Reliver – removes toxins, supports the liver and effectively supports the fight against alcohol disease
Compulsive drinking of alcohol has become a serious social problem in our country. Alcoholism affects a steadily increasing number of Poles every year, who have to deal with its consequences. Drinking seriously ruins health, disrupting the functioning of virtually the entire body. Among other things, the liver suffers as a result, and the amount of toxins in it often exceeds all permitted standards. Such effects can already be effectively counteracted together with the dietary supplement Reliver, supporting the fight against this terrible and fatal addiction at the same time .
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What is alcoholism?
Before learning about the composition and effects of Reliver capsules, we should learn what this difficult-to-treat disease is. By the term alcoholism we mean an addiction to beverages that have ethyl alcohol in their composition, denoted by the formula C2H5OH. A person with alcoholism even consumes it compulsively and systematically, often on a daily basis. This applies to any type of alcohol, not only high-alcohol, but also the beer so beloved by many compatriots. It is completely wrong to say that one beer a day does no harm, drinking it every day is also alcoholism, and gradually this amount can increase.
What are the most common causes of alcoholism?

The line between occasional and compulsive drinking is very thin and can quickly be crossed. It is better to save yourself this and simply not reach for alcohol at all or at least too often. However, if you begin to feel the effects of your own irresponsibility, it is worth having at hand Reliver mitigating the effects of this. It’s also necessary to know the causes of the development of this disease, and the most common, highlighted by addiction treatment specialists, are:
- social causes, which can go back to the earliest years, growing up in a dysfunctional family, where one parent or both parents were addicted to alcohol. This very often results in a teenager reaching for it, who easily falls into an addiction that can drag on through further adult life;
- personality causes, prolonged stress, emotional immaturity, mental disorders such as. increased levels of aggression, insecurity, depression, low self-esteem, misconception of masculinity and the need to emphasize it just by drinking;
- genetic causes, although not fully confirmed by research, which may mean inheriting a tendency to drink from an older family member addicted to alcohol.
What can compulsive drinking lead to?
Compulsive drinking of alcohol can almost completely and irreversibly ruin your health over time. That’s why it’s a good idea to say stop in advance and stop drinking, which the active ingredients of Reliver capsules can help with. If we do not do this, many organs and systems of our body will suffer the consequences, primarily such as:
- The liver, which is threatened primarily by alcoholic steatosis, inflammation or cirrhosis, a disease of the final stage of alcoholism that can lead to death. They cause severe pain, vomiting, nausea, fever, swelling and enlargement of the liver, liver disorders and jaundice;
- The pancreas, where alcohol leads to interference with insulin production, putting it at risk of developing diabetes and experiencing intractable pain;
- theheart and circulatory system, with drinking becoming a cause of atrial fibrillation, arrhythmias, tachycardia, cardiomyopathy, coronary and ischemic heart disease, greater risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke;
- thedigestive system, at risk of indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, inflammation and stomach and duodenal ulcers, reflux, stomach and liver cancer;
- the nervous system and brain, and through alcohol, concentration, learning ability decreases, memory weakens, mood swings, alcohol psychosis, persecutory mania and alcohol dementia appear;
- the reproductive system, alcohol-dependent women and men will begin to experience declines in libido, and men will also develop erectile dysfunction, making it difficult or even impossible to have a normal sex life.
Reliver – the composition responsible for the action of this dietary supplement
It is definitely worth avoiding so many serious health complications, and this can be facilitated by just Reliver acting with the strength of its active ingredients. In this case, the manufacturer used only natural active substances of plant origin, ensuring not only effectiveness, but also safety of use. The supplement has virtually no side effects, but it is necessary to check in advance whether any ingredient will not cause an individual allergic reaction, for which the manufacturer is not responsible. Each capsule of Reliver contains:
Licorice root extract

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza) is a plant of the bean family, used in natural medicine since ancient times. Its effects are directly related to its composition, containing nearly 400 health-enhancing substances, primarily B vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins and polysaccharides. It is thanks to these that licorice root gains properties:
- supporting on many levels the work of the digestive system;
- alleviating the symptoms of digestive ailments;
- regulating the work of the pancreas, its secretion of hormones;
- anti-inflammatory;
- Antibacterial, also effective against bacteria that cause the development of stomach ulcers;
- Supporting the cleansing of the body from toxins, including those resulting from alcohol consumption;
- protecting the liver from steatosis;
- accelerating the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes.
Thyme extract

