Mensil – erection enhancing chewable tablets
A long-lasting and strong erection is one of the cornerstones of a successful male sex life. However it is not always possible to achieve it on the proverbial demand, or simply to rise to the occasion. Potency problems
can happen when you least expect it, usually at the most important moment, and how much embarrassment this can cause is known to every guy who has had it happen to him. The solution that we immediately use in such a situation are various types of pills that support our disturbed masculinity, but often we do not pay attention to their composition, not knowing that the results can be far from what we expected.
Erectile enhancement pills – how they work and when you should take them

Before we reach for any of the “miracle”, widely advertised drugs for potency we should realize that its disorders may be a result of a developing disease in the body. Usually this type of disorder we are not able to diagnose on our own, but visiting a specialist seems to be a reason for shame for some, although there are absolutely no grounds to claim that. If, however, we have decided to treat ourselves, it is worth knowing the most important information about the commonly available pills, which differ from each other not only in composition, but also in the way they affect the male body, differentiated according to the causes of the problem with erection
. In the vast majority of cases, especially in men between 20 and 40 years of age, although it is not a rule, lack of proper erection is caused by:
- apoor diet, disrupting the functioning of the whole body, often combined with a complete lack of physical activity which almost automatically lowers testosterone levels;
- various, often undetected diseases such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease or coronary artery disease, usually also resulting from an unhealthy lifestyle;
- use of prohibited doping substances, which happens to young people who want to show off their ample, impressive muscles;
- abuse of popular stimulants, drinking alcohol and smoking a lot of cigarettes or taking drugs.
All this causes difficulties in the flow of blood, especially in the intimate area, and most of the specifics used for this are designed to increase the blood supply to the penis, making it easier to achieve a strong erection. The choice of this type of remedy is really huge and it is up to you which one you decide on and one of the most popular is Mensil
, in the form of chewable tablets.
Mensil – based on one strong active ingredient
This drug is relatively popular, which is due to the active agent used in it, which is just one substance, sildenafil
, the same as in the popular V drug, Viagra. Sildenafil was invented and patented in 1993 as an ingredient of erection enhancement products and since 1998 it has completely revolutionized the market of this type of drugs, rapidly becoming a cult product. There is really no exaggeration in this term and it would be hard to find someone who has not heard of the famous blue pill.
This powerful substance works precisely on the principle of increasing blood flow in the male genitals, dilating blood vessels in the member, resulting in an erection that lasts for up to several hours
. It sounds a bit shocking, but the possibility of having sex for several hours is a good incentive to buy and use Mensil.
Mensil – dosage and effects

Mensil is intended for use by people over the age of 18 only and is highly effective in cases of neurological potency problems rather than those caused by physical penile abnormalities. Dosage is simple, just one tablet, which once again we remind you should not be swallowed but chewed and swallowed thoroughly preferably 30-60 minutes before intercourse
. After this time Mensil or more precisely the sildenafil contained in it starts to work with full force and thanks to this not only an erection can be achieved quickly and maintained for a long time but at the same time the feeling of all sensations during sex increases, allowing to achieve full satisfaction and contentment of both partners.
Mensil – possible side effects of Sildenafil
Such a comprehensive action of the preparation certainly encourages its use, but Sildenafil is not completely safe to use. For this reason, not everyone can take Mensil, and definitely do not use it with such ailments as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, circulatory insufficiency, heart valve defects, liver or kidney disorders
. As you can see, the list of contraindications is long and unfortunately, even healthy people have to reckon with the occurrence of the following side effects:
- nausea;
- severe headaches and dizziness;
- allergic reactions such as hives, red skin or a runny nose;
- high blood pressure;
- visual disturbances;
- pain in muscles and joints.
Another serious drawback, highlighted by many patients, is the very mode of action, only ad hoc, and Mensil only removes the effect of the problem, helping to achieve an erection, but without treating the causes that cause it. Opinions on this subject can be found, among others, on the Internet, where another way of dealing with potency disorders is proposed, the use of Eron Plus
, an effective supplement without the side effects described above.
Eron Plus – a supplement based on natural ingredients

Reading reviews about this supplement, one immediately notices the innovative approach of the manufacturer, who actually offers a set consisting of two tablets, Eron Plus and Eron Plus Before. The first one is taken twice a day, at breakfast and lunchtime, and the second one is taken half an hour before getting close. The strength of their action is directly related to the composition, completely natural and therefore safe,
in which we find:
- Maca root extract, which provides energy, stamina and ensures an exceptionally strong erection;
- Mace, which effectively increases testosterone secretion;
- Vitamins B6 and A, and an abundance of zinc;
- extract from Korean ginseng, a well-known aphrodisiac valued for centuries.
Thanks to the content of such substances, Eron Plus is characterized by high effectiveness and speed of action allowing you to permanently get rid of all erection problems within a few weeks of treatment. The concentrated ingredients, in perfectly matched doses, hit the cause of the problem and the supplement itself can be purchased directly from the manufacturer, who also distributes it. Just visit the website and order as many packs of Eron Plus as you need, at the guaranteed lowest price