NovuVita Vir – natural pills to improve fertility in men
Being a father is a huge responsibility, so men should also plan to start a family well in advance if they want to be considered responsible and worthy of the task. The main thing to take care of is maintaining the right level of fertility, so that you can conceive the desired offspring. Unfortunately, it is very common for a man to have all sorts of sexual problems, and one of the most serious is poor sperm quality. Sometimes this makes conception difficult or even impossible, so it is worth supporting your body with the power of the active ingredients of capsules NovuVita Vir , designed to strengthen male fertility.
What symptoms can indicate male fertility disorders?

Most male fertility problems are due to one’s own negligence, although some are also the result of coexisting, often undetected conditions. Regardless of the cause, they should be prevented as soon as anyalarming symptoms are detected ,which may be:
- erectile dysfunction, by far the most common, manifested by the inability to achieve a full erection or maintain it throughout intercourse;
- sexual frigidity, or simply a lack of desire to have close-up intercourse;
- the effects of mechanical trauma to the genitals also leaving psychological effects, fear of sex;
- overgrowth of the mammary gland occurring in men, called gynecomastia;
- genital pains, heralding more or less serious conditions that require proper diagnosis;
- tumors and other changes felt, for example, in the testicles, which can herald even a developing cancer;
- poor semen quality, low sperm viability and motility detected in the semen tests performed;
- pain and burning of the penis during intercourse;
- painful ejaculation.
What can male fertility problems be caused by?
There can be a whole host ofcauses of male infertility, affecting negatively, first of all, the quality of semen, which makes it difficult or impossible to fertilize a woman’s egg. Therefore, it is worth supporting fertility with the help of substances included in NovuVita Vir capsules. Their effectiveness in many cases may surprise, and the most common reasons for male fertility disorders are:
- the aforementioned erectile problems, since an erection is not achieved, conception will be difficult, to say the least;
- improper diet, not only causing a reduction in semen quality due to lack of adequate nutrients, but also overweight and obesity leading to disorders in the secretion of male sex hormones, mainly testosterone;
- abuse of alcohol, virtually completely reducing sexual performance;
- taking drugs, likewise weakening libido;
- smoking cigarettes;
- sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, weakening the body’s fitness, stamina and capacity;
- prolonged stress, also causing increasing sexual frigidity;
- taking certain medications such as antibiotics or high blood pressure specifics.
What ingredients are used in NovuVita Vir fertility capsules?
The manufacturer of the capsules NovuVita Vir took great care in selecting the composition of the capsules, carefully considering the possibility of supporting weakened male fertility. At the same time he took care of the safety of their use, all the active substances are natural, not causing side effects, but it is recommended to check in advance if you are not allergic to any of them. Each small, but potent in action capsule contains:
An organic chemical compound, synthesized naturally in the human body, with numerous health-promoting properties, the most important of which are:
- improving semen quality, sperm viability and motility;
- Participation in maintaining the body’s normal hormonal balance;
- protection of cells from the negative effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals;
- Beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system;
- support of weight loss processes.
Rosehip extract
He, too, was included in the formulation of NovuVita Vir because of the role he plays in improving overall health and, consequently, supporting impaired male fertility. Rosehip fruits contain vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C and E, as well as silicon, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, flavonoids and karetonoids that affect their properties:
- antiviral and anti-inflammatory;
- antioxidant, allowing to get rid of free radicals;
- diuretic, promoting detoxification of the body;
- enhancing the functioning of the immune system.
Carrot extract
This popular and tasty vegetable is a real treasure trove of nutrients important for health and fertility. It has in its composition vitamin A, B vitamins, including folic acid, vitamin C, large amounts of potassium, as well as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, calcium and iron. Beta-carotene, or provitamin A, also has an important function, and thanks to the presence of carrots, NovuVita Vir gains action:
- antioxidant, allowing to cope with oxidative stress;
- supporting the weakened condition of the body;
- improving semen quality;
- increasing resistance to infection;
- regulating cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
Coenzyme Q10
Another potent antioxidant in action, and its other properties that may promote male health and fertility are:
- slowing down the body’s natural aging processes;
- improving sperm quality, which greatly increases the chances of conception;
- counteracting cardiovascular disease;
- speeding up metabolism.
