Natural Remedies for Falling Hair
Text updated 08.04.2021
Although hair loss is a natural process, in the course of which we lose about 100 of them every day, it is usually very difficult to come to terms with it. This is a particular problem for people in whom this phenomenon is significantly intensified, and the growing baldness can become a cause of serious stress. Unfortunately, this phenomenon concerns not only men, we also have to deal with baldness in women, so it should be firmly counteracted with the use of various methods. Just as effective as pharmaceuticals are home remedies for hair loss, which should definitely be tried.
The Causes of Hair Loss

Home remedies, as already used by our mothers or grandmothers, will work in many cases, however, the whole treatment should start with finding out what the causes of hair loss are. They can be really diverse, many of them are unfortunately our fault, and when we diagnose them, alone or with the help of a trychologist, it will be easier for us to find the right treatment. Most often excessive hair loss is caused by:
Not always some kind of alopecia itself, alopecia areata or androgenic alopecia, also diseases, in the course of which hair loss is one of the characteristic symptoms. They are caused, among others, by hormonal disorders associated with thyroid diseases, which can disrupt the level of testosterone secretion. In adverse conditions, testosterone mutates to dihydrotestosterone, DHT, which damages, often irreversibly, the follicles responsible for normal hair growth. The scalp and hair are also harmed by:
- Fungal infections;
- seemingly ordinary colds and flu;
- Intoxication with toxins, especially heavy metals;
- particularly dangerous autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus;
- stress, mental tensions even destructively affecting the entire body;
- taking medication for the above mentioned ailments, which can also cause excessive hair loss.
Hygienic negligence
And they are the result of our own negligence and we can still come across a situation where someone washes their hair only once a week, no matter how oily or dry it is. This is a serious problem, and its consequences are quickly losing hair, which every day we find more and more on the brush or comb.
It is therefore essential to follow the principles of proper hair and scalp care and to carefully select the right cosmetics. Shampoos and conditioners must have a natural composition, preferably plant-based and free from harmful additives such as parabens, SLS and SLES. Hair loss may also be caused by brushing the hair too hard or tying it up with an elastic band, weakening hair roots and damaging hair structure, as well as by frequent use of hair dryers and straighteners.
Unhealthy diet
This is not only a cause of overweight and obesity, but also of hair loss in large quantities. If you find yourself in this situation, you can only blame yourself for the fact that your daily diet contains too few or no ingredients for a healthy hair and scalp. These include vitamins and mineralsin particular:
- Vitamin A, beta-carotene, which strengthens weakened hair follicles;
- B vitamins such as B7, biotin, which ensures the hair’s resistance to all external influences, e.g. weather
- Vitamin C, an antioxidant that removes free radicals and participates in the production of collagen;
- Vitamin D, supporting the immunity, including hair;
- Vitamin E, which accelerates the growth of new hair and improves its hydration;
- zinc and silicon, two minerals most important for the health and appearance of our hair, taking care of blood supply to the skin and strengthening a weakened hair structure.
Natural remedies for hair loss

