Hair Care Panda – the perfect vitamin jelly for our hair
Neglected hair automatically has a negative impact on our appearance, making us stop feeling attractive and sometimes we actually start being perceived this way by the surroundings. So it is better to avoid such situations, because they have a simultaneous and also negative impact on our psychological well-being, leading to low, constantly falling self-esteem. We feel simply ugly, we do not want to leave the house, and this is already the first step to depression. Lack of proper care for hair is also reflected in their condition, they become not only dull and lack luster, are gradually weakened, begin to crumble and as a result fall out in handfuls. This state of affairs must definitely not be accepted, because balding is a process that at some point we will no longer be able to reverse. So it’s time to restore the hair to its lost vitality, give life and this unique, exceptional inner glow, and help can be properly selected vitamin and mineral sets. They can be provided to the body in different ways, not forgetting about the proper diet, and any possible deficiencies will supplement such dietary supplements as Hair Care Panda .
- 1 Weakened and brittle hair – why it gets damaged
- 2 Weakened and brittle hair – the most common causes
- 3 Hair Care Panda – the importance of nutrients for the health of our hair
- 4 Hair Care Panda – a complex solution to the problem of falling and weakened hair
- 5 Hair Care Panda – attractive collective packages
Weakened and brittle hair – why it gets damaged

The most important thing to remember is that you need to take care of your hair and make sure that it is in good condition. This is why it is worth watching them closely, because they may be the first warning sign that something wrong is happening to us. Just as the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the hair immediately show the negative changes taking place in us. Deterioration of their condition is due to many reasons, but the result is always one, weakened, thin and brittle hair, and the same condition often affects its root, the basis for normal growth. Weakened hair not only has a characteristic and, what is not to say, unsightly appearance, it also becomes unpleasant to the touch, rough, which means that the gradual destruction of their external structure. This protective layer is made of keratin, which takes the form of small scales that overlap like tiles. Arranged in this way they are a perfect protection of the hair against all adverse factors, especially atmospheric, protecting it at the same time from drying as a result of loss of internal moisture. Additional protection comes from the sebum, a secretion from the skin’s sebaceous glands. When hair weakens for various reasons, the first effect is a loss of protective sheath, followed by a loss of moisture and the opening of the hitherto adherent cuticles. As a result of this process they start to lose moisture, become more and more fragile and finally start to fall out. We can easily feel their roughness, and when on the brush or comb remains more and more of them, it’s a sign that if we do not do anything about it, we can begin to bald. This is where a hair relaxer comes in. Hair Care Panda There are many ways to restore your hair’s health and keep it looking its best .
Weakened and brittle hair – the most common causes
Unfortunately, it is impossible to identify only one cause of hair loss, it is simply too complex a process inspired by many, often completely opposite factors. One of them, who knows if not the most important, is our negligence, especially when it comes to daily hygiene. Let’s say frankly that we live in a constant rush, busy, never having time for anything, not even to take care of ourselves, our appearance, and already at this point we can clearly see a certain lack of logic in our actions. On the one hand, we consider hair an important attribute of beauty and want it to emphasize our physical attractiveness, while on the other hand we often do not have time to wash it properly, apply a good conditioner and make its natural shine and deep color visible from a distance. Daily hygiene is absolutely essential to keep both your hair and your scalp healthy and under no circumstances should you neglect it, unless you want to get rid of all your hair in a relatively short space of time. Use proven cosmetics based on natural, plant-based ingredients and, of course, not tested on animals.
Lack of daily hygiene is not the only cause of hair loss. It is just as often caused by other, no less harmful factors, and worth special emphasis among them are:
- improper care, not hygienic negligence, but, for example, continuous drying of the hair with a hair dryer, using a straightener that is deadly for them. Exposing hair to excessive heat leads to excessive dryness, fragility and breakage. If you have long hair you should not tie it up too tightly with an elastic band. Pay special attention to their composition, which should not contain harmful polymers, parabens, substances called SLS or the same destructive alcohol. These either dry out or overload your hair, which in both cases seriously harm its delicate structure. Hair also does not like too long exposure to sunlight, wind, snow or rain, which besides water also contains many dangerous pollutants, especially in cities, where the most serious danger is smog;
- diet, i.e. our way of eating. Most people think that what they eat only affects their body weight, the possibility of being overweight or obese. We immediately inform them that they are wrong, because the right diet determines to the highest degree our health, which of course includes the hair. What are the most important components of meals in this case, we will describe in more detail in the next paragraphs, but remember that the change in diet, eliminating everything that is unhealthy, and even giving up meat and switching to vegetarianism or veganism, we will feel almost immediately and extremely positively. Of course, with a diet you should not exaggerate and follow the recommended daily amounts of calories that we must consume, but stimulants and especially alcohol must disappear from our menu;
- Diseases that either lead to hair loss or hair loss is their characteristic symptom. In the first place here are all diseases affecting the thyroid gland, its over- or under-activity. The former is a common cause of alopecia areata, one of the most difficult to treat forms of the disease, while hypothyroidism is responsible for disruption of hair structure, its fragility and excessive brittleness. So if you suffer from thyroid problems, you should direct your first steps to an appropriate specialist, which of course does not exclude the simultaneous use of Hair Care Panda. During the treatment with pharmaceuticals, it will effectively help strengthen hair weakened by the disease thanks to its unique composition full of valuable nutrients. Weakening condition of hair is also caused by scalp diseases, including different types of fungal infections;
- stress, i.e. any state of sudden nervous tension in response to any negative event that might lead to it. Let’s face it, this is an extremely dangerous disease that plagues a large part of our civilisation and which is sometimes very difficult to avoid. Its effects are very negative, starting from nervousness, through irritability, to insomnia, which in turn is one of the causes leading even to severe depression, and many men also begin to experience problems with potency. Stress is also not without negative impact on hair, being considered by specialists such as trychologists, one of the main causes of rapidly progressing baldness;
- hormonal disorders, found both in women and men, in whom we have to deal with the phenomena of menopause and andropause at a certain time of life. In the case of the latter, the problem consists primarily of disorders related to the quantity and quality of secreted testosterone, an extremely important hormone. In certain circumstances, it can be converted into DHT, an “anti-hormone” called dihydrotestosterone, which initially causes disruption of hair follicles, and over time leads to their irreversible destruction. Beware also of taking hormonal drugs, the use of which should always consult a doctor, and not buy preparations of unknown origin from the Internet.
