Kalms – will it help solve sleep problems?
Insomnia is one of the most serious diseases, already considered to be a social one and, according to the conducted research, affecting almost 30 percent of the society. It is an extremely troublesome ailment directly affecting our general well-being, both physical and mental. It consists mainly in disturbing our daily rhythm of activity and rest, including sleep, and that is why it is such a serious health hazard. If we find ourselves in such a situation, it is necessary, first of all, to calm down the body, calm it down, especially in the evening, and it is best to use appropriate means not only removing the symptoms of stress, but also helping to fall asleep at the same time, and one of them is a medicinal product called Kalms.
Insomnia – symptoms and causes of the disease

Insomnia, otherwise known as insomnia, is a disease that should not be underestimated in any case. If left untreated, it can have significant consequences, leading not only to disorders of a psychological nature, but also to gradual physical devastation of the body, disrupting the work of many important systems and internal organs. Insomnia can take different forms, most often we have to do with its short-lasting variety, lasting for example for a few days, however if it lasts for a few weeks or more, it is definitely a reason for concern. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from it is constantly increasing, and what’s interesting, this state of affairs affects women more often than men, but both these groups may observe characteristic symptoms in themselves, difficult to overlook:
- difficulty falling asleep;
- accompanying headaches;
- nightmares;
- light, alert sleep, waking at the slightest stimulus;
- mood swings;
- an increased risk of many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases or diseases with a psychological basis.
If we notice them in ourselves, we should immediately seek professional help, even a pharmacist, who can recommend us an appropriate drug, such as Kalms, which facilitates falling asleep, it is also worth diagnosing the causes of our insomnia in advance, which may be:
- living in constant stress, disturbing the normal functioning of the body;
- lack of physical activity, and many problems with sleep can be solved even by a simple walk in the fresh air;
- changing hours of sleep, not going to bed at the same time;
- inappropriate, too fatty and indigestible diet;
- taking certain medications that cause excessive agitation;
- coexisting diseases such as hypertension, heart failure, asthma, hyperthyroidism, or gastric disorders such as heartburn.
Kalms – a natural, herbal composition intended to facilitate falling asleep

Not every insomnia requires the use of the strongest pharmaceuticals, prescription-only drugs, which can be prescribed only by a specialist, e.g. a psychiatrist. In many cases, generally available medicinal products can help just as effectively, and one of the often recommended is Kalms. It can be taken by all persons complaining about the above mentioned sleep and falling asleep disorders, and its effectiveness is influenced by its composition, in which we can find natural substances of plant origin, a set of herbs which, according to the manufacturer, are supposed to effectively calm down and soothe the body before sleep:
- extract from powdered hops cones, a plant used in medicine for centuries precisely because of its properties, being a proven remedy for calming and healthy, strong sleep. It is highly effective in all states of nervous tension, removes the effects of stress, and by soothing frazzled nerves, facilitates falling asleep;
- extract from valerianroot, also known as valerian, another herb commonly used for sleep and sedation. Extracts obtained from the root and rhizomes of this plant act on the principle of direct influence on the centrifugal nervous system, causing reduction of its tension and thus eliminating the feeling of anxiety. This results in complete mental relaxation and allows for a peaceful night’s sleep, which is of better quality and significantly prolonged;
- extract from gentiana, also the root of this plant, eliminating primarily digestive problems, sometimes so intense and troublesome that they can interfere with proper rest, increasing secretion of saliva and digestive juices.
Kalms – recommended dosage and possible side effects
Kalms is intended for people over 12 years of age, suffering from mild states of nervous tension, which negatively influence quality of sleep and make it difficult to fall asleep. In order to obtain maximum effects of its action, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s indications as to the dosage, recommending taking three tablets three times a day if we are interested only in a calming effect. If you suffer from the above mentioned sleep problems, you can take an additional fourth dose of Kalms immediately before bedtime.
However, despite the all-natural herbal composition of the preparation, there are some contraindications to its use, which must be absolutely familiarized with in order to avoid possible side effects. Most often it is simply an allergy to any of its components, Kalms is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it may have an adverse effect on the health of the child. It is also forbidden to combine the tablets with alcohol, however they have no significant influence on the ability to drive vehicles, although it is better to be cautious, they also do not interact with other drugs. Efficacy of the preparation may be assessed as good, however if sleep disorders or nervous anxiety are very strong, it may turn out to be too weak. So it is better to opt for an alternative, characterized by greater effectiveness in our opinion, Melatolin Plus, also one hundred percent natural and also available without a prescription.

Melatolin Plus – a formulation that guarantees a healthy and sound sleep
This is a dietary supplement that is often chosen by patients to make it easier to fall asleep and to guarantee the kind of rest our bodies need. Melatolin Plus is also based on 100% natural, plant-based ingredients, substances selected in such a thoughtful way so as to maximise their effects, and in each tablet you will find their carefully matched doses:
- melatonin, an organic chemical compound naturally occurring in the human body, produced in the pineal gland and regulating our internal biological clock. The way we fall asleep, the quality of sleep and its correct rhythm directly depends on its proper level;
- lemon balm extract, containing substances facilitating relaxation of the organism. It is used, among others, in states of strong irritation, stress or the nowadays frequently encountered chronic fatigue syndrome;
- l – tryptophan, a compound that must be supplied with food, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
- extractfrom hops, the action of which we have described in detail above;
- saffron flower extract, another ingredient with a proven calming and anti-depressive effect, thanks to which we can maintain full calmness and emotional balance even in stressful situations;
- ashwagandha, or sluggish vitamin, a plant used in natural medicine for almost 3,000 years, recommended in states of weakness caused by strong stress. It contains substances that are natural antidepressants, improving mental health to the extent that allows for normal sleep;
- Chamomile herb, whose calming, relaxing and sleeping properties were already known by our Mothers and Grandmothers;
- vitamin B6, beneficial for the nervous system, and the latest research has shown that it plays an important role in the secretion of serotonin, which guarantees strong, deep sleep.
Melatolin Plus – action and application

We could write for hours about the positives of using Melatolin Plus, so we will limit ourselves only to the most relevant issues, namely healthy sleep. The tablets are intended for everyone who has problems with this, and regardless of the severity of the problem. Its action comes down to minimizing the negative effects of stress, calming scattered thoughts, reducing the time necessary to fall asleep. Melatolin Plus also has an extremely positive effect on general mental wellbeing, which automatically translates into the quality of our sleep, allowing us to wake up fully rested every morning.
All of this can be achieved with just two tablets a day, preferably taken about an hour before bedtime, with plenty of water to help all the active ingredients dissolve more quickly. Melatolin Plus is one hundred percent safe to use, no side effects have been reported, maximum effects can be achieved with a regular treatment lasting several months and you will notice the first effects after the first dose.
The supplement can be ordered directly from the manufacturer, placing an order on his website, and the cost of buying one is not high. However, it is better to use promotions that allow you to buy 3 or even 6 at a lower price and provide yourself with a supply for the entire treatment.