Alpecin Shampoo – opinions, effects it gives
Excessive hair loss can be a real nightmare, especially when it leads to accelerated baldness, the bane of all men of any age. Estimates alone can be frightening, saying that the problem affects more than half of the male population, unfortunately not omitting women as well. Premature and usually very intense baldness can be at least a reason for nervousness, but in many cases it ends in stress and even serious depression. There is no denying that hair is an important attribute of beauty, that is why we pay so much attention to its appearance, density and health, taking care of it to stop any adverse effects. Unfortunately, baldness happened to me as well, and I could write a book on how to deal with this ailment and confidently consider myself an expert in this field. Over the long period of my struggle with hair loss I found out that there are many methods, more or less effective, that can stop this process, and I tried almost everything. I’ve used both natural methods recommended by my mother and those presented to me by specialists in treating this condition, including the one I use on a daily basis. trychologistwhose help I take advantage of every day. Apart from typical medical methods, using pharmacological agents, it is worth trying to stop hair loss with the help of properly selected cosmetics. Proper daily hair care, especially washing with medicated shampoos may bring satisfactory results for many people. I personally tried Alpecin shampoo, recommended by my friends who, like me, fight with constantly growing baldness.
- 1 Accelerated balding, a serious problem encountered by younger and younger men
- 2 What are the most common causes of excessive and accelerated hair loss
- 2.1 1. Negligence in daily hair and scalp hygiene
- 2.2 2. Hormonal disorders, especially testosterone secretion
- 2.3 3. Genetic factors, inheritance of the susceptibility to baldness from the older generation of the family
- 2.4 4. Diseases, not only directly affecting the scalp, but also those with a psychological basis
- 2.5 5. Diet, or how we eat
- 3 Alpecin – draws its strength from the caffeine content
- 4 Alpecin – did not quite meet my requirements
- 5 Dietary supplements to solve all your hair problems
Accelerated balding, a serious problem encountered by younger and younger men

Until recently, not only in our society there was a belief that baldness is a completely natural process, especially in men, coming with the passing of the years. Up to a certain point this was indeed the case and we encountered this phenomenon mainly in middle-aged and older men. Many of them were able to fully accept this state of affairs by simply cutting the rest of their hair short, while the more adventurous even decided to shave their heads. Some men, however, would go to any lengths to prove to the world that there was nothing wrong with their hair and would end up with comical comb-overs or side-swept loans that ineptly covered up their growing baldness. In those days it simply wasn’t approached in a scientific manner, thankfully this has now changed dramatically. Unfortunately, the age range of the disease has also changed, and not only our fathers and grandfathers are going bald, more and more often we can see younger men with thinning hair, often not even in their twenties. So before we reach for one of the ways to deal with it, such as Alpecin shampoo, which will describe later in this text, it is worth knowing what is the cause of balding and how to effectively deal with it.
What are the most common causes of excessive and accelerated hair loss
At the outset, we must make it clear that baldness is not a cosmetic phenomenon, although it has much in common with it, but it can be a symptom of serious diseases, both of the hair itself and the scalp. To say that the hair is perhaps a bit imprecise, because it really is about hair follicles and hair bulbs, but that’s just how it is said. Losing a certain amount of hair every day shouldn ‘t be a reason to be nervous, but only if you don’t find more than 100-150 hairs on a brush or comb. Every time you exceed this number, you should be worried, and if this phenomenon starts repeating itself, it’s time to find the reason. Usually we are not able to diagnose on our own why we suddenly started balding, it is better to use the help of specialists in this case, visit a trichologist or even a dermatologist. With the help of professional equipment they will examine our hair and scalp and on the basis of the test results they will determine what is the reason for such a large amount of hair loss. To a certain extent, we are even able to recognize it ourselves, especially when it is due to our own negligence, and the thinning of a previously thick hairstyle can be caused by:
1. Negligence in daily hair and scalp hygiene
Being on the run, overworked and always busy, we often don’t have time to properly take care of our daily hair and scalp hygiene. I am of course not talking about the extreme, but unfortunately still common, cases of people who do not like to wash their hair enough, but about improper washing with the use of ill-suited cosmetics. The most important here are shampoos, such as Alpecin, full of nutrients necessary to make our hair thick and our skin healthy for a long time. Shampoos, conditioners and hair masks must contain health-promoting vitamins and minerals, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, biotin, zinc, silicon and selenium. Substances that promote faster hair growth such as caffeine are also helpful. In addition to improper washing, drying out your hair with a flat iron and tying it up tightly when it is long is also bad for your hair. On the other hand, the hair and the skin on the head may become too greasy, which leads to the development of seborrheic alopecia, which is difficult to treat.
