Sauerkraut juice – a great way to lose weight?
- 1 Extraordinary secrets of nature. Discover the secret of long youth, health and slim figure. Phenomenal action of sauerkraut – what do we not know about it?
- 2 Discover the healing properties of sauerkraut
- 3 A glass of water with lemon after waking up, or maybe something else this time?
- 4 Pro-health and slimming effects of sauerkraut juice
- 5 Thanks to us you will learn a quick and easy way to make homemade sauerkraut juice.
- 6 There is a way to supplement all the nutritional value of white cabbage without pickling
Extraordinary secrets of nature. Discover the secret of long youth, health and slim figure. Phenomenal action of sauerkraut – what do we not know about it?
Nutritionists, doctors and people dealing with healthy eating very often emphasize the importance of natural products for our daily diet. They support the process of weight reduction and improve the work of the digestive system. They also provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and good bacteria, such as Lactobacillus. Numerous studies conducted on many continents confirm the health-promoting properties of sauerkraut. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and even anti-cancer effects! It inhibits stomach cancer and fights duodenitis. A thorough study on patients conducted in the 1950s by Dr. Garnett Cheney conclusively showed that sauerkraut has an anti-ulcer effect. The condition of patients suffering from digestive ailments improved after only a few months. Currently in Poland, Dr Ewa Dabrowska has been studying the effects of a slimming diet based on sauerkraut for many years. Her patients have also noticed very positive effects of including sauerkraut in their diet. So what are the results? Accelerated fat burning, significant improvement of metabolism, reduced symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, heartburn and many other digestive system diseases. Nature has given us a secret antidote which restores health and a slim figure. We explain what is the reason for such beneficial effects.
Discover the healing properties of sauerkraut

Eat raw, boil or sauerkraut – what’s healthier for your body? We know the answer! Cooking vegetables makes their digestion easier, which is especially important for people with digestive system diseases. It also increases the absorption of many nutrients. However, the downside is that too high a temperature reduces the amount of vitamin C. For this reason, it is healthier to eat cabbage raw. There are many recipes for red and white cabbage salads. It is an easy and quick solution for a healthy addition to a dinner consisting mainly of carbohydrates. Unfortunately, eating too much raw cabbage can result in stomach pains. Definitely the best, safest for our stomach and most health-promoting choice is home pickling. Studies have proven that sauerkraut has the most vitamins and antioxidants. Additionally, its anti-cancer properties are then most effective. And why we do not recommend buying ready-made pickles in shops or at the market? Because their producers, in order to accelerate the fermentation process, very often add acetic acid to cabbage. Therefore in the next part of this post you will learn how to make 100% healthy sauerkraut juice at home. And what is the reason for its healing, anti-aging and weight loss properties:
- lactic acid bacteria, adhere to the intestines, forming a protective flora on their membranes. They are also a huge support for our immune system. They accelerate the burning of fats, take part in the digestion of fiber and participate in the production of vitamins B and K. They also prevent the growth of putrefactive bacteria in our intestines, which could cause tetanus or gangrene. For these reasons lactobacilli are indispensable to our body,
- beta-carotene is used in medicine as an effective medicine to improve eyesight and skin condition. Its most important function is to neutralize free radicals, thanks to which the body ages much more slowly. It is also a good companion during sunny days at the beach, because it facilitates tanning and reduces our sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. In addition, it makes the skin more elastic and helps fight acne,
- Vitamin K takes part in the process of blood clotting, prevents osteoporosis and has proven anticancer properties. It blocks the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries. It also improves circulation, strengthens bones, and supports liver function. It also increases the number of red blood cells in the body, which protects against anemia,
- dietary fiber is not digested by our body, but provides essential nutrients and improves metabolism. It also gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, because it absorbs water. It also lowers the level of bad cholesterol and blood sugar. Regular consumption of large quantities of fibre protects the cardiovascular system and reduces the production of saturated fatty acids,
- carotenoids and polyphenols, in particular, have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and cancer cell proliferation properties. They have a protective function against UV radiation, effectively eliminate free radicals, and seal capillaries, preventing the formation of varicose veins,
- Vitamin B12 accelerates metabolism, adds energy, strengthens immunity. It is recommended for people experiencing long-term anxiety, sadness or stress. It also helps to fight states of sub-depression. Its supplementation is also advised to women with excessive menstrual bleeding. Vitamin B12 reduces the risk of certain cancers and even the development of Alzheimera disease,
- Folic acid is necessary for regulating growth and cell division, has a positive effect on the development of the nervous system, stimulates the production of red blood cells. It has a positive effect on weight loss, because it improves the functioning of the liver, intestines and stomach – it supports the functioning of the entire digestive system! What is very important, folic acid prevents damage to the fetus during pregnancy. It also affects our well-being,
- Vitamin C helps digestion, strengthens immunity, lowers cholesterol levels. It also has a bactericidal effect, accelerates wound healing and bone healing. It also takes part in the production of red blood cells and, as an antioxidant, removes free radicals responsible for the aging process of cells.
A glass of water with lemon after waking up, or maybe something else this time?
Acid present in lemon destroys the enamel of teeth, which results in their hypersensitivity when eating ice-cream, drinking cold beverage or hot coffee. Moreover, the acidic juice can irritate the intestines and acidify the body, which would lead to severe heartburn attacks. Fortunately, we have found a healthier and more effective alternative. You will lose weight in just a few weeks! Sauerkraut, which contains a lot of vitamin C, balances the acid-base reaction of the body, accelerates metabolism thanks to fiber, and thanks to polyphenols and carotenoids it slows down aging. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
So if you are not fond of sour, sugar-free lemonade, and you want a good start to the next day of your diet, try an alternative. In our opinion, sauerkraut juice is definitely a more beneficial choice. Three glasses a day are enough to effectively deacidify your body in a few weeks, improve the work of your intestines and lose weight without a yoyo effect! The secret is the miraculous properties of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and lactobacilli. All together they are a great way to reduce body fat and improve your health. So if you care about the proper functioning of the digestive system, slim figure, and delay the aging process – swap water with lemon for sauerkraut juice. Drunk on an empty stomach, it has the most effective effect. The recommended dose is 3-4 glasses a day. You will deacidify your body, take care of your intestinal flora, support the work of digestive system and strengthen your immunity. Better not to wait for diseases, wrinkles and overweight. Introduce healthy habits into your life and enjoy long-lasting effects today!
Pro-health and slimming effects of sauerkraut juice