Hair Care Panda – the importance of nutrients for the health of our hair
There are many ways to restore health and vitality to your hair, but we are only interested in those that are natural, compatible with nature and do not interfere with any processes occurring inside the body. You can take shortcuts and stop hair loss with powerful pharmaceuticals that contain minoxidil or finasteride. But before we do that, we should ask ourselves what negative impact it will have on our general health. Negative side effects cannot be avoided and although we will stop hair loss, we will get other, much more troublesome ailments. We should also follow the norms and principles of ecology, looking, for example, at the state of the environment, and in full accordance with them created just composition Hair Care Panda . Its creators are aware that the most important for hair are natural and easily absorbable ingredients, vitamins and minerals, which they combined in a unique and patented formula VEGAN SUPER Biotin Complex™. Delivered to the organism in the right doses, they will deal with every cause of hair weakness and thanks to them it will become strong as never before. That is why the composition of this modern supplement includes such substances as:
1 Vitamin A
Vitamin A is absolutely essential for the proper functioning of our body, so it had to be included in Hair Care Panda. It has long been used in cosmetics and medicine and is also known under other names, retinol, provitamin A or beta-carotene. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound, and in the human body it accumulates in the fatty tissue and liver, one of the most important internal organs. Its action can safely be described as complex, having a significant impact not only on hair, but also on many other processes, and the most important functions it performs are
- conditioning the development of important tissues, chiefly bone and epithelial;
- taking care of the correct and undisturbed development of the placenta responsible for the further growth of the embryo;
- responsible for visual processes, as it prevents the development of “chicken blindness”, a disease which makes us see less well after dark;
- antioxidant action, thanks to which we get rid of free radicals, which may become the cause of the development of even life-threatening cancer. It is not only skin cancer, but also breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and lung cancer;
- It participates in the processes of wound healing and regeneration of damaged skin, which is not without a significant impact on hair, thus gaining a proper basis for growth. It is also effective in the treatment of acne lesions, practically at every stage, regardless of the causes causing the disease, restoring the skin’s smoothness, elasticity and proper level of hydration;
- Strengthens the weakened natural immunity of the body.
Vitamin E
The next ingredient in Hair Care Panda is an extremely powerful and effective antioxidant, which is undoubtedly vitamin E. Looking for information about it, we can come across a more original nomenclature, because it is referred to as the “vitamin of youth”. According to experts not only from the world of medicine, but also cosmetics, it is fully justified, especially when we consider its impact on skin health. Because, as we mentioned, it is the basis for strong hair, thanks to vitamin E it is properly nourished, moisturized and lubricated. Almost all natural processes leading to its aging are delayed, and antioxidant properties allow to protect it from the destructive action of free radicals. Vitamin E, like A, also dissolves in fat, with the exception that it is stored mainly in the adrenal glands. Interestingly, unlike many other vitamins, it is practically impossible to overdose it, which of course does not mean that you can do it, and it is recommended to strictly adhere to the designated daily doses. More harmful is its deficiency, manifested, among others:
- weakening and loss of hair;
- various skin disorders, not only acne, but also irritations and painful inflammations;
- anaemia.
Vitamin E, also included in the composition of Hair Care Panda Vitamin E, also included in the formula, is essential for smooth, shiny hair without split ends. The beneficial effect on the scalp, its better blood supply, in turn, makes it grow faster, much thicker and stronger than before the treatment with these vitamin jellies in the shape of nice panda bears.
