Horsetail – health and hair loss preventing properties
Hair loss, until recently a disease mostly affecting middle-aged and elderly men, nowadays also affects younger men. Hair loss contributes to many other disorders, mainly of psychological nature, stress, lowered self-esteem, in some cases even leading to severe depression. Let’s face it, men are paying more and more attention to their appearance and therefore want to counteract hair loss as effectively as possible. This can be done with pharmacological methods, but it is better to turn to nature and use plants that have long been used to treat baldness, such as field horsetail, which has many valuable health properties.
Baldness – the causes

Accelerated and usually profuse Hair loss – causes of excessive hair loss. How to deal with it? Hair loss is not something to be underestimated if you want to keep your hair lush and thick for a long time. We should therefore start to tackle it immediately as soon as we notice the first worrying symptoms. It’s a good idea to visit a specialist, such as a professional Trychologist opinions, in which can help trychologist, having the equipment and knowledge to quickly diagnose the causes of baldness. There are really a lot of them, and the most commonly indicated by trichologists are:
- diet, contrary to popular belief negatively affecting not only the growth Overweight and obesity – differences, causes and diseases that cause overweight and obesity. Poorly balanced, which lacks nutrients essential for health Vitamins and minerals for hair opinions and action, vitamins and minerals, causes weakening of hair follicles and hair bulbs and the structure of the hair itself;
- improper daily care, adversely affecting also the condition of the scalp, the basis for growth of thick, strong and resistant to damage hair. When we talk about hair care, we do not only mean the selection of suitable shampoos and hair conditioners. Hair can also be damaged by tying it up with an elastic band, washing it in too hot water or using a hair dryer and flat iron;
- Hormonal imbalances, which are caused among others by diseases of the thyroid gland and other endocrine glands;
- Skin diseases, mainly fungal and bacterial in origin;
- stress and other states of strong nervous tension, which have an impact not only on the condition of hair but also on the health of the whole organism;
- use of some types of drugs, e.g. anticoagulants or those used in cancer treatment;
- drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
Field horsetail – the most important information
When looking for plants and herbs that are supposed to stop hair loss, Nettle for hair loss usually comes to mind.opinions and effects of stinging nettle, and we completely forget that field horsetail extracts are equally beneficial. It can be safely considered one of the oldest plants used in natural medicine, unfortunately still mistakenly considered a troublesome weed.
In nature, field horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) grows practically all over the world, in both Americas, Asia, Europe, in many varieties also in Poland and in northern Africa. It is a perennial plant, belonging to the horsetail family, growing on moist meadows, reaching 40-50 cm in height. It is a perennial plant belonging to the horsetail family, growing in wet meadows, up to 40 – 50 cm high, and the characteristic appearance of its leaves surrounding the green main shoot, makes it somewhat resemble a Christmas tree. The horsetail shoot is used as an ingredient in medicinal preparations and is collected from June to September and then dried.
Field horsetail – health promoting ingredients

