Ways to get rid of sour muscles – How to get rid of sour muscles fast?
Intense physical effort is associated with is associated with soreness in the muscles, which usually appears most often the next 24 hours after training. The ailments are often often so strong that they interfere with our daily functioning and make further systematic training impossible. Scidosis usually lasts usually last from 1 to 3 days, although it happens that the pain is felt longer. Can soreness be avoided? And if they do appear, what what to do to get rid of them faster?
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What are scids?

For a long time scids were associated with accumulation of lactic acid in muscles. In fact, this acid is only a side effect of metabolism and it is true that it accumulates in muscles, but it is not the cause of soreness.
Scidosis is a pain in the muscles which occurs 24 to 72 hours after exercise. It is caused by caused by micro-damage to the muscle during training. Sore muscles are a normal post-workout symptom, during which The muscle is regenerated and strengthened.
Exercising systematically and giving your It is difficult to avoid getting sour, However, there are certain techniques which can reduce their severity and time of their occurrence.
What can you do to avoid soreness?
How to prevent soreness? It is difficult It is difficult to avoid them completely, but by following the following advice, we will certainly be able to reduce their intensity.
Appropriate warm-up
Strong soreness is often the result of intensive exercise without preceding warm-up. It is during the it is during the warm-up that we warm up our muscles and increase joints. Thanks to this the whole organism is more prepared for the whole body is more prepared for the effort and less exposed to injuries and contusions. What is more, the warm-up also increases blood circulation, which helps oxygenate cells and increases the body temperature, which protects us from overheating when we get to the actual workout.

A properly organized warm-up should consist of dynamic exercises, or cardio. These may include jumping jacks, trotting with knee raises, or training on a bicycle or treadmill. Then it is worth moving on to the static part, which is stretching.
The warm-up is a very important part of the entire training process, unfortunately it is often neglected, especially by beginners. Regardless of whether training with dumbbellswhether we perform cardio workout – the warm-up will help us avoid severe soreness and will affect the healthy development of our muscles.
Graduation of effort
Starting your workout with the highest It is not a good idea to start with the highest load, even if you have warm-up. Our muscles must get used to performing a given movement before they are loaded with barbells or dumbbells. That is why at the beginning it is worth to perform one or a few preliminary series and gradually reach the exercises with the maximum weight.
It is very important especially for beginners or those who for some reason have had a longer break in training a longer break in training. Gradual increase of effort we can contribute to the fact that the soreness on the second day will be smaller.
When and where do soreness occur most often?
Most often we deal with soreness after increased effort. They occur very often after weight training in the gym, but they can also occur after crossfit training or cardio intensive workouts such as HIIT or Tabata.
In terms of where the soreness always occurs in the muscles where the most microdamage has occurred, i.e. The place where soreness occurs is always the muscles that have been most stimulated during the workout.
Ways to get sour muscles
What to do when soreness already exists? appear? You can wait for it, eventually it will go away, that’s for sure. However sometimes the pain is so big that it makes everyday functioning. Besides, the sooner you get rid of soreness, the quicker we can get back to training. What are best ways to get rid of soreness?

Gently massaging the sore muscles will loosen their tangles, thus promoting their oxidation and speeding up their regeneration. If you want to enhance the relaxing effect of the massage, you can use essential oil, but it is not necessary. A very good way to relax sore muscles is rolling with a massage roller. This small, light device looks inconspicuous, but can help in getting rid of soreness.
Proper diet
We all know about the importance of proper nutrition for athletes. However, not everyone realizes that diet can also help to get rid of soreness faster. That is why whenever we experience muscle pain, we should bet on larger amounts of protein and carbohydrates, thanks to which our muscles will regenerate faster. It is worth implementing supplementation in the form of l-glutamine, amino acids BCAA or creatine. Remember to provide your body with vitamins and minerals, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium are particularly important in the fight against scidia.
Cherry juice for sour acids
Cherries are rich in anthocyanins
and flavonoids which are characterised by anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Some people claim that
if you drink tart cherry juice immediately after a workout you can reduce the
the strength of the soreness that will occur the next day.
We also must not forget to replenish electrolytes and regular hydration.

It is a relaxing treatment, which allows you to relax your body and mind. The high temperature in the sauna will help relax tense muscle tangles, conducive to getting rid of pain. Moreover, a visit to the sauna improves circulation and oxygenation of the body. Is a good way to stress and get rid of soreness, but this type of treatment is not recommended immediately after exercise. So best to go to the sauna about 24 hours after training.
Muscle movement
It is not about another intensive workout, but about gently moving the muscles, so that they get used to movement again, which will reduce pain. If you have sore muscles, brisk walking or recreational swimming. And if you already go to the swimming pool, you can enjoy a relaxing bath in the jacuzzi.
Should I exercise with soreness?
It is not a good idea to train intensively with soreness, but you can do some light exercises. Mobility training is recommended to help stretch your muscles and increase your body’s mobility. You can also go for a long walk or use the pool.
What are doms?
Doms, or delayed onset muscle muscle pain, which is very often mistaken for soreness. sciatica. It is characterized by severe muscle pain, appearing 8-48 hours after training and can last up to 10 days. Its peak occurs 24-72 hours after training. DOMSY is a side effect of DOMSY is a side effect of the repair of micro-damage to the muscle fibres.
DOMSY usually occurs
The DOMS is a side effect of the repair of micro-damage to the muscle fibres.
They can occur regardless of what type of training you do.
Ways to DOMSY are very similar to ways for ordinary soreness.
Gout – summary
Ankles are connected with micro-damage of muscle fibres during intense physical physical effort. Every person who has ever exercised has certainly have certainly had to deal with them as it is difficult to avoid them. difficult to avoid. Fortunately there are some techniques that can can make sore muscles less severe or prevent them from occurring at all. A proper warm-up and a gradual workout will certainly will help in faster recovery. Additionally it is worth using proven methods for sore muscles, when the pain already appears.