Silicon – opinions on its importance in the treatment of baldness.
Minerals are another substance, next to vitamins from practically all groups, without which we cannot do without, and our body cannot function properly. Thanks to them various processes can take place in the cells, conditioning the long maintenance of good health. One of the minerals which should be regularly supplied is undoubtedly silicon, with wide-ranging health properties, preventing hair loss, i.e. baldness affecting both men and women.
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Minerals – what they are and what importance they have for health

Under the term minerals we understand the so-called trace elements which have strictly defined properties and which the human organism is not able to produce on its own. Contrary to popular opinion, minerals are not typical nutritional substances, but they are responsible for an exceptionally large number of phenomena occurring in our bodies. They are considered regulators of numerous biochemical processes, being responsible for
- the correct structure of connective tissue, especially bones, joints and teeth;
- maintaining the acid-base balance;
- regulation of water management, allowing to maintain the so-called proper water balance;
- proper muscle contractions, thanks to which we are able to move, for example;
- metabolism of many other compounds, e.g. glucose and fats;
- undisturbed functioning of the nervous system, better memory, concentration and general mental abilities;
- removal of dangerous free radicals from the body, some of which are antioxidants;
- healthy and strong hair and nails.
Silicon – the origin of this valuable element
The scientific definition of silicon (Latin: Silicium), says that it is an element belonging to the group of semi-metals, and was first described by French physicist Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier in 1787. Silicon has an abbreviated name in the Mendeleev table Si and, occurring in nature, is considered, next to oxygen, the most common element on Earth. In the form of silicon oxide, i.e. silica, it is, among other things, the building material of rocks forming the earth’s crust; it is also found in the cells of most living organisms.
Silicon – presence and amount in the human body

Since silicon is found in the cells of our body, it must automatically have a large impact on our health. This is in fact the case, and not without good reason it is called “the element of life”, characterized by exceptionally broad healing properties. In the human body it is stored in many internal organs, adrenal cortex, thymus gland, lungs, pituitary gland, muscle tissue, and blood.
The total amount of silicon in the human body is only about 7 g, unfortunately it decreases with age and therefore needs to be regularly supplied from external sources. This should always be borne in mind because its actual requirement in adults is as much as 20-30 mg per day. A good idea to effectively supplement deficiencies is organic silicon, available in liquid form, not oxidized, and allowing to avoid the negative effects of silicon deficiency, such as
- weakened immunity and increased susceptibility to infections, especially of the respiratory tract;
- severe bone and joint pains;
- skin diseases, especially acne and ringworm, and other changes such as cellulite;
- impaired healing of wounds;
- loss of hair and nails, which become brittle and fragile;
- faster graying, even in young people;
- more painful periods.
Cases of overdose of silicon are extremely rare, facilitated by the rapid removal of the excess with the urine. However, if urination is impaired, an excess of this element in the body may increase the risk of kidney stones.
Silicon – health properties
As mentioned earlier, silicon is an element with broad therapeutic properties, even acting comprehensively and having a significant impact on many aspects of health. The most important, also indicated by specialists, are:
More efficient, strong bones and joints
Without proper amounts of silicon it is impossible to maintain full efficiency of the osteoarticular system. It is an important element of protection against such diseases as osteoporosis and bone softening (osteomalacia). Organic silicon is most effective here:
- helps alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis by increasing production of enzymes necessary for proper collagen synthesis;
- improves joint mobility, flexibility of tendons and their resistance to damage, which is certainly appreciated by people who are physically active;
- accelerates the healing of broken bones.
A healthier heart and circulatory system
Their functioning also depends on the supply of many substances, including silicon, in the best-absorbable form. Studies have shown that the correct amount of silicon has a positive effect on
- sealing the walls of blood vessels, preventing their breaking and the formation of hematomas, bruises, and varicose veins;
- regulation of blood pressure, thus silicon is an important element used in the treatment and prevention of hypertension
- reducing the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, and venous calcification.
Elastic, firm skin and strong nails
Everyone would like to enjoy healthy and firm skin without acne lesions or wrinkles deepening with age, and strong, unbreakable nails. An effective remedy against this is silicon, supplied in carefully selected doses with food, or present in the composition of cosmetics designed for daily care of weakened skin and nails. Its action in this respect is comprehensive, consisting of inter alia:
- inhibiting, and to a large extent, the natural ageing processes of the skin;
- restoring its elasticity and firmness, which simultaneously improves the oval of the face;
- counteracting the formation of cellulite;
- Active participation in the synthesis of collagen fibers that determine the youthful appearance and health of the skin;
- accelerated healing of epidermal irritations, acne lesions and wounds;
- smoothing out existing wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones
- strengthening nail plate, which becomes more resistant to damage.
Stopping hair loss

This is one of the main uses of silicon, as it has a great impact on the health of the scalp which is the basis for hair growth. It is a common ingredient in cosmetics and dietary supplements used for daily hair care and to stop accelerated, uncontrollable hair loss. There are many types of baldness, telogen, androgen or alopecia areata, but one of their causes is almost always lack of sufficient amount of silicon in blood.
Silicon deficiency in a short time makes hair brittle , fragile, loses its shine and its natural, deep color. Follicles and hair bulbs are also weakened, which results in hair loss in large amounts, which if not stopped in time can lead to complete baldness. This process can be stopped by properly selected silicon doses, which should also be combined with other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, which improves immunity, and zinc. They strengthen the effectiveness of silicon, but it is silicon that enjoys the best opinions of people who regularly supplement it and won with their baldness.
Silicon – how to supplement its deficiency

We already know how important silicon is for our body and what its possible deficiencies cause. It is worth supplementing it to avoid many ailments, and this can be done in two ways, using:
Natural sources
Natural sources of silicon are always the best, which is why we list them first. Large amounts of silicon are found in products such as:
- herbs, especially nettle and field horsetail, ingredients in many dietary supplements, conditioners, and hair shampoos;
- Whole grain cereals, bran, wholemeal dark bread, oatmeal, groats, brown rice;
- Vegetables, garlic, onions, chives, cabbage, asparagus, radishes, peas, carrots, legumes
- seafood;
- fruit peels, which is why it is a good idea to eat them with the peel, after washing it thoroughly, of course.
Dietary supplements
On the market we can easily find dietary supplements, mainly those intended for people struggling with hair loss, having in their composition large amounts of natural silica coming from plants, nettle, chickweed or field horsetail. They also contain the mentioned other vitamins and minerals, such as the skin-beneficial biotin, and you can choose from our ranking, which can be found at the link below.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/silica-for-hair
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/micronutrients#benefits