The properties of field horsetail make it one of the most effective plants in action, preventing not only baldness, but also relieving the symptoms of other diseases. It is interesting to note that in many countries, e.g. in France, it ranks first on the list of the most frequently used herbs. This is directly determined by the content of numerous nutrients, vitamins and minerals, in this matter field horsetail has something to boast of and we can find in it:
occurring here in the form of easily assimilable silica, one of the elements, along with zinc – properties. The role of zinc in the body. Zinc paste, or how zinc works on the skin Zinc, without which it is impossible to keep hair healthy and prevent hair loss. Unfortunately there is not enough of it in our body, on average 7 g and therefore Silicon, opinions on its importance in the treatment of baldness. silicon must be supplied from the outside e.g. with supplements containing field horsetail herb. It improves the condition of the scalp very quickly and besides:
- restores epidermis elasticity and skin firmness, smooths existing wrinkles;
- stops the skin ageing process;
- counteracts Cellulit – causes and methods of fighting. How to get rid of the unsightly orange peel? cellulite;
- stops baldness, both telogen baldness variety – causes and symptoms. telogen baldness, as well as androgenic baldness, what it is and how to treat it effectively. Androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata – causes, symptoms and treatment of alopecia areata;
- Strengthens hair structure throughout its length;
- participates in the synthesis of collagen, the building material of many tissues;
- improves mobility of joints, which will be appreciated not only by people who are physically active;
- seals the walls of blood vessels;
- reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases;
- regulates blood pressure.
Other minerals
In addition to silica, field horsetail herb contains other equally valuable minerals that regulate the work of many systems and internal organs of the human body, such as:
Its deficiencies cause almost immediate deterioration of health, threaten anemia – symptoms, causes, types. How to prevent and treat anaemia and decrease of immunity. Iron is a component of haemoglobin, participating in oxygen transport to all cells, prevents skin ageing, conditions proper functioning of the nervous system.
An element constituting one of the components of many tissues, including bones and teeth, which protects the former against osteoporosis, regulates blood clotting processes, takes part in metabolism, acts as an antioxidant, and protects against the disease. in metabolism, anti-inflammatory, reducing symptoms of allergies, swelling of mucous membranes, increasing bioavailability Vitamin B12 – action, properties, role in the body. Symptoms of deficiency of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
Another element that cares for strong, fracture-resistant bones, especially when we supplement it simultaneously with Vitamin D – properties and dosage. What are the symptoms of deficiency and excess of vitamin D? vitamin D. Providing proper doses of phosphorus ensures proper conduction of nerve impulses and heart function, kidney function, strengthens hair, accelerates its growth, prevents excessive seborrhea.
An ingredient thanks to which field horsetail helps maintain proper pH level of cells, ensures correct electrolyte and water balance. Potassium salts are also responsible for the processes of burning excess carbohydrates, oxygenation of the brain and muscle function. Potassium deficiencies may cause concentration problems and a constant feeling of sleepiness, sometimes so strong that it prevents the performance of many daily activities.
Vitamin C
Also known as ascorbic acid, this is probably the best known and most widely used vitamin in the world, used in the treatment and prevention of various ailments. It is, above all, an antioxidant – an effective barrier against the attack of free radicals, thanks to which we get rid of reactive oxygen species, called free radicals, from the body. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, speeding up wound healing, but these are not all the positive effects we will get if we provide the recommended doses of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) together with field horsetail extracts. What do we need vitamin C for? We also gain:
- proper synthesis of Collagen – causes and effects of deficiency. Collagen sources collagen, essential for bones, joints, hair and skin;
- support of the circulatory system and heart;
- maintenance of safe cholesterol levels;
- better absorption of iron;
- stronger immunity;
- tighter walls of blood vessels, from which blood does not leak out causing, among others, varicose veins.
Field horsetail – benefits of supplementation

Themostly positive opinions enjoyed by field horsetail are fully deserved, and its effects resulting from its composition are worth summarizing. If we regularly use preparations containing field horsetail herb, we can count on its beneficial effects:
- complementing possible deficiencies of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements;
- stopping hair loss and supporting faster regrowth of new, much healthier and stronger hair;
- sealing and strengthening weakened walls of blood vessels;
- help in the treatment of various diseases: urinary system, heart and circulatory system, painful ailments;
- Calming properties of horsetail, allowing to control symptoms Stress – how it affects our body. How to cope with stress? Stress;
- Alleviating symptoms Varicose veins of lower limbs – what is it, how to prevent them? Diet for varicose veins of the anus, especially heavy bleeding;
- stopping excessive sweating of feet;
- better skin and nail condition, reducing symptoms of skin diseases, including and Acne – causes, symptoms and most commonly used treatments for acne;
- How to strengthen the body’s immunity with natural methods and prepare for the coming winter strengthened immunity;
- more efficient liver function;
- Less burdensome menstrual periods, less pain and bleeding.
Field horsetail – supplements containing it
As you can see from the examples above, including this plant in your diet will bring a lot of good for your health. It can be used in the form of horsetail tea, decoction made from dried horsetail, but more practical will be the dietary supplements having it in their composition, above all:
The most effective against hair loss, works well for many types of baldness, prevents testosterone from turning into Natural DHT blockers reviews, do they really work. DHT, its dangerous mutation irreversibly damaging hair follicles. Profolan – will effectively stop baldness Profolan contains not only field horsetail, but also nettle extract and two amino acids, taurine and l-cysteine, all of which make up its unique Grow – 3 formula.

Horsetail – contraindications
There are no specific contraindications for the use of field horsetail, however, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use it. It is also not recommended for people with heart and kidney disorders, and its excess may cause vitamin B1 deficiency.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/male-pattern-baldness
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-c-benefits#The-bottom-line
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321668
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321865
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325623
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287212