omega-3 fatty acids – properties. Omega 3 for skin, hair and nails
Fatty acids omega-3 belong to the belong to the group of essential unsaturated fatty acids and have have a number of important functions in our body. Increased Increased demand for this component is demonstrated primarily by pregnant women and athletes, although children and adolescents also need a considerable amount of these acids. also in children and adolescents. Omega-3 is important not only for our health, but also for beauty. They help maintain our health, but also our beauty. They help to maintain youth and protect us from many diseases. Let’s see what the properties of omega-3 acids, where they can be found and how they affect our body, used internally and externally.
- 1 Characteristics of omega 3 acids
- 2 Omega 3 – properties
- 3 Deficiency of omega 3 acids symptoms and causes
- 4 Omega 3 fatty acids – sources
- 4.1 Omega 3 and the circulatory system
- 4.2 Omega 3 and the nervous system
- 4.3 Omega 3, and the digestive system
- 4.4 Omega 3 and the skeletal system
- 4.5 Omega 3 and the immune system
- 4.6 Omega 3 and the respiratory system
- 4.7 Omega 3 and the genitourinary system
- 4.8 Omega 3 – effect on eyesight
- 4.9 Omega 3 for hair, skin and nails
- 4.10 Omega 3 – help for athletes
Characteristics of omega 3 acids
Omega-3 fatty acids belong to the group of unsaturated fatty acids (NNKT), and more precisely more precisely, to polyunsaturated fatty acids. The composition of omega 3 include linolenic acid (ALA), which is a substrate for the production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Omega 3 – properties
Omega-3 fatty acids perform a number of different health functions in our body. organism a number of different health functions. They affect among others:
- circulatory system – they are essential for proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels; they ensure efficient blood flow, inhibit excessive platelet aggregation, normalize blood pressure and influence appropriate elasticity of blood vessels;
- Nervoussystem – slow down ageing processes of the brain and other body cells; reduce neurodegenerative changes leading to serious diseases. They support concentration, memory and cognitive abilities, they also reduce stress, helping to fight insomnia, among other things;
- the endocrine system – they increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin;
- immunesystem – support immunity, show anti-inflammatory effects; reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases;
- digestive system – support metabolism, take part in metabolic processes, soothe inflammatory conditions of the intestines;
- Bone system – they facilitate calcium absorption into the bone tissue, increase bone strength;
- therespiratory system: they reduce complaints related to inhalatory asthma and allergies;
- the genitourinary system – in prevention of prostate cancer in men, breast and uterine cancer in women;
- eyesight – they are necessary for the proper development of the organ of vision and to keep it in good condition;
- skin, hair and nails – improve their condition.
omega-3 acids are also essential for children, pregnant women, and athletes. They can support weight loss processes, that’s why it’s worth implementing them into a daily diet.
Above I presented a general outline properties of omega-3 acids. I described them in more detail in the following paragraphs. paragraphs.
Deficiency of omega 3 acids symptoms and causes
Among the symptoms of omega 3 acids deficiency we can distinguish:
- hair loss;
- dryness of the skin and hair;
- brittle nails;
- reduced immunity; more frequent infections;
- frequent urination;
- increased thirst;
- respiratory problems;
- dry eye syndrome;
- slowed healing of wounds;
- leg cramps when walking;
- frequent middle ear infections;
- accelerated signs of aging;
- circulatory problems.
Fatty acid deficiencies Deficiencies of fatty acids mainly occur when we do not have enough of them in our daily diet. It is therefore necessary to balance the diet and enrich it with healthy fats.
Omega 3 fatty acids – sources

The largest amounts of omega 3 can be found in:
- fish (Atlantic salmon, European anchovy, sardines, herring, mackerel, trout, swordfish, tuna, halibut, cod);
- Flaxseed oil;
- Walnuts;
- chia seeds;
- canola oil.
The influence of omega 3 acids on human health
Omega 3 and the circulatory system
It is estimated that a regular
supply of omega 3 acids reduces the risk of heart attack by up to
Omega-3 fatty acids support the cardiovascular system in the following ways:
- they reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias;
- prevent atrial fibrillation atrial fibrillation in the event of a heart attack;
- reduce excessive clotting, thinning the blood and reducing its viscosity;
- prevent arteriosclerosis;
- inhibit the sticking of blood cells to damaged blood vessels, preventing clots and embolisms; reduces the risk clots and embolisms; reduce the risk of stroke in the elderly elderly;
- prevent inflammatory processes, and thus and thus prevent hardening of the arterial walls;
- reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good cholesterol (HDL), prevent the development of atherosclerosis development of atherosclerosis; they are necessary for proper lipid transport lipids;
- equalize blood pressure, reduce heart rate;
- contribute to inhibition of thrombocytopenia, i.e. a reduction in the number of platelets in the blood;
- improve macro- and microcirculation in patients with type 2 diabetes;
- increase fibrin breakdown, so they support the treatment of varicose veins;
- used in the treatment and prevention of myeloid leukemia.
Omega 3 and the nervous system

The human brain is made up of 60% fats, 25% of which are omega 3 fatty acids. As you can see, they are essential for proper functioning of the brain, and thus the entire nervous system.
