Prostoxalen – the pill that makes you forget prostate problems
If a man wants to maintain full sexual performance for a long time , he should take care of his health throughout his life, practically in all its aspects. One part of the male body that definitely should not be overlooked is the prostate gland, also known as the prostate. It directly affects the ability to get a strong erection and fertility. Therefore, it is worth to support its functkion and get rid of potential problems with the use of Prostoxalen – effective prostate pills with a natural, mostly plant-based composition.
What is the prostate and what functions does it perform?
Before we address the composition and effects of Prostoxalen pills, we should first learn what the prostate is and what function it performs. Definitions depict it as an organ unique only to the male body, and physically it is a small gland located in the genitourinary system. Its size is usually about 3.5 to 4 cm long, the same width, and about 2.5 cm height. It is relatively small yet its growth determines the right level of testosterone, the most important male sex hormone.
The size of the prostate gland does not play crucial rolle. What matters are its exact location and the extremely important tasks it is responsible for. It lies just below the bladder, in the lower part of the pelvis minor, between the two lobes that form it passes the urethra, and its posterior part touches the rectum. It looks like it surrounds it on all sides, and this sensitive position sometimes carries serious health consequences.
As for the functions it has to perform, when functioning properly and uninterruptedly, it is responsible for:
- production of seminal fluid that forms sperm, enables sperm to move, and is full of hormones and enzymes which enable them to survive for up to several dozen hours outside the male’s body;
- allowing the sperm to ejaculate, also known as ejaculation, which is the task of the smooth muscles that make up the prostate gland.
What diseases threaten the prostate gland?
The function of the prostate cannot be underestimated, so it is necessary to keep monitoring its condition, which should be done especially by men over 40 years of age. That is the time when usually problems with this gland begin. It is possible to counteract them to a great extent by using dietary supplements, such as Prostoxalen. If those problems are left neglected, some serious health consequences may occur:
- Prostate hypertrophy, a condition considered a widespread one, already affecting nearly 50 percent of 60-year-olds, and diagnosed in almost 80 percent of older men. Symptoms that should not be underestimated include more frequent urination throughout the day, too weak a stream of urine, a feeling of constant pressure on the bladder, troublesome incontinence, a feeling of burning during urination;
- prostate cancer, a life-threatening disease, which initially manifests itself similarly to prostatic hypertrophy, that is, frequent urination. Over time, this is compounded by severe pain in the perineum, during urination, ejaculation and movement, erectile problems, blood in the urine or sperm, urinary stasis, leg swelling and increasing pressure on the spinal cord associated with metastasis of the cancer.
Prostoxalen – Formulated to promote a healthy prostate
When looking for a remedy to help alleviate and eliminate emerging prostate disorders, it is worth using not only the most effective, but also safe product that causes no side effects. Prostoxalen covers all those needs. Its effectivennes is based only on natural active substances, mostly of plant origin. Each pill contains the following ingredients:
Sabal palm extract

Also known as Saw Palmetto, it is a plant whose health-promoting effects are considered to be comprehensive, resulting directly from its rich composition. Among others, it is rich in:
- Vitamin A, which is responsible for proper vision and acts as a barrier against cancer, including prostate cancer;
- vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, which removes one of the causes of cancer, i.e. dangerous free radicals. Thanks to it, Prostoxalen not only supports the functioning of the prostate gland, but also improves fertility and strengthens weakened male libido, restoring full sexual performance;
- vitamin K, with its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, preventing cracking of blood vessel walls;
- Coenzyme Q10, reinforces immunity, prevents cancer development, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol LDL in blood;
- flavonoids, acting as diuretics and removing toxins from the body;
- Phytosterols, which are essential in preventing and relieving the symptoms of prostate hypertrophy and blocking the proliferation of cancer cells.
Pumpkin seed extract

