Proven home remedies for aching joints
Despite our utmost care for health and fitness, joint pain can happen to anyone, being caused by different, often disparate factors. The disease usually appears suddenly, resulting from inflammation or physical injury, which sometimes we are guilty of. It occurs regardless of age, not only in older people, which is why early prevention is so important, as it allows us to maintain full efficiency in the joints and bones throughout our lives, until old age.
Joint pain – causes and symptoms

Pain in the joints and muscles surrounding them, which increases gradually or attacks immediately, is most often the result of the lifestyle we lead. It is caused by an improper diet, leading directly to overweight and obesity putting a strain on the joints, and just as often it is caused by too much physical effort, at work or while practicing our favorite sport. However, these are not the only causes of inflammation developing in the joints, because it is it that most often causes pain. The cause may also be coexisting diseases of which they are a symptom, such as:
- cold and flu, viral diseases, with which the pain is most intense;
- chickenpox and rubella;
- rheumatoid arthritis, in the course of which we feel not only pain, but also stiffness of the joints, sometimes preventing independent functioning. You may also encounter its variant affecting adolescents under the age of 16, juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
- systemic lupus erythematosus, a multi-organ disease affecting also the joints;
- gout;
- cartilage or bonetumors;
- Lyme disease, which develops after a tick bite.
Symptoms are so characteristic that they cannot be overlooked, e.g. back pain, especially intensified at night, causing swelling and strong redness of the joint. Its mobility also decreases, and additional common symptoms include a feeling of constant fatigue, significant weight loss and high fever. In no case should they be underestimated, and one of the ways of treatment may turn out to be the proven home methods, still used by our Mums and Grandmothers.
Home remedies for joints – trust the effectiveness of herbs
The importance of natural medicine, and especially of herbs, plants with repeatedly confirmed therapeutic properties, cannot be underestimated. They are commonly used to treat many, often very serious diseases, so nothing stands in the way of them helping also aching joints. Thanks to them you can quickly and effectively alleviate the symptoms, and the substances contained in them will also reach the cause of the problem, eliminating the developing inflammation. You can use many herbs for this purpose, but the highest effectiveness is shown by several of them, which we also, from our side, recommend:

- Sage, with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, thanks to large amounts of essential oils, tannins, vitamins from groups: A, B, vitamin C and minerals so important for joint health such as: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc. We can also find in it carnosol, effectively suppressing inflammation, eliminating fever and acting as an analgesic. Sage is best suited for the preparation of a therapeutic bath, in which the infusion mixed with warm water quickly relieves all symptoms;
- Mistletoe, which, in addition to treating respiratory diseases, can be used externally to rub sore spots. A tincture is made of it, usually in spirit, which is excellent for warming up, improving joint mobility and effectively relieving even severe rheumatic pains;
- white mustard, with strong warming properties, and it is worth placing bags filled with it on the joint affected by pain;

- Peppermint, recommended especially for rheumatoid arthritis. The oil made of it has a cooling effect and thus alleviates all ailments;
- willow bark, which in the form of an infusion drunk in the amount of up to 4 glasses a day can replace strong painkillers without their dangerous side effects;
- Ginger, well known for its use against the common cold, but equally good for joint disorders, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, pain relief and reduction of swelling. It can be used in its natural form by wrapping the joint with thin slices of the root and wrapping the leg or arm with a bandage, or rubbing ginger oil into the painful area.
Home remedies for joints – massages, baths and physical activity
Herbs are certainly effective, but apart from them it is worth deciding on other, also natural, methods, massages, therapeutic baths and, of course, physical activity, which is also the best prophylaxis, protecting against recurrence or even occurrence of the disease. Such treatment is therefore recommended not only after the onset of symptoms, should become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Why immediately reach for drugs, although in some cases it becomes necessary, it is better to rely on the methods presented below, which can be really effective:
- physical activity, taking care of your condition. A daily dose of exercise will allow you to stay fit, strengthening not only the joints themselves but also the bones and muscles. It is therefore completely wrong to think that with this type of disease we should avoid exercising, but it is important to do it systematically. Thanks to this the joints are better supplied with blood and thus perfectly nourished, regardless of whether we decide on a morning walk, jogging or a visit to the swimming pool;
- massage, preferably performed by a physiotherapist, but in emergency cases you can also do it yourself. A little bit of the aforementioned ginger oil will come in handy, which we massage into the joint with gentle, circular movements without pressing too hard on the sore spots;
- warm baths in brine, acting against pain and reducing inflammation. This is facilitated by the chemical composition of the brine itself, full of minerals and other substances facilitating healing, and we can also count on similar effects by applying cold and hot compresses alternately;
- analgesicointments, with such active ingredients as diclofenac, salicylic acid or popular substances such as ibuprofen. Ecology lovers will also find something for themselves, ointments with the addition of plant extracts, e.g. from willow bark.
ProFlexen – a comprehensive solution in one tablet

All these home methods of joint treatment are certainly effective, but they are also laborious and long-lasting. Sometimes you have to wait several weeks or even months for the results of the treatment, and during this time it is at least difficult to function with constant pain. So it is better to solve all the problems in one go by taking ProFlexen, one of the best supplements for maintaining health and efficiency of joints.
It can be safely said that it has universal application, proving itself in treatment and prevention, preventing the development of disease and its symptoms. This is determined by the composition, and ProFlexen is the result of the latest research in this field, and you will find the following substances:
- glucosamine, acting as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating joint cartilage;
- ginger;
- turmeric extract,
- extract from Indian frankincense resin, a source of boswellic acid, valuable for bones;
- Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant; and the minerals zinc and manganese.
It is enough to take two capsules a day on a regular basis in order to feel a visible improvement after just a few days, increased joint mobility and, what is most important, complete lack of bothersome, difficult to bear pain. ProFlexen has excellent reviews from patients and specialists and can be purchased through the manufacturer’s website, which guarantees fast delivery and the lowest promotional prices.