Vitamin B6
Also bearing the name of pyridoxine, one of the most important in this numerous group of vitamins. Its main task is to support the work of the nervous system, also important for potency and the ability to conceive. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on:
- the most important semen parameters, the number, concentration and motility of sperm;
- maintenance of normal DNA structure;
- synthesis of adequate amounts of testosterone;
- better functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin B12
That is, cobalamin, another of the group of B vitamins found in the composition of NovuVita Vir, considered essential for maintaining full sexual performance, also having a significant impact on fertility levels by:
- supporting the processes of production and secretion of male sex hormones;
- maintaining adequate levels of homocysteine metabolism;
- participating in the processes of red blood cell formation;
- helping to maintain high muscle activity;
- supporting the work of the nervous system.
Vitamin D
Needed primarily for the maintenance of strong bones, preventing the development of osteoporosis, while participating in maintaining full sexual performance and reproductive function. It is also essential to mention other effects of vitamin D:
- maintaining high semen quality;
- positive effects on muscle function;
- supporting the regulation of blood pressure;
- accelerating the recovery of the body after exercise.
Vitamin E
Its interchangeably used name is “fertility vitamin”, which, by the way, it fully deserves. Vitamin E is characterized by extremely broad health-promoting properties, having, among other things:
- antioxidant, so it is another enabling reduction of the amount of free radicals dangerous to health;
- reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
- capable of providing support in the prevention of prostate cancer;
- improving weakened male libido;
- supporting fertility, with proper doses of vitamin E counteracting sperm degeneration.
Folic acid Quatrefolic®
Since it is considered by experts to be so important for health, including fertility, it had to be in NovuVita Vir capsules for men, too. Folic acid, or vitamin B9, has a positive effect on:
- increasing the chances of conception by up to nearly 50%;
- increasing the motility and overall number of sperm in the semen;
- providing large doses of energy necessary also for sex;
- supporting the processes of normal cell growth;
- minimizing the risk of fetal malformations.
It is safe to say about it that it is one of the elements without which we can forget about good health. Zinc is also essential for men who want to become fathers, supporting them in this regard on many levels:
- enabling them to maintain proper amounts of testosterone in the blood, the most important male sex hormone;
- by taking part in sperm production;
- improving sperm motility;
- supporting proper protein synthesis and DNA.
The last active ingredient used in NovuVita Vir is selenium, an element with numerous properties that promote health and fertility, the most important being:
- antioxidant activity, another dam shielding cells from the negative effects of free radicals;
- anti-inflammatory action;
- support of the body’s natural immunity;
- assistance in the processes leading to the formation of male reproductive cells;
- improving semen quality, sperm viability and motility.
NovuVita Vir – what opinions about it have men and specialists who use it?
capsules NovuVita Vir , which support multifaceted weakened male fertility, enjoy good reviews, both by men who use them and by specialists in this type of ailment. In their positive statements, they emphasize such benefits of their use as:
- Maintenance of the correct amount of testosterone in the blood;
- maintenance of normal reproductive functions and fertility;
- strong, efficiently functioning immune system;
- body cells protected from the effects of oxidative stress;
- strengthening of weakened psyche;
- maintenance of adequate homocysteine levels;
- Proper synthesis of proteins, amino acids and DNA;
- proper spermatogenesis and high semen quality;
- natural, safe formulation with no side effects except for an individual allergic reaction to any of the ingredients that depends on the individual organism, not the manufacturer;
- fast effects when taking the recommended dose of 1 capsule per day.
NovuVita Vir – how can I buy this dietary supplement?
NovuVita Vir is sold by its manufacturer through its website , which is a guarantee of a good price and receiving fully effective and original capsules. The supplement is available in three packages:
- 1 pack to start;
- 2 pack plus 1 free;
- 3 pack plus 1 free.
This allows you to save the cost of the purchase, the order is processed within 1 business day of placement and shipped in unobtrusive packaging. It is also possible to ship NovuVita Vir overseas after advance payment, and within our country you can pay for the package only to the courier upon delivery.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/rosehip-oil-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-b6-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/folic-acid
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-b12-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/health/all-about-vitamin-e
- https://www.healthline.com/health-news/5-conditions-vitamin-d-can-help-treat
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/zinc
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/selenium-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/l-carnitine