Tabex, not recommended! My opinion
One of the worst things a person can do in their life is to light up their first cigarette. It usually starts innocently enough, usually from the proverbial stupidity, or the desire to impress others. Unfortunately, such a show-off is not usually a one-off stunt, but the beginning of a lifelong addiction, which is extremely difficult to break free from. One cigarette quickly turns into at least a few a day, and the infamous record-holders can even smoke two or more packs a day. The effects of this quickly start to be felt throughout the body and the longer you smoke, the harder it will be to quit this disastrous habit. Of course, we’re not saying that it’s impossible – the author of this post, who hasn’t smoked for over 10 years, is an example of that. But it will require a lot of effort, and often the strong will itself turns out to be too weak motivation and needs to be supported in some way. It is not only the typical pharmacological agents but also dietary supplements that have in their composition everything you need to give up smoking cigarettes once and for all. We tested Tabex for you, but it didn’ t quite live up to the expectations and had to be replaced by another one, and you can read the results of this test below.
- 1 Cigarette smoking – what is tobacco and why shouldn’t you use it
- 2 Smoking – deadly composition of tobacco smoke full of harmful poisons
- 3 Cigarette smoking – what diseases do smokers most often suffer from and what threat do they pose to their health or even life
- 4 Tabex – how exactly these pills are supposed to help us break the habit
- 5 Tabex – effectiveness of treatment with these tablets and their possible side effects
- 6 Nicorix – high effectiveness in quitting smoking confirmed by patients and specialists
Cigarette smoking – what is tobacco and why shouldn’t you use it
When the explorers of America brought tobacco to Europe in the late 15th century, it immediately became one of the most important trade goods brought from the newly discovered continent. Smoking it slowly spread across Europe, but of course in those days no one considered it a health hazard, quite the contrary. Home-grown doctors pointed out the “benefits” of smoking, treating the leaves of this plant as an effective remedy for many ailments. This has been the case for hundreds of years, with the number of smokers around the world steadily increasing, while at first no one even tried to associate smoking with the causes of the diseases that plagued them. By the name of tobacco we mean its leaves, which after drying and further processing are suitable for smoking. It is a plant of the Solanaceae family, which is perfectly suitable for cultivation also in our climatic zone, and it contains large amounts of nicotine, which is the substance that causes such a strong addiction.
This strong toxin in larger quantities is a deadly poison and its addictive effect can be compared to drugs such as even heroin. Even the small amount that a cigarette contains causes an initial feeling of euphoria, relaxes, slightly speeds up the heart rate and stimulates the functioning of the nervous system. This happens only after smoking one cigarette, because each subsequent one has an increasingly destructive effect on health. Together with other components of tobacco smoke, it can cause the development of threatening diseases. One of them is lung cancer, the main cause of death of millions of smokers worldwide.
Smoking – deadly composition of tobacco smoke full of harmful poisons

Studies conducted from time to time on the harmfulness of smoking and its impact on our health, clearly show that most habitual smokers die before reaching the age of 65 – 70 years, with each cigarette smoked shortening this time even more. The enormity of the toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke rapidly destroys the human body, attacking not only the lungs but virtually all vital organs and internal systems. The composition of a typical cigarette looks horrifying and it contains a lot of poisons, the most harmful of which are
- the aforementioned nicotine, one of the bases for increasing addiction;
- hydrogen cyanide, a very potent poison, and its effect is to block the ability of cells to deliver and use oxygen, which simply begins to suffocate;
- carbon monoxide, or simply carbon monoxide, odourless but extremely deadly;
- acetone, a corrosive substance which in high concentrations can lead to dissolution of tissue that is difficult to stop;
- polonium, which has a very strong radioactive effect;
- formaldehyde, which if delivered to the human body is transformed into harmful formic acid, causing, among other things, the rapid development of free radicals dangerous to health and leading to cell hypoxia;
- tarry substances, an extremely unpleasant brown ooze, which with every cigarette smoked is deposited in the lungs and the entire respiratory system, increasingly disrupting its functioning. It is the frequent cause of the most dangerous disease of smokers, lung cancer.