Nutritionists and doctors recommend eating sauerkraut especially for people with stomach ulcers and duodenitis. It is also advised for reflux manifested by persistent heartburn and other ailments of the digestive system. Studies have also proven the health-promoting effects of sauerkraut juice for patients with hypertension, high cholesterol and anemia. It is also an effective way to reduce blood sugar levels. There are now a great many scientific articles being written about its strong anti-cancer properties. It is already certain that sauerkraut inhibits the reproduction of cancer cells.
Such sauerkraut juice is also especially recommended for pregnant women because it contains folic acid, vitamin K and lactobacilli. Thanks to this it supports the proper development of the fetus and provides the mother with necessary vitamins and minerals. What is more, it protects against weight gain, which – due to mood swings – is very common among young mothers. So, if you are expecting a baby, breastfeeding, or cannot get rid of post-pregnancy weight, check out the slimming effects of sauerkraut. These people should drink sauerkraut juice at least three times a day. Regardless of whether you belong to them, be sure to check out how it works for you! Dietary fiber and vitamin C will accelerate metabolism, vitamin K will support liver function, and lactobacilli will take care of the proper bacterial flora of your intestines. Therefore, if you have a troublesome problem with obesity, you have already tried many diets and still cannot lose weight, use the recipe for sauerkraut juice. Additional advantages will be a healthy-looking, taut skin and strengthened immunity. Your health will thank you. The probiotics present in sauerkraut really do help maintain good health, a young, radiant appearance and a slim figure for many years to come. See how easy it is.
Thanks to us you will learn a quick and easy way to make homemade sauerkraut juice.
So how to make such a health-promoting juice? All you need is a few jars, a shredder, a blender or a blender. If you don’t have any of these kitchen appliances, a vegetable grater or a well-sharpened, long knife and a cutting board will do.
Here’s your own recipe for juicing one rather large, hard head of white cabbage:
- peel off 4-5 outer leaves and remove the stem, these parts you won’t need,
- Cut the cabbage into pieces that can be easily shredded by your kitchen appliances. Using a blender or mixer, you can add some water. But if you choose the traditional option: in the case of grater choose coarse mesh,
- pour water over the pre-shredded cabbage (two cups for every half kilo), to which you can optionally add 1/1,5 teaspoon of salt, preferably Himalayan or sea salt, in order to speed up the pickling process,
- the whole thing is mixed – the most effective would be a blender or mixer – for about 2 minutes on medium speed. Since the head of cabbage will be more or less hard, adjust the blending time at your discretion, so that the result is not too fine,
- Then put the ready cabbage into sterilized, dried jars (preferably one liter), screw on and leave to pickle for about 72 hours,
- Drain the cabbage through a sieve before consumption.
Optional additions
We can add grated carrots to the cabbage and coriander, cumin and dill as spices.
How many times a day
The recommended intake is 3-4 glasses on an empty stomach. The results should be visible after just one week.
Due to the presence of sodium, sauerkraut juice is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and those suffering from kidney failure or inflammation.
There is a way to supplement all the nutritional value of white cabbage without pickling
If you don’t have time to chop cabbage for a long time, don’t have enough space to store jars or don’t like the taste of pickles very much. Or maybe you’ve been looking for a long time for a proven dietary supplement to replace the methods used by the older generation? Our editors have tested a new generation product which contains all the positive properties of pickles and much more. Probiosin Plus is a certainty of effective weight loss, elimination of toxins from the body and reduction of appetite. Additionally, the supplement improves the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive system. One capsule a day is enough to see calorie burning results after a month. At this link you will find our review of this unique product.

So if you are a traditionalist and like healthy, homemade ways to reduce body fat, slow down aging and improve your health, sauerkraut is for you! Try our recipe and introduce sauerkraut permanently to your menu. Pro-health effects are confirmed by reliable studies. Or maybe you are a person who lives in a hurry and wants to lose unnecessary kilograms quickly and effectively? Then try a new generation product, which convinces you of its effectiveness with its carefully considered composition. Probiosin Plus was created just for people like you. It is a great way to stay healthy and slim for a long time. Natural ingredients are the best guarantee of fast and visible results without exhausting effort or wasting your precious time on cooking dietetic meals. Trust in the power of nature – invest in Probiosin Plus dietary supplement.