2. Hormonal disorders, especially testosterone secretion
Testosterone is the most important male hormone, whose possible deficiencies affect not only problems with potency and erection. Adequate testosterone levels also determine the condition of hair, and sometimes it is converted into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, a factor that has a destructive effect on hair follicles. Under its influence, their work is disturbed, and over time even their total necrosis, which results in loss of large amounts of hair. In men, such a disadvantageous situation usually occurs during andropause, which results in androgenetic alopecia.
3. Genetic factors, inheritance of the susceptibility to baldness from the older generation of the family
Few people struggling with baldness do not realize that the tendency to it can be inherited from the father or even grandfather. So it’s a phenomenon that can be caused by genetic factors, so if the older generation of the family has visible baldness, we must be prepared that it can happen to us, although it does not happen in every case.
4. Diseases, not only directly affecting the scalp, but also those with a psychological basis
Another factor that has a significant impact on hair loss are coexisting diseases developing in the body, not necessarily being the direct cause of hair loss. It is usually a symptom, especially in case of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, or thyroid disorders, under- or hyperfunction of this important endocrine gland. Baldness may also be caused by psychological ailments, especially stress, often accompanying us in life, the symptoms of which have a negative impact on the entire body. Definitely be careful with medications that we take for various ailments, because many of them weaken the bulbs and follicles, resulting in hair loss. Such specifications include hormonal drugs such as contraceptives or preparations taken for hypertension and other heart diseases. Of course, we do not recommend that you stop taking them yourself, but remember that your health is more important than the appearance of your hairstyle.
5. Diet, or how we eat
Proper diet is a topic touched upon in many posts on this site, affecting not only our body weight, possible obesity. Of course, a proper weight loss diet makes it easier to fight excess weight, but what we eat also has a direct effect on the condition of our hair. Recommendations of nutritionists are unequivocal in this case, from our daily menu must disappear:
- fast food rich in unhealthy trans-fats, which are better replaced with those containing Omega – 3 fatty acids;
- unhealthy snacks, chips, cookies and other sweets;
- highly processed foods full of health-killing preservatives;
- alcohol and other drugs. Excessive amounts of coffee and tea are also harmful and should be replaced with an infusion made from the Paraguayan holly plant, yerba mate.
Alpecin – draws its strength from the caffeine content

Of course, these are not all the causes of baldness, only the most common ones over which we have some influence. Therefore, it is worth rethinking your daily diet, take care of often undetected diseases and carefully select hair care products. One of them is Alpecin shampoo, which, according to the manufacturer, is supposed to work in two stages, on the one hand to stop hair loss, and on the other to accelerate new hair growth. This is supposed to be facilitated by its most important active ingredient, which is caffeine. I have to admit that I’ve heard about using caffeine on hair for the first time, so far I knew it from supplements helping in burning fat, which, by the way, you can read about in our ranking. Its use in the Alpecin shampoo surprised me a bit, so I searched for more information on the subject, even reaching for strictly scientific studies, research carried out in this field. I was even more surprised when I read that scientists from a German university confirmed that caffeine significantly influences faster hair growth. First of all, it affects the scalp, the basis of healthy hair roots and follicles, providing them with large doses of energy necessary for proper development. At the same time, caffeine counteracts the negative effects of the mentioned dihydrotestosterone, protecting follicles from damage. This way it stops hair loss, gaining also a better look, shine, smoothness and resistance to mechanical damage. This is supposed to work for all types of baldness, including alopecia areata or genetic. Of course, caffeine is not the only substance contained in Alpecin and we can also find in it:
- panthenol, i.e. provitamin B5, an ingredient of many hair-care cosmetics, responsible primarily for their proper hydration. This helps to avoid dryness, which often leads to brittleness and fragility of the hair and its loss;
- Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, also calledsulfosuccinate, a washing substance, strong in action, but at the same time gentle for the skin and not causing its irritation
- citric acid, which has an exfoliating effect and removes possible skin discolorations;
- Zinc PCA, i.e. zinc pyrrolidinecarboxylate, whose task is to stop excessive sebum secretion leading to oily hair and scalp. It also has an antibacterial effect, soothes irritations and is effective in the treatment of acne;
- Vitamin B3, also known as niacin or vitamin PP, is responsible for optimum nourishment of hair along its entire length, from roots to ends.
