Diet for a man – how he should eat to stay healthy for a long time
When it comes to proper nutrition, the most negative comments can be made about the way most men do it, and this regardless of their age. There is no denying that it is the majority of men who are lovers of everything that is unhealthy, and often in their daily diet you would look in vain for vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, very quickly you can see the effects of this in the form of not only increasing belly fat, but also the constantly deteriorating health. The biggest problem, however, turns out to be convincing to change existing habits, to introduce a carefully selected diet for men, tailored to the needs of the body.
- 1 Diet for men – what do we mean by this concept
- 2 Diet for men – what are the most harmful products that should be immediately eliminated from it
- 3 Diet for a man – why, when it is poorly composed, it begins to damage health
- 4 Diet for men – what products and nutrients must be in it
- 5 Diet for a man – nutritional rules to follow
Diet for men – what do we mean by this concept
The different types of diets can be found in huge quantities on the Internet, but not all the ways of nutrition presented there can be recommended with a clear conscience. Many of them are composed of randomly selected ingredients, without consultation, even with a dietician, and their use can bring results quite different from the intended. The most important thing is the proper selection of nutrients supplied with food, in such doses that they act beneficially, and not harmfully. Excess of vitamins and minerals can have the same negative effects as their deficiency, so pay attention to the components of what you eat.
Most of us think that when we talk about a diet for a man, we mean only those thanks to which you can effectively fight against excess weight and get rid of a growing belly. This is usually the case, but a properly selected diet is supposed to bring many more benefits, first of all to improve overall health, often seriously weakened by years of neglect.
Diet for men – what are the most harmful products that should be immediately eliminated from it

Men’s nutrition is a topic not for an article, but even a book of several hundred pages, the overtones of which were decidedly negative. As we have already mentioned, men even love what can harm them, not only cause overweight and obesity, but also ruin their health, and this in a way that is difficult to reverse. Contrary to appearances, it is not only middle-aged men who are exposed to the often disastrous effects of improper nutrition, although we admit that it mainly concerns them. A badly chosen and balanced diet can harm even a child or a teenager, however men who have already entered adulthood must eliminate the following products:
- white, usually wheat bread. Forcing a man to eat healthy, wholemeal or spelt bread with grains borders almost on miracle, they prefer wheat rolls made from unrefined flour, whose harmfulness and glycemic index far exceed the norms allowed by doctors and nutritionists;
- fast food, about the extreme harmfulness of which we constantly need to be reminded and which is a dominant component of a typical male diet. A “real” guy can’t do without a hamburger dripping with fat or kebab dipped in mayonnaise from meat whose origin is better not to inquire. Add to that a pizza covered with cheese and we can treat ourselves to cholesterol clogged arteries, gastric and duodenal ulcers and with time even colon cancer;
- alcohol, in practically any form, maybe with the exception of an occasional glass of red wine, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and the functioning of the circulatory system. The commonly told stories that vodka washes out the arteries and beer is not alcohol but a refreshing drink must be put into the realm of fairy tales. Everything that has alcohol in it is alcohol and it’s better to give it up before excessive consumption ends up in, for example, liver cirrhosis. When it comes to drinks, it is also worth cutting down on coffee and regular black tea. A better choice will be green tea, full of valuable nutrients or equally healthy yerba mate;
- sugar and salt. The first one is usually found in the form of sweets, consumed in huge amounts between meals, and salt is an inseparable component of chips eaten in front of the TV. Sweets are empty calories that in no way satisfy hunger, and excess salt, in turn, is a simple way to heart disease and cardiovascular disease;
- highly processed food, in which the main role is played by various types of preservatives, artificial coloring, thickeners, flavor or aroma enhancers or raising agents. Most of them are those famous “E’s” that we are so afraid of, although we must admit that not all of them have a negative impact on the body. Speaking about the harmfulness of consumption of processed food, we mainly mean pseudo-meat products. Real meat is often in them in trace amounts, its quality is also at least questionable, and all the rest are the fillers mentioned above.
Diet for a man – why, when it is poorly composed, it begins to damage health