Omega 3 fatty acids support the nervous system by:
- improving blood supply to the brain and stimulating the flow of nerve impulses between the white and grey matter and grey matter;
- improving cognitive abilities cognitive abilities, support of thinking and concentration;
- increasing creativity;
- protection from harmful factors;
- alleviation of various diseases neurological diseases;
- increasing serotonin levels in the brain in the brain, thereby improving mood;
- reducing the risk of developing of Alzheimera disease and dementia;
- improving the condition of patients with epilepsy;
- shaping the brain and nervous system nervous system in the fetus.
Omega 3, and the digestive system
Omega 3 fatty acids support many metabolic and biochemical processes in the human body human body. They are very important in maintaining a healthy digestive system They support the digestive system in the following ways:
- they relieve inflammation of the intestines;
- have a cholagogic effect;
- have diastolic properties;
- protect against stomach and duodenum ulcers;
- strengthen, seal and moisten the mucous membranes of the digestive system;
- reduce constipation;
- dissolve gallstones and protect against the formation of new ones;
- accelerate metabolism and prevent excessive accumulation of fat tissue, which makes them helpful in weight loss processes;
- prevent the development of diabetes;
- reduce the risk of pancreatic and colorectal cancer.
Omega 3 and the skeletal system
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintain healthy bones. Their systematic supply influences on:
- better calcium absorption into the bone tissue, which increases bone strength;
- reducing the risk of arthritis;
- alleviation of spine pain and stiffness in rheumatic diseases;
- increasing the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs;
- supporting the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Omega 3 and the immune system
Omega 3 acids regulate the level of cytokines, whose increased level is responsible for the development of many diseases. Thus, Thus, they strengthen the immune system and prevent
- autoimmune diseases;
- chronic inflammation;
- allergies;
- the development of cancer.
Omega 3 and the respiratory system
Not many people know that omega 3 fatty acids also have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, reducing the problems associated with asthma and inhalation allergies. Additionally:
- they reduce the risk of developing pneumonia and lung cancer;
- Reduce inflammation in patients with cystic fibrosis and cause an overproduction of mucus, thus which has a protective effect;
- reduce inflammation in the airways airways;
- reduce oxygen consumption during exercise, which is very important for athletes.
Omega 3 and the genitourinary system
Omega 3 are good for the prevention of prostate cancer in men and breast and uterine cancer in women. Studies also show that they can affect the inhibition growth of an existing cancer and prevent the development of metastases. They are especially important for women because:
- they have a positive effect on the menstrual cycle menstrual cycle by blocking prostaglandins, which increase its abundance;
- they reduce menstrual pain;
- prevent infertility, associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome;
- reduce the risk of mental illness and mental retardation in the fetus;
- reduce the risk of premature births by up to 50%;
- women who follow a diet rich in omega 3 are less likely to suffer from postpartum depression;
- alleviate side effects of hormone therapy side effects of hormone therapy;
- reduce symptoms of menopause;
- research shows that they increase the the likelihood of success with in vitro fertilization.
Omega 3 – effect on eyesight
Omega 3 acids influence correct development of the organ of sight – the eye. It means that their deficiency may cause serious eye defects. What is more, omega 3 protects eye nerve cells nerve cells of the eye, preventing macular degeneration. They are also useful in treating dry eye syndrome.
Omega 3 for hair, skin and nails
Omega 3 is one of the ingredients that will help us take care of the appearance of our hair, skin and nails. Sometimes hair loss and dryness are not caused by a biotin deficiency, but by omega fatty acids.
Deficiencies of omega fatty acids fatty acids deficiency is also visible on the skin. The first symptom of this is dryness of the epidermis and roughness of the skin. Studies show that omega 3 and omega 6 acids in appropriate proportions are effective in treatment of atopic dermatitis and slow down the formation wrinkles, as well as reduce those already formed. What is more, gamma-linolenic acid gamma-linolenic acid is a building block of ceramides, which seal the the epidermis and prevent water loss.
Omega 3 acids are also as important in skin care as coenzyme Q10, collagen or Vitamin C. They not only smooth and moisturize the complexion, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
In skin care we can use omega 3 both internally and externally in the form of creams with The skin can be treated with omega 3 both internally and externally in the form of creams with the addition of this ingredient or natural oils.
The omega 3 acid applied on skin helps in the fight against:
- acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;
- hair loss;
- sores, ulcers, boils;
- hard to heal wounds and burns;
- brittle nails.
Omega 3 – help for athletes
Studies show that the use of omega-3 acids in the diet may have a positive effect on muscle anabolism. With systematic supplementation, an increase in muscle protein synthesis and strength by 4% was observed. What is more, omega 3 improve physical performance, reduce inflammation in muscles and reduce soreness after hard training, promoting regeneration.
During frequent and intensive training, the immune system is exposed to damage. Omega 3 acids reduce this risk by strengthening the immune system, and therefore reducing the susceptibility of athletes to infections. Omega 3 support the condition of joints, reducing pain and inflammation. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, stimulate proper muscle growth and muscle growth and provide an additional source of energy.