An ingredient that has been used in the composition of Prostoxalen intentionallu because of its numerous beneficial properties and rich composition full of vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C – the popular ascorbic acid – and minerals. Such a healthy “cocktail” has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the weakened male body because it:
- helps to maintain the proper level of testosterone, which is also important for the proper functioning of the prostate;
- thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, alleviates potential irritation of the bladder and the urethral orifice, which are characteristic symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy;
- reduces the frequency of urination, especially at night;
- enhances potency and immune system functioning.
Nettle extract

A popular plant that grows in meadows and gardens and is widely used in herbal medicine. Among many nutrients that nettle contains, those seem to be the most noteworthy:
- vitamin B1 (thiamine) supports the immune system, offers a natural barrier against disease, including those connected with the prostate, stabilizes the work of the circulatory system and the nervous system;
- Vitamin C, workin g as an antioxidant, in case of prostate gland it inhibits the development of cancer cells;
- vitaminE;
- vitamin K;
- minerals: silicon – beneficial for the heart, calcium – preventing osteoporosis, phosphorus and manganese – necessary for better sexual performance.
Found in Prostoxalen tablets at appropriately selected doses neetle extracgt reduces the symptoms accompanying prostate diseases, facilitates urination, reducing pain and the size of the hypertrophied prostate gland.
Large cranberry extract

It is considered to be a natural antibiotic. The cranberry, thanks to its numerous healing properties, has been used in medicine for a long time, not only in natural medicine. It contains many substances actively affecting the body, such as:
- vitamin A;
- vitamin B1 (thiamine);
- Vitamin B2,(riboflavin) regulates the hormonal balance of the body, including testosterone secretion; takes part in the process of red blood cells formation; normalizes the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system; protects against the negative effects of oxidative stress;
- flavonoids, particularly quercetin;
- beneficial organic acids, quinic, malic, citric;
- flavone glycosides;
- tannins.
Such a wide composition of large-fruited cranberry aids the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, including kidneys and prostate, protected especially against bacterial infections. It facilitates emptying the bladder through its diuretic effect and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
Willowbark extract

Another herbal ingredient used in Prostoxalen prostate pills, whose therapeutic properties are determined by the high content of valuable active substances. The most important here are tannins characterized by a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, supported by:
- phenolic acids;
- flavonoids;
- phytosterols;
- tannins.
The composition of the willow plant predisposes it to effectively counteract the diseases of the urinary system.. It is also used in supporting the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, thanks to blocking the conversion of testosterone into its harmful variant, dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Its comon source are tomatoes. It is a natural pigment that gives tomatoes their red color. Lycopene is an organic chemical compound classified as a carotene, with a wide spectrum of properties that promote not only prostate health. It is an antioxidant, effectively reducing the effects of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, and is also appreciated for:
- anti-cancer properties;
- improving cardiovascular function;
- reduction of LDL cholesterol levels in the blood;
- increasing the number and activity of sperm cells, which is important for male fertility.
Additional doses of vitamins and minerals
Prostoxalen tablets also provide extra doses of vitamins and minerals for prostate health:
- vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) a regulator of the body’s hormonal activity so that proper testosterone levels can be maintained;
- vitamin E;
- zinc, an essential element for maintaining reproductive functions; its proper amount helps to prevent the uncontrolled growth of the prostate.
Why take Prostoxalen?
Prostoxalen stands out extremely favorably among other dietary supplements designed to counteract prostate disorders. Its numerous advantages are praised by both specialists and the average men who have tries it. The following are pointed out when it comes to its effectiveness:
- natural, mostly plant-based composition;
- no feeling of pressure on the bladder;
- reduced frequency of urination;
- normal urine stream;
- ro more prostate pain;
- no problems with incontinence;
- increased desire for sex, vigor and sexual performance;
- no erection problems;
- safe to use, with no side effects.
Where can you buy Prostoxalen pills?
To solve your prostate problems once and for all, just visit manufacturer’s website and place an order on it, choosing from three available promotional packages:
- 1 pack is enough for one month of treatment;
- 2 packs to continue the treatment for 2 months;
- 3 packs (3+1 free) for up to 4 months.
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/saw-palmetto
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/stinging-nettle
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lycopene
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-b6-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/health/all-about-vitamin-e
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/zinc-supplements