Examples of poorly selected products in the diet could be multiplied, but the most important is how they can ruin health, very often in an irreversible way. It is not for nothing that doctors even alarm to the male part of our society to change their current habits. The list of diseases caused by the way they eat is constantly growing, and the problems that a guy who does not take care of his health may face are:
Diseases of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system
A poor diet for a man is an almost immediate increase in weight, which results in a concomitant increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A fat, hypertrophied heart can’t cope with pumping blood, which in turn has more and more trouble flowing through cholesterol-clogged veins and arteries. Atherosclerosis develops, coronary artery disease, which in many cases ends with myocardial infarction. Disturbed blood flow is also the cause of increasing cerebral hypoxia, which affects memory, concentration, and poses a threat of stroke. Failure to provide adequate amounts of nutrients with food is also a cause of anaemia, anaemia causing abnormalities in blood composition.
Overweight and obesity
Unfortunately, it affects more and more men, mainly middle-aged, after forties or fifties, but it is not a rule. Younger people are also struggling with excess weight, it’s becoming a serious problem among boys in adolescence, who also don’t care what they eat and avoid physical activity, spending their time in front of the computer or TV. This can be seen above all in the growing abdominal obesity, the cause of another condition that is even life-threatening, diabetes. That’s why movement is as important as diet, and let’s not disregard the words of doctors recommending regular exercise, e.g. with dumbbells, running or swimming in a pool.
Potency disorders, weakened libido
In the life of a large group of men there comes such a moment when they begin to feel a decline in their sexual performance, and libido becomes far from ideal. Almost immediately they panic, not realizing that these disorders may be a result of improper nutrition, a diet devoid of ingredients conducive to male potency. Such a condition is also associated with weight gain, and obese men really rarely rise to the occasion in intimate situations and are able to satisfy themselves and their partner.
Disturbances of digestion and metabolism
Proper digestion and metabolism are the two cornerstones of maintaining a body weight consistent with the calculated BMI, which should also be supported by a diet for men recommended by doctors or nutritionists. Problems with digestion usually manifest themselves as bothersome nausea, abdominal pain, intestinal peristalsis disorders, vomiting and diarrhea. A slower metabolism can be felt in the form of dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder and, above all, in a slower burning of fat tissue. This is where the dietary components that intensify the processes of thermogenesis and lipolysis come to the rescue, accelerating the burning of calories and the decomposition of fat cells.
Diet for men – what products and nutrients must be in it
The list of diseases associated with unhealthy food and drink that men love so much is of course longer, but just these few ailments should make you think twice and change your daily diet. Adjusting it to your needs is really not difficult and you can always ask a healthy eating specialist for help. We already know what ingredients should be immediately eliminated from it, and now it’s time to find out what to replace them with, and what must be on the menu:
Vegetables and fruits
As always in the first place, but not without a specific reason. Even a few years old children learn in kindergarten and then at school that this is the richest source of substances necessary for our health. Unfortunately the acceptance of this fact decreases with age, and some men remove vegetables and fruit from their diet, which is completely incomprehensible. This is because we find in them the most valuable nutrients, and these are certainly
- vitamins belonging to virtually all groups, such as: vitamin A, strengthening the immune system and conditioning proper vision, B vitamins, including a valuable folic acid, vitamin C, a strong antioxidant removing free radicals from the body;
- minerals: iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium and silicon.
Most vegetables and fruits are also low in caloriesand have a low glycemic index. So in most cases you can include them in your diet without the risk of gaining weight, just watch out for the amount of sugar they contain, and citrus fruits, especially grapefruits, help a lot in getting rid of excess weight.
Whole grain cereal products
It is with them that you need to replace wheat, white bread, the harmfulness of which we have already presented. In the diet for men, there must undoubtedly be dark, wholemeal bread, the regular consumption of which provides the body with fiber necessary for proper digestion. It is also contained in wholemeal pasta, oatmeal, bran, or groats containing other ingredients conducive to our health:
- phytosterols and polyphenols;
- minerals, especially phosphorus, iron, zinc and large amounts of magnesium;
- B vitamins, participating in the process of red blood cells formation, taking care of the skin and enabling the proper work of the nervous system.
Unsaturated fatty acids
It is difficult to imagine a diet for a man without any fat, let’s face it, such dishes would not be very appetizing. Fortunately, nothing prevents you from eating products containing unsaturated fatty acids Omega – 3 and Omega – 6. They can be found in coconut oil, which has taken our kitchens by storm, or in the much-loved olive oil, necessarily extra virgin. Let’s also make sure that the menu includes fish and seafood, although not everyone may like them.
Spices, including those increasing male libido
Lack of spices can spoil any favorite dish, and when using them in the kitchen, it is not worth limiting ourselves to only two basic ones, salt and pepper. Salt intake, as we already know, should be limited, and pepper is a source piperinessubstance which increases the efficiency of burning the accumulated excess fat. Equally beneficial for health spices are:
- paprika, sweet and especially hot, containing capsaicin, which acts similarly to piperine;
- oregano and basil, which enhance the taste of every, even the most banal dish;
- ginger, also useful in curing colds and strengthening weakened immunity;
- ashwagandha, mace and Maca root, which bring male libido to a whole new level and quickly restore full sexual performance. They are best delivered in the form of dietary supplements that contain their precisely measured, recommended doses.
Meat, but preferably fish and poultry
In a healthy diet for men, no one orders you to give up eating meat altogether, although a vegetarian or vegan diet also has its obvious advantages. The difference is that unhealthy, fatty and hard to digest pork should be replaced with lean poultry and fish. They are even indispensable as a source of valuable protein, the building material of our muscle tissue, which also has an impact on speeding up metabolism. So you can satisfy the age-old male need to eat meat, without the side effects that accompany the consumption of some of its species.
Diet for a man – nutritional rules to follow

Knowing what products every man should eat, no matter how old he is, you should already be able to cope with creating your own daily menu. However, the right choice of products that make it up is not everything you need to take into account in your new, healthy way of eating. Equally important is the frequency of meals, not just one in the evening after returning from work, but several smaller ones at regular intervals .
Also remember to drink plenty of fluids, but not ready-made juices full of fructose, still mineral water is a better option. If you really care about your health, it is worth moving from your armchair, leaving home and after a short time you will feel all the positive effects of increased physical activity, which we will soon present in one of the next posts.