Surely, each of us, at least once in his life, had a problem with excessively falling hair, caused by one of the reasons described above. Let’s face it, it can happen to us again and that’s why you should always be prepared for it. Most people in this situation reach for powerful pharmaceuticals, without thinking about the fact that in many cases, they do more harm than good. The ingredients contained in them may cause serious side effects, often having a negative impact on the entire health, and under their influence hair loss may even increase.
That is why it is worth using only home remedies for hair loss, tested for generations and based solely on what nature has given us. There are really many methods, and specialists, including the aforementioned trichologists, especially recommend:
Herbal treatments
Known and used for thousands of years, they also work perfectly as an extremely effective remedy for hair loss. Why should you spend hundreds or even thousands of zlotys on preparations based on artificial, harmful substances, whose action can be faulted a lot, when natural ingredients can be found in the garden or in a nearby meadow. Herbs are used in natural medicine of many cultures from all over the world and are valued for:
- comprehensive, multi-faceted action on virtually all causes of hair loss;
- supplying them with all the nutrients necessary for health, at the same time preventing premature baldness, strengthening the structure and protecting hair follicles and bulbs;
- taking care of the circulation in the scalp, creating a solid foundation for rapid hair growth, stronger and thicker.
These advantages of using herbs to treat hair loss cannot be disputed, that is why they are recommended by top specialists and can be found in many cosmetics and dietary supplements designed to prevent baldness. When it comes to specific species of herbs, it works best:
The absolute number one choice for hair and scalp health and a must-have ingredient in almost any hair loss treatment. This is because it most effectively prevents one of its most important causes, the DHT mutation of testosterone. Thus, it protects against a common form of the disease, androgenic alopecia, affecting both men and women.
The basis for such high effectiveness of nettle is its chemical composition, in which we can find a multitude of substances stopping hair loss on one hand, and accelerating its regrowth on the other:
- vitamin A;
- B vitamins;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin K;
- trace elements: iron, manganese and copper;
- the minerals magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, silicon and sulphur;
- glycerol, formic and glycolic acid;
- tannins and essential oils.
Field horsetail
Deservedly taking second place, because it is a rich source of silicon, an element without which it is impossible to keep hair healthy. Unjustly regarded as a weed, like the nettle, it contains the following nutrients, which will help you quickly get rid of hair loss
- easily absorbable silica, which has a beneficial effect on hair health, strengthening its weakened structure, preventing brittleness, fragility and, as a result, hair loss. Silicon also participates in the synthesis of two important building materials of hair and skin, collagen and elastin;
- vitamin B5, i.e. pantothenic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, stops hair loss, restores the proper pigmentation of hair, also prevents graying
- vitamin C, the mentioned antioxidant, eliminating free radicals, which may also accelerate balding
- minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.
It is thanks to such ingredients that field horsetail extracts effectively deal with hair loss regardless of its cause. Horsetail restores their proper mineralization, supports regrowth at every stage, takes care of the health of hair bulbs and hair follicles. Similarly to nettle, it counteracts the destruction of the latter by dihydrotestosterone, proving effective in treatment and prevention of androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness.
Birch sap
Also known as birch water, its source is primarily the bark of this popular and widely growing tree. It is collected in the spring, during the period of greatest activity, when it emits the most sap full of nutrients such as:
- flavonoids, including quercetin and rutin;
- saponins;
- valuable amino acids such as citrulline;
- salicylic acid;
- essential oils and resins;
- B vitamins;
- vitamin C;
- minerals.
All these contribute to the numerous health properties of birch water, acting anti-inflammatory, soothing skin irritations, removing skin lesions, including acne, flushing toxins from the body. In terms of hair care, birch sap:
- restores their density;
- makes them stronger and resistant to damage;
- restores their shine and deep natural colour;
- prevents hair loss and split ends;
- refreshes and moisturizes up to the ends.
Burdock root
More specifically, the extract obtained from it, which promotes health, including that of the hair and scalp. In burdock oil, extract or juice you will also find the substances responsible for this effect, which are:
- phytosterols;
- inulin;
- essential oils;
- saponins;
- vitamin C;
- minerals;
- proteins and tannins.
Regular use of burdock strengthens hair bulbs and hair itself, thus significantly reducing their loss, stimulates them to faster growth, also positively affects the condition of the scalp, helping to thoroughly nourish it. It restores shine to hair, makes it denser and facilitates combing.
Black turnip
One of the longest used plants for hair loss, which certainly used our Grandmothers and Mothers. At first, its specific and sharp smell may put you off, but these minor inconveniences are fully compensated by its chemical composition where you can find
- different types of vitamin B;
- vitamin C;
- phytoncides, bactericidal substances;
- minerals, the two most important being sulphur and iron.
They guarantee thorough nourishment of the skin on the head, from the epidermis to its deepest layers, which has a good effect on the functioning of hair follicles. Black turnip juice regulates sebum secretion, preventing one of the common types of hair loss, seborrheic alopecia.
How to use herbs for hair loss
These are, of course, just some of the native herbs and plants with medicinal properties, preventing hair loss, strengthening and accelerating hair growth. As for the more exotic ones, saw palmetto, better known as sabal palm, works just as well. The ways to use such plants are many, and most often we opt for:
- cosmetics used for hair care, having them in the composition, shampoos or hair conditioners to be used in daily hygiene. Ideally, these should be dermocosmetics tested in the best laboratories and have the appropriate certificates allowing their use, including PZH (National Institute of Hygiene) approvals;
- herbal infusions, which drunk several times a day, work from the inside, hitting the exact source of problems with excessive hair loss;
- rubs, also called masks, massaged directly into the hair or scalp at least once a week and left for about 20 minutes and then rinsed with warm water. They are prepared not only with herbal extracts, but also with crushed fresh leaves mixed with vegetable oils such as coconut or castor oil, olive oil, egg yolks, yeast and honey;
- dietary supplements, which contain carefully selected herbal ingredients in perfectly matched doses. Supplements are the least cumbersome to use, you only need to ingest a certain daily amount of tablets or spray your hair to completely stop hair loss in a short time.
A diet for hair loss

Few people struggling with accelerated hair loss know what a huge impact their diet has on it. Following a proper diet is almost mandatory, especially providing the right doses of nutrients, so that hair loss will no longer be a problem for us. However, it will be necessary to change the current eating habits quite a lot, and from the daily menu you should absolutely eliminate:
- fast food;
- highly processed food;
- white bread;
- excess sugar;
- excessive stimulants, coffee, strong tea and, above all, alcohol.
They must be replaced with products full of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, thanks to which our hair will thicken again and hair loss will be significantly reduced, not exceeding the norm of 100 a day. The nutrients that should be in our diet are:
- Vitamin A, which can be found in spinach, broccoli, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, dairy products and liver;
- VitaminB, which comes from vegetables, fruit, green pepper and kale;
- Vitamin C, and its sources include citrus fruits, raspberries, red currants, and even onions and sauerkraut;
- VitaminE, found in eggs, butter, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, whole grain bread and green vegetables;
- Vitamin D, best supplied in the form of food supplements;
- minerals, especially zinc, silicon, iron and copper, and these can be provided with nuts such as hazelnuts and walnuts, oatmeal, wholemeal pasta and groats, dark chocolate, dark wholemeal bread, pork liver, beef, lentils and green vegetables.