Alpecin – did not quite meet my requirements
The manufacturer, as always, praises its product as unique, with the composition selected so that the hair received all the necessary ingredients, allowing for rapid regrowth. The shampoo is blue in color, it is thick and the smell is clearly associated with a product for men, although it disappears a little too quickly. It lathers well, spreads and rinses easily, and leaves a pleasant cool feeling on the skin. However, after a few uses there was an annoying tingling sensation and my hair seemed even greasier and, contrary to what the manufacturer claims on its website, it was difficult to comb. As for their so advertised growth, I was once again disappointed and unfortunately Alpecin did not meet my requirements in this regard. In a few places of my baldness a small fuzz did appear, but for such a loud announcement, it was far too little, and the greasing caused additional dandruff. Of course, I realize that the effect of this shampoo is different for each person who uses it and therefore, I cannot give it an unequivocally negative rating. I am only talking about how it worked in my case, which I am not completely satisfied with and that is why I looked for another solution to my hair loss problems.
Dietary supplements to solve all your hair problems
Using cosmetics may give some results, but they will never replace proper body supplementation. Besides, I got tired of using medicated shampoos, conditioners or the so popular hair wads with similar effects. From conversations with specialists, I concluded that the source of the problem lies within my body and hair loss is just an external symptom. I also found out that hair needs many nutrients for intensive growth, and instead of providing each of them separately, it is best to choose a preparation from the ranking of tablets against baldness. They are completely safe to use, and they are composed of proven substances, including components such as:
Common nettle extract

The plant with probably the widest medicinal use of all plants growing on Polish meadows or in gardens. It has long since ceased to be considered a common weed, being used as an ingredient in many medical preparations, including those preventing hair loss. Nettle has an unusually rich composition that makes it possible, and the most important in it are:
- a large dose of minerals, led by zinc and silicon, essential for hair health, also supported by iron, potassium and phosphorus;
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine), a regulator of sebum secretion, which stops excessive and uncontrolled seborrhoea
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), making the hair resistant to adverse external factors, especially atmospheric, moisture, wind or sun
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which takes part in the synthesis of keratin, the building material of our hair, also responsible for their nutrition;
- Vitamin A, which influences the course of cell metabolism in the scalp, counteracts dryness of hair and prevents excessive hair loss;
- Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, another component directly responsible for hair resistance, mainly to mechanical damage, and at the same time a regulator of collagen production, a substance that builds not only hair but also the majority of other tissues in our body.
Field horsetail extract

Provides hair with silicon, one of the two most important minerals for hair. In this case, it is formed by hydrated silica which quickly penetrates the hair and improves its damaged structure. As a result, they stop being brittle and fragile, and the resulting strength helps stop them falling out. Field horsetail also takes care of the look of your hair, giving it exceptional aesthetics, shine and softness, while also preventing split ends and dandruff.
L-cysteine and taurine
Two amino acids, of which the first is produced by our body, and deficiencies of the second must be regularly supplemented with food or dietary supplements. L-cysteine is mainly responsible for the production of keratin and other proteins which build not only hair but also other tissues. It should also be appreciated for its activity in preventing the development of skin inflammations and as an antioxidant, eliminating free radicals from the body. It is thanks to this property that the natural processes of skin ageing can be controlled, which is also of considerable importance for stopping baldness. Taurine also supports keratin synthesis, detoxifies the body, accelerates regeneration after exercise, strengthens weakened hair follicles, protecting them against DHT.
Biotin, or vitamin B7
Also called vitamin H, responsible not only for the appearance and health of our hair, although it actively participates in the processes leading to this. Its main task is to regulate the level of sebum secretion and the function of the sebaceous glands responsible for that, thus avoiding unpleasantly oily skin on the head as well. Biotin also takes care of the proper development of hair follicles, which in return leads to fast growth of strong and 100% healthy hair.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/coffee-in-hair
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325244