How to lose 5 kg fast?
To lose 5 pounds you need to remember two very important rules:
- Healthy diet
- Regular physical activity
A healthy well-balanced diet is as much as 70% of the whole success, and properly selected exercises are 30%. If we take care of these two aspects, achieving the desired slim figure is guaranteed!
How to lose 5 kg? – Exercises

People who have never liked exercising on the gym, like me, should start with a smaller effort. A beginner should like this activity and not torture himself with exercises that are not suitable for him. The truth is that a person who has not moved before will lose twice as many calories walking than someone who has 10% body fat. A person who is just beginning his adventure with exercise should enjoy every little progress. Courage, which will gain during this time will allow her to overcome weaknesses, accompanying the period of weight loss and improve strong willpower. Exercises not only affect the physical figure, but also strengthen the character. For this reason, women and men gain self-confidence, so the urge to snack between meals also disappears.
A person who has never done more physical activity before should start with a smaller effort, getting used to regular exercise. He or she must not be discouraged at the beginning, but enjoy every exercise performed. This will give her determination to overcome her own weaknesses and strengthen her character. As a result, the desire to snack between meals will disappear.
At the beginning of our work on ourselves it is also worth seeking advice from a personal trainer. Such person has knowledge and will help you adjust exercises to your needs or expectations. He/she will also be a good motivator during bad days and will create a training plan, which will help you to make a habit. If for some reason we can not afford such luxuries, we can always ride a bike or rollerblades, run, dance. There are many possibilities, and it depends on us what we feel best in. Therefore, it is worth remembering that it should give us pleasure, but let us always try to overcome our weaknesses and fight. When we cannot afford a gym, a good alternative will be fitness exercises at home, which will save time and money.
The best results will be obtained by performingstrength training with aerobic training. Aerobic exercises improve heart capacity, accelerate blood circulation and it is thanks to them that our metabolism increases. During cardio, we will burn significantly more calories because we simply get more tired. During this time, the metabolism is improved and the whole body is oxygenated. With this method we stimulate our body and encourage it to cooperate. Calisthenic and strength exercises are aimed at modelling our body, giving it shapes and showing the effects of our work in the form of muscles, for example abdomen.
Also read: Way to get a flat stomach
I recommend physical exercises 3-5 times a week. Particular training should focus on a specific muscle part, but with balance (you need to get out of bed in the morning). A very important role is played by regular meals, preferably every 3-4 hours. In this regard, we can arrange a suitable menu or simply count calories with an application on your phone. However, it will be best to consult a dietician.
How to lose 5 kg? – Regeneration

- It will also be important to get enough sleep to ensure proper regeneration of our muscles during exercise. Sleep should last 7-8 hours. Less sleep means a greater risk of snacking between meals. Adequate amount of sleep will provide us with proper muscle microfibre reconstruction and relaxation of the whole body.
- The ideal sleep for stretching muscles and speeding up their recovery time will be yoga.
- Nowadays there are many sources that we can use. If we don’t want to buy entire CDs with workouts, there are countless workout programs available on the Internet. However, I recommend exercising with experienced fitness trainers. You will certainly find ones that engage your abdominal muscles, that is traditional tummy tucks, plank and many others.
- An interesting way to turn up the body temperature is tabata or zumba, for the less advanced.
How to lose 5 kg? – Diet
- Properly arranged menu is a very individual issue. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a specialist, such as a dietician, who will determine the appropriate caloric needs and adjust the diet to our needs.
- Nowadays it is even possible to create such a diet on your own, thanks to appropriate calculators and applications we can plan all the meals for the whole week. In this way, not only take care of proper nutrition, but also we are able to better control our expenses.
- Writing down calories it is worth paying attention to the value of the products we eat and whether they are highly processed.
- It is recommended to limit the intake of sugars and carbohydrates in the diet. Supplies of protein, fiber, microelements are needed to improve metabolic processes and the whole work ofthe body.
Eating habits are the basis

Choose natural sugars in the form of fruit instead of hydrogenated fats. Instead of chocolate you can have an apple or a banana, but treat it as a snack. Eat plenty of food for breakfast to give you energy for the day and to prevent night-time snacking.
There is a rule of thumb here. Eating more food for breakfast is a way to avoid falling asleep with a burly stomach. The last meal should be eaten no less than 2 hours before bedtime.
How to lose weight from belly? – Water
An important element in the entire process of weight loss is an adequate amount of supplied fluids. This will prevent the accumulation of water in the body, which contributes to the formation of various types of edema is important to drink plenty of mineral water. Preferably 1.5 l a day. You should also avoid flavoured and sweetened drinks and replace them with fruit, green teas or herbal infusions. This will help make your skin more supple during weight loss and eliminate cellulite.
A balanced diet is a feeling that does not cause discomfort from overeating, but also does not starve yourself. How to distinguish hunger from appetite? 30 minutes after a meal, the real hunger will still bother us.
Lose 5 kg and improve metabolism
- There are several ways to improve our metabolism. It is worth taking care of such ingredients and substances in our diet as green tea, cocoa, coffee, pepper, chili and curry. In reasonable quantities they have health-promoting properties and by the way it is a great way to burn stored fat. A good way to reduce weight is supplementation which will support us during this period. That is why it is worth reaching for preparations containing Ashwagandhy root extract, extracts from black pepper, mango, elderberry, acai berries and artichoke.
- Salt also has an impact on our weight loss. Its excessive consumption has adverse effects in the form of water retention from the body, which makes it difficult to lose the excess weight. The daily dose of salt should not exceed about a spoonful a day.
- Remember, to live a healthier life you need to keep a good balance, so follow the rule of 80% healthy meals and 20% less healthy ones. Being fit is not only about physical health, but also mental health. Providing your body with a steady supply of food calms it down, so it doesn’t deposit unnecessary body fat. Breakfast should be eaten within an hour of waking up. Each meal should be a moment for us, and we should savor the taste and smell of the dish to satisfy all our senses. This will also prevent you from snacking and wanting to quit your current diet.
How to lose 5 kg? – with tablets from our ranking
If you want to lose even more than 5 kg, you have to take care not only of a properly balanced diet or a daily dose of physical activity, but also of supplementing possible lack of nutrients. They support the whole weight loss process by speeding up digestion and metabolism, that is why you should check our ranking of the best slimming pills and find the right one for you. Their composition consists of safe, proven ingredients, so you may use them without the risk of side effects.