Cigarette smoking – what diseases do smokers most often suffer from and what threat do they pose to their health or even life
Each cigarette smoked clearly shortens the life, and the worst havoc is done in the bodies of people who started smoking at a young age, when the body is just forming. Poisons contained in tobacco smoke significantly interfere with this process, precisely leading to the development of various diseases. A weakened immune system is unable to resist infections, viruses or bacteria that pose virtually no threat to non-smokers. Compulsive smokers, both young and those who started smoking at an older age, complain of, among other things:
- cancer, cancer of the lung, throat, esophagus or the entire mouth. Stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and even liver and cervical cancer are equally common in female smokers;
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is a decrease in airflow through our airways, which is usually an irreversible process, resulting in progressive emphysema;
- heart and circulatory system diseases, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis;
- stroke and other diseases of the nervous system;
- impotence;
- peptic ulcer disease;
- allergies, which also occur in passive smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke inhalation.
Tabex – how exactly these pills are supposed to help us break the habit
We hope that the above described composition of each cigarette smoked and its deadly effects will make at least a few smokers think about quitting. We are aware that it is not easy, but nowadays it is possible to use preparations containing substances allowing to wean oneself from nicotine and other addictive components of tobacco. We recently had the opportunity to see how Tabex, a film-coated tablet in which the main active agent is cytisine, copes with this. These tablets are recommended for treating even severe nicotine addiction, and are widely available in pharmacies without a prescription. The cytisine found in them is a natural ingredient of plant origin, obtained from the seeds of a shrub called goldenseal. Interestingly, cytisine is a highly poisonous substance with toxic properties, but at the same time it is commonly used in medicine. Contrary to appearances, this is not a paradox, because everything depends on the dose in which it is used, and small concentrations are characterized by a therapeutic effect. This alkaloid contained in Tabex can be called a substitute nicotine, because it has similar effects, but at the same time it is devoid of all its negative side effects. It directly affects our autonomic nervous system, having a similar effect on the receptors located there, and by stimulating the secretion of dopamine, it gives an effect similar to that after smoking a cigarette.
According to what the manufacturer claims, you can count on the effects of Tabex
- stimulation of the autonomic nervous system, making it react as if it had been delivered a dose of nicotine to which it is accustomed;
- gradual reduction of nicotine dependence with a simultaneous reduction of pleasure derived from nicotine delivery;
- reducing all the disturbing symptoms of tobacco withdrawal, which, depending on the amount of cigarettes smoked, can be extremely strong, leading to other ailments associated with the so-called nicotine withdrawal syndrome. This manifests itself, among others, in a continuous desire for a cigarette, rapid mood swings from strong irritation, stress , to states leading even to depression. It is often accompanied by a constant feeling of anxiety and problems with concentration ;
- alleviating typically physical symptoms, and people who quit smoking have observed the following in their case: increasing migraine headaches, tremors and pain in muscles and joints, difficulties in falling asleep leading even to insomnia , increased appetite which, if not controlled in time, leads to growing overweight or obesity. It also reduces digestive problems, constipation, flatulence or diarrhea, which unfortunately also accompany the withdrawal of cigarettes after many years of smoking.
Tabex – effectiveness of treatment with these tablets and their possible side effects
As we have already mentioned, Tabex is a preparation we can buy without a prescription, which has in its composition cytosine in a dose of 1.5 mg supported also by other auxiliary substances. It is intended for use by people over 18 years of age, patients over 65 years of age should consult a doctor beforehand, it is also not recommended for people suffering from lactose intolerance.
Recommended by the manufacturer dosage of Tabex:
- from day 1 to 3 1 tablet every 3 hours;
- from day 4 to 12: 1 tablet every 2.5 hours;
- from day 13 to 16 again 1 tablet every 3 hours;
- from day 17 to 20 1 tablet every 5 hours;
- from the 21st to the 25th day 1 – 2 tablets a day.