Another Reliver ingredient is thyme extract (Thymus vulgaris), a popular and well-liked spice that is also beneficial for weakened health. It too is full of important active substances, primarily phenolic compounds, polyphenolic, caffeic and chlorogenic acids, flavonoids, saponins, bitterness and mineral salts. Such a rich composition automatically translates into the action of thyme:
- effectively detoxifying an alcohol-poisoned body, thanks to its diuretic properties;
- strengthening the weakened immune system;
- antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory;
- regulating digestive and metabolic processes;
- antioxidant, protecting cells from the effects of dangerous free radicals;
- alleviating symptoms of liver and pancreas disorders;
- lowering blood pressure that is too high and dilating coronary vessels.
Kudzu root extract

In these alcohol relief capsules, you’ll also find an extract of the exotic Kudzu root (Pueraria lobata) that provides the body with a number of health-boosting substances. This is primarily genistein, supported by saponins, mineral salts of zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as phenolic acids, amino acids and isoflavones. These are what make Kudzu root:
- can reduce the desire to reach for alcohol;
- reduces the perception of the effects of alcohol psychosis;
- alleviates digestive disorders accompanying alcohol intoxication;
- removes the effects of stress and other nervous tension;
- increases dopamine and serotonin levels, which also makes it easier to cope with addiction;
- has antioxidant activity, helping to get rid of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals;
- reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol;
- regulates blood glucose levels and increases cell sensitivity to insulin.
Milk thistle extract

The final natural, plant-based ingredient in the Reliver dietary supplement is an extract extract extracted from spotted thistle (Silybum marianum), another important source of nutrients. Thistle fruits have vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, tannins, mucilage, organic acids, Omega – 3 acids, phytosterols, flavonoids, but most importantlymost important is the presence of silymarin in them, and all these compounds are responsible for the exceptionally broad medicinal properties of milk thistle:
- promoting the regeneration of damaged liver and pancreatic cells;
- protecting the liver from dangerous steatosis, cirrhosis and other diseases;
- inhibiting the penetration of toxins into this organ;
- anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and antioxidant;
- minimizing the risk of gallstones;
- reducing digestive disorders, bloating, belching, heartburn, acidity, lack of appetite;
- normalizing blood glucose levels that are too high;
- supporting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Reliver – user reviews of its effectiveness
Since its appearance on the market, the Reliver dietary supplement has already gained recognition from people who want to effectively deal with their alcohol problem. It can complement the ongoing treatment at AA clinics, effectively alleviating almost all the symptoms accompanying the disease, thus increasing the chances of complete recovery. Positive reviews are also given to it by addiction treatment experts, and both groups especially emphasize such advantages of Reliver capsules as:
- 100% natural and plant-based composition, no harmful artificial active substances and no risk of addiction to the product;
- safety of use, no side effects, except for possible individual allergic reactions to the ingredients of the supplement, independent of the manufacturer;
- the absence of a distinct taste and smell of the capsules, which facilitates their use without causing nausea;
- protective effect on the liver and pancreas against many pathogens and the ability to rebuild their damaged cells;
- Effective cleansing of the body of toxins lingering in it;
- Better mental well-being and good mood;
- calming an over-stimulated nervous system;
- a small daily dose of only 1 capsule, and this is completely enough to get the full effects after a short time.
Reliver – where and how to buy it
If you are interested in Reliver capsules, then you need to visit the manufacturer’s website , which also deals with their sale. This form of distribution gives you a guarantee of always buying an original and 100% effective product, at the best price on the market. To place an order, you need to fill out the contact form on the site, in which you provide only your name and phone number. The rest of the formalities related to the purchase of the supplement, concerning the number of packages, the form of payment or the method of shipping, will be arranged in a conversation with the company’s consultant who calls us back.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/alcoholism/basics
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/licorice-root
- https://www.healthline.com/health/health-benefits-of-thyme
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/kudzu-root
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/milk-thistle-benefits