Happy Smile – a beautiful smile with cosmetic tooth implants
One of the things that elicits our immediate sympathy for another person is their genuine, broad smile, usually heralding a great sense of humor and cheerfulness. Unfortunately, we can notice that many people simply don’t smile, even in situations when it is necessary, and their attitude indicates that they feel embarrassed. The reason for this is usually a problem with the teeth, or more specifically, missing teeth that require immediate replacement. Losing a tooth, especially troublesome for those in the front, usually means lengthy and painful treatment, inserting expensive implants or ordering full, equally expensive dentures. Fortunately, there is a faster and cheaper solution worth taking advantage of, which is temporary cosmetic tooth implants Happy Smile .
How to take care of your teeth, so that they do not fall out

Teeth have not only a purely aesthetic function, being an indispensable attribute of our beauty. Their basic, most important task is to grind food and our dentition has evolved into four separate, specialized groups:
- 4 canines with the task of grinding large pieces of food;
- 8 incisor teeth, with which we bite;
- 8 premolars, used for chewing and crushing;
- 12 molars, including the famous eights called wisdom teeth, which also grind and crush what we eat.
This means that we have a total of 32 permanent teeth that emerge after the loss of the so called milk-teeth during childhood and we should take care of them throughout our lives and following the basic rules of oral hygiene must become a habit. Daily brushing, the use of properly chosen toothbrushes, high quality toothpaste and mouthwash will allow us to avoid many ailments resulting in tooth loss, such as
- gum disease, causing weakening of the tissue that forms them;
- periodontitis, an inflammation of periodontium, caused by bacteria gradually exposing the tooth necks and may even cause gum atrophy
- tartar build-up;
- caries, the biggest enemy of our teeth, a disease we are most often guilty of ourselves, by eating improper diet, too many sweets, which quickly leads to demineralization, or damage to the enamel.
Unfortunately, lack of time makes us forget about proper care of our teeth, so it is worth having Happy Smile at hand to save our smile from a real image disaster.
Happy Smile – immediate help at a low price
There is no denying that a visit to the prosthetic surgery is not cheap and the cost of placing one dental implant can reach even several thousand zlotys. Unfortunately, most treatments of this type are not refunded, which is why more and more people resign themselves to having gaps in their teeth. This is the reason for increasing stress, withdrawal into oneself, unwillingness to socialize with other people, caused among others by problems with clear speaking. It is for them that we recommend Happy Smile This solution allows you to fill in all the gaps in a short time and on your own, without exposing yourself to pain and high costs. This solution may seem surprising at first, but there are no risks, and Happy Smile is also praised by specialists, dentists, who recommend these implants to their patients.
Happy Smile – implants fitted exactly
The method of fabrication of temporary cosmetic implants with the Happy Smile kit is very simple and anyone can easily do it on their own using the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The kit contains special granules, made of 100% safe, non-toxic, malleable material and tools, like those used by dentists, which are necessary to form and place the implant. It really doesn’t take long to prepare an implant, and all you have to do is follow a strict sequence of preparation:
- A measured portion of granules is poured into warm, but not hot, water, which softens them and gives them the right plasticity to facilitate shaping.
- After the granules soften, we form an implant fitting the size of the gap between the teeth and at the same time matching its shape to the remaining teeth.
- We leave it to dry and harden completely, which only takes a few minutes.
- If you make a mistake, you don’t have to throw away the finished implant, just put it in warm water again, wait until it softens and shape it again.
- The finished implant sits between the adjacent teeth and this is what keeps it in the right place.
One package Happy Smile is enough to prepare as many as 10 implants and the product is intended for use by adults only and not recommended for children. There are several important safety precautions to keep in mind, such as not placing two implants next to each other and being careful when eating, especially when consuming hot food or drinks. The implant must also be removed at night to avoid accidental swallowing or choking on it.
Happy Smile – advantages highlighted by users and specialists
Happy Smile is a novelty on the Polish market, which has already gained recognition and good opinions not only from its users, but also from the numerous specialists mentioned above. Among all, virtually indisputable advantages, they emphasize, among others:
- perfect, radiant smile, finally without disfiguring, unsightly cavities;
- one hundred percent safety of use, lack in granules of any toxic components which could cause allergic reactions and health risks;
- simplicity of performing the implant, clearly and transparently described in the instructions, which is also facilitated by the enclosed specialist tools;
- no need for a stressful visit to the dentist, which of course we don’t discourage because you should regularly check your teeth, which will help you avoid the problems described above;
- The price, much lower than the cost of dental implants, and no pain associated with their placement.
This is confirmed by the opinions of satisfied customers, willing to share their experiences with Happy Smile on the Internet, writing in a decidedly positive tone:
“I enjoy cycling and with this sport accidents are not hard to come by and unfortunately in one of my falls I knocked out a bicuspid on my left side. When I looked in the mirror, I was in despair and even more when I heard from my dentist how much it would cost to have a tooth inserted. I limited my contacts with friends to a minimum, I also didn’t speak too much at work, until a friend showed me an Happy Smile advertisement and it turned out that he himself uses it and the implant was such that it couldn’t be distinguished from the original teeth. I ordered, took delivery, practiced how it’s done and finally got my two back. I highly recommend it.” – Arthur, 43 years old.
Happy Smile – where to buy it
If this information and feedback has convinced you to use Happy Smile, you can buy it directly from the manufacturer and order through their website . All you have to do is fill in the form and choose the form of payment, in advance or on delivery.
The shipment is carried out immediately after placing the order, Happy Smile It arrives in discreet packaging, and the product can also be ordered by phone, by calling the phone number given on the website.