3 Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Also known as vitamin PP, another component that directly determines the health and appearance of skin, hair, and even nails. It is formed as a result of natural synthesis processes in the body, however, most often in insufficient amounts, so it must be additionally supplied from external sources. Its main task is to regulate metabolic processes, including those leading directly to the effective burning of fat tissue. Deficiencies of this vitamin can be seen primarily on the skin, which immediately becomes dry and susceptible to irritation, infection and inflammation. However, if we provide it in appropriate, recommended doses of 14 to 16 mg per day, we can count on a strong and difficult to destroy hair structure, which resists all adverse external factors. It regains its natural colour and shine, growing out of a strengthened and well-nourished hair bulb.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
A water-soluble vitamin involved in the synthesis of hormones such as testosterone and cortisol. It also participates in the synthesis of hair building materials, especially keratin , which forms its strong and damage-resistant stem. It is an effective protection of the body against dangerous bacteria and viruses, lowers the level of cholesterol LDL in blood, accelerates wound healing, prevents skin aging processes, and takes an active part in the regeneration of damaged epidermis. It is also important for hair growth, which, thanks to vitamin B5, maintains its natural color much longer and does not go gray. It also has a beneficial effect on our muscles and joints, strengthens immunity, regulates digestive processes, preventing indigestion, and helps with sleep disorders.
5 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
This next vitamin from the B group has a very wide range of effects, being responsible for many processes in our body. The most important of these are those responsible for the functioning of the nervous system, the heart muscle, and the production of many important hormones. It also participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and proteins , helping in the treatment of various diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney failure, or the equally dangerous anemia. Without it, we would not be able to metabolize fats and carbohydrates, which provide us with a large dose of energy necessary for all forms of activity every day. Similarly to other vitamins belonging to this group, even the smallest deficiency is visible in the form of grey skin prone to allergies, and weak hair falling out. That is why it is worth supplying it regularly, and you will quickly feel its positive effects, such as
- stopping excessive seborrhoea, responsible not only for acne, but also seborrhoeic alopecia, caused by too much sebum secretion, which has a negative effect on hair bulbs and follicles;
- full and, most importantly, exceptionally effective protection of hair against virtually all external factors. Vitamin B6 will protect them from high humidity, UV radiation and sudden temperature changes;
- the same level of protection for the scalp, especially against the already mentioned dryness, which is the cause of dandruff. Pyridoxine also effectively supports the treatment of inflammatory conditions;
- no loss of natural hair colour, and Hair Care Panda even makes it possible to strengthen and accentuate it;
- providing the energy necessary for the proper work of hair bulbs and thus also for the rapid growth of new hair.
6 Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
The last of the B vitamins has an extremely complex function in the human body, participating in the synthesis of many proteins and nucleic acids. Other tasks include the production of red blood cells, lowering blood cholesterol levels, preventing cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, and liver inflammation. Thanks to it, our nervous system also functions properly, maintaining full efficiency until old age, which helps minimize the risk of Alzheimera disease. Deficiencies of B12 vitamin cause anaemia, poor blood supply to the skin on the head automatically means problems with hair loss, and even a change in its colour, significant bleaching. Taking it in the right doses, in turn, we can count on stopping this process completely, and the hair will thank us with a beautiful shine, softness and lack of split ends.
7 Zinc and selenium
In order to keep our hair and scalp healthy, we also need the right minerals. It is safe to say that zinc is essential for life. It is found in the composition of about 200 enzymes important for health, and its importance for hair, skin and nails can not be underestimated. It participates in the process of amino acid metabolism and keratin synthesis, and both are important building materials of hair. It also helps to fully control the amount of sebum secreted. Hair Care Panda also provides us with adequate doses of selenium, which in turn helps get rid of free radicals thanks to its antioxidant properties. We mention them again because they are one of the most serious threats that must not be underestimated. Selenium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, helps remove toxins from the body, prevents hair and nails from becoming brittle. We should make sure that we regularly replenish its deficiencies, as they can cause thyroid problems, increased nervousness, and other equally unpleasant ailments.
Hair Care Panda – a complex solution to the problem of falling and weakened hair
Looking at the composition Hair Care Panda we can come to a conclusion that this is a supplement offering a complex solution to all hair problems, not only hair loss. An extremely important issue, often emphasized in reviews, is the total lack of animal-derived ingredients, thanks to which the jelly is a 100% vegan-friendly product. Their form is also impressive, a departure from the most commonly sold tablets, which frankly speaking, everyone has probably had enough of, in favour of healthy, fruit-flavoured gel teddy bears. This method of effective body supplementation immediately gained high recognition among patients all over the world, which translated into popularity of this, not any other supplement. To sum up, its use is encouraged by its natural composition, without any artificial substances that may cause bothersome and sometimes dangerous side effects. There are none, so you can use Hair Care Panda without any risk, and the recommended dosage is two gelcaps a day, taken immediately after a meal. They are suitable for all hair types and are also free of allergens, gluten, lactose and soy, and there are no traces of nuts that can cause serious allergic reactions.
Hair Care Panda – attractive collective packages
The jellies can be purchased via manufacturer’s website , which guarantees fast delivery of an original and fully effective product. It is available at an attractive price, in three packages differing in the number of packages, and one package contains 60 tasty teddy bears, which is enough for a whole month of treatment.