We have to admit that it is a bit complicated and can already discourage us to reach precisely for Tabex, and taking it, at the same time we have to reckon with some side effects, among which patients most often indicate:
- a feeling of fatigue;
- watery eyes;
- an increased heart rate with a simultaneous rise in blood pressure, and sometimes the opposite, a significant slowing of the heart rate;
- headaches of varying intensity and often accompanied by dizziness;
- the aforementioned mood swings and difficulty in collecting one’s thoughts;
- insomnia or night terrors;
- a noticeable reduction in sex drive;
- dry mouth;
- rashes, acne les ions and other equally troublesome skin reactions.
This amount of side effects that using Tabex can bring with it we did not expect, but the worst feature, in our opinion of course, is the lower effectiveness than we expected. Most smokers are initially happy with its use, reducing their cigarette smoking, and taking the pill all the time, even quitting altogether. This definitely works to their advantage, however, the problem begins when the treatment ends, the pills are discontinued, when many people reach for a cigarette again, influenced by the lack of effect of cytisine on their body. This results in almost immediate relapse, so the whole treatment does not bring the expected positive effects. Of course, this doesn’t happen to everyone who has used Tabex, some people managed to stop smoking thanks to it, and for those for whom it proved ineffective, we recommend another remedy, Nicorix .
Nicorix – high effectiveness in quitting smoking confirmed by patients and specialists
Looking for an effective method to help you kick this nasty habit, we decided to reach for Nicorix The product does not contain cytosine, but other plant ingredients. Such a composition in most cases does not cause any side effects and situations when someone is allergic to a particular substance are extremely rare and only in such a case any negative reactions can occur. Three active ingredients are responsible for its potency, which are:
Kudzu root
Particularly useful in the fight against various addictions, including cigarette smoking. Otherwise known as leadwort, it is a plant long appreciated in natural medicine in the Far East, especially in China and Japan. It is characterized by a wide range of pro-health effects, being an effective remedy for, among others:
- regulating digestive processes, removing such ailments as hyperacidity or diarrhea;
- removal of excess free radicals;
- violent symptoms of menopause;
- headaches;
- hypertension.
When it comes to helping people quit smoking, on the other hand, its anti-stress effects are useful, reducing nervous tension associated with nicotine withdrawal by effectively stimulating the release of more dopamine and serotonin. In addition, the root helps cleanse the body of all toxins, including those that are the residue of smoking, fully detoxifying the body.
Green tea
It has already been described on our website many times and only in superlatives. Its action comes down primarily to strengthening the immunity significantly weakened as a result of long-term smoking and the removal of toxins described above. It also provides vitamins and other nutrients that are missing from the smoker’s body, and relieves symptoms of oxidative stress, which is the difference between the amount of free radicals and the body’s ability to cleanse itself. According to research conducted by scientists, regular drinking of green tea helps to control the urge to light up a cigarette to a great extent.
3 – Guarana
The extract of this plant, native to South America, is commonly used in many dietary supplements, mainly in effective pills for weight loss . This is due to the health properties of guarana and its composition, in which you will also find what can be useful in the fight against tobacco addiction. Thanks to this, it manages to remove many effects of smoking, primarily those of psychological nature, such as stress or problems with concentration, and physical, such as headaches. Its effectiveness in combating excess weight, on the other hand, makes it possible to avoid the weight gain often associated with quitting smoking, when we start replacing cigarettes with more food. The last important advantage is a large dose of daily energy, useful for greater physical activity, another factor that prevents us from gaining weight.
Effectiveness Nicorix You really can not accuse it of anything and it is with its help that many people manage to part with their habit once and for all, and smoking cigarettes is just a sad memory. The body is thoroughly cleansed of nicotine and other poisonous substances, and it returns the favor with full health, energy and vitality, and you only need to take 2 tablets a day to achieve this. However, the most important thing is that even after the end of the treatment and withdrawal from the tablets, we do not feel any desire to smoke a cigarette.