Red tea – not only good for weight loss
Next to coffee, tea is the second most popular beverage drunk every day by millions of people all over the world. Tea leaves contain a wealth of biologically and chemically active compounds which affect our health. Whether it’s positive or negative depends on what kind you choose. If we really want this drink to bring us health benefits, we should choose red tea, e.g. the world famous Pu-erch variety.
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Red tea – how it found its way to our tables

This variety of tea, just like many others, including green tea, came to Europe from the Far East, from distant China. Its history dates back to the 7th century when it began to be grown in Yunnan province and was initially reserved only for emperors of the Tang dynasty ruling at that time. Today, it is still produced in the southern part of China and Taiwan has become an equally important producer.
Red tea – various flavours
Before we get into all the slimming and health benefits of red tea, it is worth taking a closer look at its unique flavour and aroma which distinguish it from other tea varieties. This is because its leaves undergo a process of fermentation which gives them their characteristic red colour.
Then, red tea undergoes multiple, long ageing processes, in the case of some varieties even lasting several dozenyears, which makes it arouse admiration with its unique taste. It varies for many varieties of this tea, and there are three known ones available for sale such as:
- Oolong, also called blue or emerald, although in reality its color oscillates from golden to dark brown. It is characterized by a light, mild taste and at the same time a strongly perceptible aroma, thanks to a relatively small amount of tannin in its composition;
- Pu-erch, by far the most famous and popular, coming from the Chinese province of Yunnan. Just like the previous one, it undergoes a semi-fermentation process and, once the leaves have acquired the right shade of red, it is put to age for many years so that the brewed brew delights with its taste from the very first sip and has a beneficial effect on our body’s health;
- Puszong, also known as jasmine tea, distinguished by the shortest fermentation time, light yellow or amber colour and a taste similar to Japanese green tea.
Red tea – what is in it

As with many other plants, red tea owes its unique health benefits to the substances in its composition. It is these substances that have an active and positive effect on the body and make us feel better with every cup of Pu-erch and, most importantly, reduce body weight. This red tea, and of course other varieties as well, simply shock with the amount of ingredients, the most important of which are:
- flavonoids, which have, among other things, a cleansing and diuretic effect, and also take care of the proper functioning of the digestive system;
- tannins, with anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, or antiseptic properties, also helping to alleviate stomach problems, including bothersome diarrhea, relieving symptoms of food poisoning
- alkaloids, whose main ingredient is caffeine, which acts as a stimulant, providing energy necessary for physical activity and perfectly affecting our mental well-being;
- vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, an effective antioxidant, whose task is to eliminate free radicals, responsible for many diseases and faster aging of the body. Ascorbic acid also improves the absorption of iron, while having a beneficial effect on the skin, participating in the production of collagen;
- vitamin E, another one with antioxidant properties, called “the vitamin of youth”, oxygenates and moisturizes the skin, takes an active part in supplying nutrients to all cells, regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood;
- phenolic acids included in tannins contained in red tea, with anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and antioxidant properties;
- calcium, an element essential for healthy bones and teeth, preventing the development of osteoporosis, increasing the assimilability of the extremely important vitamin B12, cobalamin, conditioning the proper development of the fetus;
- fluorine, also being the basis of strong and healthy teeth, protecting them from the development of caries;
- iron, without which it is practically impossible for the human body to function properly, but it cannot be produced by itself. It must therefore be supplied from external sources, such as Pu-erch tea, as it is responsible for the functioning of the immune system, the nervous system and the formation of red blood cells;
- magnesium, responsible, among other things, for the proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system, thanks to which it supports memory and concentration, taking care of our mental condition and overall mental abilities. It also prevents insomnia and muscle spasms, especially in the lower limbs;
- selenium, another antioxidant which further intensifies the process of free radical reduction, also beneficial for skin and hair.
Red tea – the most important health-promoting properties
Now that we know its three most famous varieties and its composition, it’s time to find out why it is worth introducing red tea into our daily menu, including a slimming diet. Its most important health-promoting properties, also pointed out by specialists, e.g. dieticians, are:
Slimming properties
Overweight and obesity are two civilization diseases of our times, which cannot be ignored. Constantly increasing body weight and excessive growth of fat tissue is not only a purely aesthetic problem, it also becomes the cause of many other diseases. Obese people are threatened by, among others:
- hormonal disorders;
- degeneration of joints constantly exposed to heavy loads;
- problems with getting pregnant and maintaining a pregnancy;
- kidney, stomach and liver diseases, including particularly dangerous cancers;
- weakened libido and erectile dysfunction;
- lower limb varicose veins;
- heart and circulatory system diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
Weight reduction is favored by the components of this variety of tea, primarily polyphenols that speed up and improve digestive processes by regulating the amount of secretion of digestive enzymes, mainly bile. Regular red tea drinking speeds up fat metabolism, making it easier to burn off excess fat, while relieving symptoms of digestive system ailments. It also protects the most important internal organs, especially the liver responsible for proper digestion.
However, tea alone will not make you lose weight and enjoy a slim figure. Drinking it in the recommended amount of several, maximum 5-6 cups a day, preferably half an hour after eating, will only support the slimming treatment, which is always based on a properly selected diet and a large dose of physical activity.
Strengthening the immune system
Responsible for natural immunity of our body, the first and most important line of defence against seasonal infections or more serious diseases. This is facilitated by the content of numerous antioxidants, mainly vitamins and components with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Thanks to that we can count on strong immunity in all conditions, needed regardless of the season.
Stimulation of the organism
What is possible thanks to caffeine and theine which we deliver with every cup we drink. Theine is a psychoactive substance which beneficially stimulates and excites the central nervous system, improves memory, concentration and helps reduce the negative effects of mental and physical fatigue. Caffeine, in turn, is responsible for providing large doses of energy constituting an impulse for active operation throughout a long day.
Prevention of cardiovascular disease
People who suffer from cardiovascular diseases should also drink different varieties of red tea. Components that lower the level of “bad” cholesterol LDL, while increasing the “good ” fraction HDL, help prevent them and relieve symptoms if they occur. Drinking 3 to 6 cups a day reduces the possibility of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, while minimizing the risk of a life-threatening heart attack.
Improves the appearance of skin and hair
In addition to the above-mentioned minerals, different varieties of red tea contain another equally valuable element, zinc, which is essential, especially for skin health. It smoothes the skin, reduces the visibility of wrinkles and discoloration, accelerates the healing of irritations, redness and acne, intensifies the production of collagen. It regulates the sebaceous glands, influences the synthesis of keratin, the most important building material of hair, prevents hair loss and accelerates its regrowth, making it healthier and stronger.
Red tea – contraindications and possible side effects

Despite such obvious health benefits, not everyone can enjoy the taste of Pu-erch and other varieties of red tea. People with osteoporosis, among others, are contraindicated. Some of its components, when consumed in large amounts, may excessively leach calcium from the body, leading to weakening of the bones. It is also not recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding women as well as people suffering from anemia or anaemia. It is definitely not recommended for small children.
Red tea also sometimes causes some side effects, with varying degrees of symptoms, such as:
- hyperactivity and irritability caused by caffeine;
- sleep problems, which can end in insomnia;
- increased blood pressure;
- water and electrolyte disturbances in the body, in some cases causing dehydration;
- feelings of weakness, muscle aches, and headaches;
- gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea or vomiting.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/pu-erh-tea-benefits
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319276