Lemon diet – Lemon for weight loss in the fight against toxins
There has been quite a buzz lately about the lemon diet. Is lemon a good way to lose weight. Read the article and you will find out what are its beneficial properties!
To whom is the lemon diet recommended?
Lemon treatment is recommended for such health problems as osteoporosis, gallstones or kidney stones, gout, chronic rheumatism, gout anemia, hypertension, overweight, diabetes, nervous diseases, gastritis and liver ailments. Such treatment does not cause any change in the environment or its professional care. It is possible to apply the lemon cure at home and at work. Therefore, it is easy to adapt it to our lifestyle. It is also an excellent method of cleansing the body from toxins and other harmful substances.
Fresh lemons, characterized by relatively thin skin, are needed for the lemon cure. After squeezing a lemon you need to drink its juice right away. This is due to the rapid decomposition under the influence of oxygen of valuable properties.
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Lemon diet – side effects
There is a popular opinion circulating about the high acidity of lemon. Mostly we think that citric acid can acidify our body, but this is a very misconception. Lemon juice is acidic only in our mouth, but it is alkalizing in the internal environment. Lemon juice is recommended to drink just like the juice from fresh oranges or grapefruit. However it differs from the latter only in that it has a more sour taste. It is also worth mentioning that the pH of lemon juice is 2.4 pH, and digestive juices 1.5 – 2 pH.

People suffering from catarrh or stomach ulcers should feel the positive effect of such treatment. The lemon diet will help us effectively cleanse our body of uric acid.
There are two types of lemon diet: preventive lemon cure and curative lemon cure. What is the preventive lemon diet about? It is primarily recommended during times of higher incidence of flu or cold. Lemon cure diet is recommended in case of chronic diseases, thanks to which we eliminate toxins from the body.
What is the lemon diet about?
Prophylactic treatment with 30 lemons:
- Day 1 and 10 – one lemon
- Day 2 and 9 – 2 lemons
- Day 3 and 8 – 3 lemons
- Day 4 and 7 – 4 lemons
- Day 5 and 6 – 5 lemons
The number of lemons to be drunk during the treatment is 30. The lemons should be cut crosswise into two halves. Each of them should be squeezed with juices and drunk without any additives. If you are unable to consume pure lemon juice, you can mix it with mineral water and add one teaspoon of honey and grated ginger root to improve the taste.
Healing cure with 200 lemons:
- Day 1 and 12 – 5 lemons
- Day 2 and 11 – 10 lemons
- Day 3 and 10 – 15 lemons
- Day 4 and 9 – 20 lemons
- Days 5, 6, 7 and 8 – 25 lemons
The lemon cure involves drinking the juice of as many as 2000 lemons. This juice should be prepared in the same way as for the preventive lemon cure. However, you should not dilute it or add anything to it. In very rare cases problems in the intestines may happen. So if this problem occurs, you should immediately stop the cure and change it to a preventive lemon cure. This way the stomach will get used to the lemon juice. Such lemon juice is recommended to drink even several times a day, preferably 3-5 times. Keep in mind that you can drink it at least 30 minutes before a meal and about an hour after it.
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What do you have to remember during a lemon diet?

During the treatment you should drink very large amounts of water, but do not combine it with juice. During the treatment we should notice how the work of kidneys is more efficient. In urine we can notice urate salt of dark brick color. Lemon juice treatment not only provides a good supply of vitamins that we usually lack, but also causes our bones to cleanse themselves of toxins and harmful substances. One of the results of the lemon treatment is the creation of natural citric amino acid. It is an ingredient in synthetic form in most all remedies and medicines designed to combat the ailments and diseases mentioned above.
However, if you don’t use a lemon cure or simply are at the end of it, you should drink the juice of one lemon. You can also use it when your throat starts to hurt or you notice the first signs of tonsillitis. We can also suck on a slice of lemon every 15 minutes. Lemon is also a great remedy when our hair falls out excessively or we have dandruff. It will definitely make our hair stronger and less brittle.
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This treatment is also often called a lemon diet or a diet that cleanses your body from toxins.
Lemon diet is a very good way to supplement our diet with the most often missing vitamins and micronutrients.
We should remember that proper supplementation is a great way. It will be a good way to cleanse your body and will speed up the weight loss process.