Climax Control – intercourse as long as you want
Among many sexual problems encountered by men, the most frequently encountered are complexes resulting from potency disorders or too small penis, but equally often they complain about premature ejaculation. It mainly affects the duration of the intercourse, often making it impossible to conduct it normally and obtain full satisfaction by both partners. So it’s worth taking this problem seriously, and one of the proven ways of treating it is by using dietary supplements, such as Climax Control .
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Premature ejaculation – causes
However, before we reach for those recommended pills by specialists, we should try to diagnose the causes of premature ejaculation in ourselves, which will certainly make it easier for us to cure it effectively and completely. Ejaculation, or semen ejaculation, is a reflex process starting in the central nervous system, from which impulses are sent through the spinal cord to the nerve receptors in the penis. Premature ejaculation is a dysfunction disrupting this process, occurring regardless of age and equally common in men over forty and those just beginning their sex lives. It can be differentiated depending on the time of occurrence into:
- prematureejaculation, occurring most often before foreplay itself;
- prematureejaculation, which occurs before intercourse begins;
- ejaculationtoo early, at the very beginning of intercourse.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to unequivocally diagnose the cause of this disease, as it has a complex psychological as well as physical basis. In most cases, especially in men over 40, it is associated with severe stress at work and in private life, which is compounded by fatigue. Equally often it is caused by bad relations in a relationship, traumatic events from the past of either partner, irregular intercourse, neurosis or alcohol abuse. Premature ejaculation also accompanies some other diseases, diabetes, hypothyroidism, prostate hypertrophy or neurological disorders.
Climax Control supplement formula
In the treatment of such disorders, which prevent normal sexual life, the following is indicated Climax Control It is available without a prescription and does not require a visit to a specialist. The tablets can be taken by men of all ages, and their effectiveness is mainly due to their well-thought-out composition, one hundred percent safe, without any side effects. You will find in them only natural, plant-based ingredients, herbs coming from ecological, selected crops, such as:

- tribulus terrestris, known by its Polish name mace, is an herb commonly used in preparations treating various potency disorders including erectile dysfunction, also one of the causes of premature ejaculation. It does so by increasing nitrogen release in the body, which in turn affects better blood supply to the penis. In addition, mace raises testosterone levels, also important for prolonging erection duration;
- L-carnitine tartrate, a 100% natural amino acid, a combination of tartrate and l-carnitine, a stimulator of better release and synthesis of acetylcholine, thanks to which we can get rid of problems with weak erection and too fast ejaculation once and for all. Like mace, this amino acid also plays an important role in intensifying nitrogen release processes;

- sarsaparilla is a natural aphrodisiac, a plant belonging to the genus of plants native to South America, where for hundreds of years it has been used for treatment of impotence, among other things. Its action can be compared to ginseng root, similarly to it, it has beneficial influence on increasing sexual capabilities, extending intercourse duration and preventing too early ejaculation;
- Acai berries, so far known from supplements supporting weight loss, full of vitamins: A, B, vitamin C and E and minerals: potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and copper essential for health. The content of large quantities of proteins, fatty acids Omega – 3 and Omega – 6 and amino acids favourably supports the work of muscles, facilitates their rapid regeneration, strengthens the body, removes the feeling of fatigue and gives strength to any physical activity, including sex;
- Folic acid, which regulates the correct development of all body cells and the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems. It protects against the development of many diseases, including arteriosclerosis, which disrupts the proper blood flow.
Climax Control – dosage, action and our opinion
For optimal treatment results, Climax Control take one tablet twice a day, preferably before breakfast and before dinner, drinking plenty of non-carbonated water. Interestingly, they do not interact with alcohol, which, however, we do not recommend checking, and alcohol will exacerbate existing problems rather than help cure them. The whole treatment should be continued for 3 to 4 months and the first positive results can be noticed after 4 to 5 days. The most important is the extension of intercourse time even to over 30 minutes, and such effects were confirmed by as many as 97% of men using this supplement. The erection remains full and exceptionally strong throughout the entire intercourse and you can safely say that you decide yourself when to ejaculate, without even the slightest risk that it will happen too early. Regeneration after intercourse takes place instantly and in a short period of time you are ready for another intercourse.
All this is fully confirmed by the reviews and ratings given by Climax Control patients on discussion forums. We were pleasantly surprised by the overwhelmingly positive reviews and we join them in recommending that you buy these pills. You can order them directly from the manufacturer by placing an order on the website provided to customers website.