cocktails for slimming – Cocktail diet rules
Such a diet lasts 14 days, or 2 weeks. The course and the results you get after losing weight depend on the individual rules:
- Avoid fatty sausages, meats, smoked fish, as well as semi-finished products, preserved products and sweetened ones.
- Coffee consumption should be limited to 2 cups. The same goes for black tea. Eliminate alcohol and sweet, carbonated drinks.
- Vegetable salads and cocktails should be varied in different ways. Add to them cold-pressed oils. A good choice is flaxseed oil, coconut oil or rapeseed oil, because they contain omega-3 acids, which are great at neutralizing the harmful effects of toxins, cleansing the blood vessels.
- Drink a glass of smoothie before each meal. This will help prepare it in the morning for efficient metabolism.
- You can start yourslimming and cleansing treatment with a beetroot cocktail. It will be best to drink it every other day. On other days it is worth introducing a carrot and tomato shake. Preparing the latter two, it will be good to use also ready-made one-day juices, which are characterized by very high quality, without any preservatives and chemicals.
- Shakes for weight loss provide long-lasting feeling of satiety. For this reason, you should limit other meals in the form of natural yogurt, steamed or boiled vegetables and lean fish. You can also allow yourself a bit of bread with high fiber content, that is whole grain. Choose also such groats or rice. Do not give up eggs and skim milk or poultry.
After a two-week treatment with slimming cocktails, not only a better mood is noticeable, but also the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Smaller circumferences are also a positive effect.
Cocktails for slimming – recipes
Each recipe contains ingredients for one serving of a slimming shake for one person for the whole day.
Beetroot cocktail
- 2 beetroots
- Celery
- 5 spoonfuls of parsley
- 3 cloves of garlic
- A teaspoon of horseradish
- Seasonings: salt, pepper.

Method of preparation:
Grate the beetroot and celery, then add the remaining ingredients. Season with the right spices and add some water. Blend everything into a smooth paste suitable for drinking.
Tomato cocktail
- 1 l of tomato juice
- Onion
- 3 stalks of celery
- Dill
- Seasonings: salt, pepper.
Method of preparation:
Finely chop the onion and chop the dill. Add all ingredients, then blend and season. Optionally you can add less than a tablespoon of olive oil.
Carrot cocktail
- 3 carrots or prepared juice
- Orange
- Half a cup of cherries
- Spoonful of honey

Method of preparation:
Grate the carrots and then add them to the other ingredients. Add water so that the blended mixture can be drunk.
Cocktails for weight loss – Other recipes
Radish smoothie
- A bunch of radishes
- Dill
- Chives
- 2 cups of curdled milk
- Salt
Method of preparation:
Wash the radishes thoroughly to remove any impurities, then dice. Chop the chives and dill as finely as possible. Add everything to the other ingredients and blend. The finished cocktail is ready to drink.
Spinach cocktail
- Spinach
- Cucumber
- Lemon quarter
- Salt
Method of preparation:
Wash the prepared products under running water. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes. Squeeze the lemon juice and blend everything together with the spinach to a smooth paste. Add salt.
Celery cocktail
- 3 stalks of celery
- Cucumber
- Carrot
- Broccoli, radish or other sprouts
- Parsley.
- Ginger
Method of preparation:
Clean the vegetables and room finely. Grate the ginger and chop the parsley. Add the remaining ingredients and blend together with water. The cocktail tastes best slightly chilled.
Ready-made shakes for weight loss
An interesting alternative to vegetable shakes for weight loss and cleansing can be chocolate shakes such as Diet Lite, and Choco Lite. They have similar health-promoting properties, and in addition do not require so much commitment in preparation and time, which unfortunately many people lack in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.