Home remedies for acne – how to win against it without the help of antibiotics
Acne is a disease, which almost everyone of us encountered in life, and its characteristic and often painful symptoms really cannot be ignored. After all, no one is able to ignore pimples appearing on the face, starting from simple small pimples, up to extremely unaesthetic, painful pimples or even difficult to remove acne scars. Usually, we immediately direct our steps to the nearest pharmacy, buying the strongest anti-acne preparation we can find there. The effectiveness of most of them we do not dare to question, but using them, unfortunately, we have to reckon with side effects, often more serious for our health than acne itself. If it is not too severe, it is better to rely on other methods and home remedies for acne often turn out to be as effective as pharmaceuticals. They were used by our Mothers and even Grandmothers and certainly they will be able to advise us how to get rid of this doubtful adornment of face, back and neckline.
Contents [hide]
- 1 Acne – to be able to treat it effectively you need to know the causes of the disease
- 2 Home remedies for acne – antibacterial masks made of popular ingredients
- 3 Home remedies for acne – the power of nature in fighting pimples, pustules and blackheads
- 4 Home remedies for acne – how to use natural herbal pharmacy
- 5 Royal Skin 500 – a supplement effective for different types of acne and other skin diseases
Acne – to be able to treat it effectively you need to know the causes of the disease

As we have already mentioned, acne is a disease, not a mere cosmetic affliction and like all other diseases it requires proper diagnosis. In most cases, we are able to do it on our own and choose the right treatment methods, however, there are types of acne which only a dermatologist will be able to treat. Until recently it was believed that it is a disease affecting only people at puberty, teenagers, in whom a storm of hormones also causes skin problems. In fact, it is usually so, but more and more often acne changes are observed in adults and their treatment turns out to be much more difficult. While in case of teenagers we usually deal with adolescent acne, otherwise known as common acne, associated with excessive production and secretion of sebum, in case of adults we may encounter completely different types of this disease. Very often it is acne rosacea, giving very characteristic symptoms in the form of extensive red spots or acne persistent, a recurrence of the disease from adolescence. Regardless of its type, the absolute basis is the correct diagnosis of the causes of changes.
Acne – the most common causes of changes on the face:
- The use of improper cosmetics, then we speak of the so-called cosmetic acne, usually found in women who use makeup cosmetics that clog skin pores and cause accumulation of large amounts of sebum;
- Genetic predispositions, however, concerning not acne, but the type of skin prone to excessive sebum secretion;
- Improper diet, not only the cause of overweight and obesity, but also the increasing problems with skin health. We usually do not pay much attention to what we eat, being satisfied with fast food or other ready-made dishes that lack basic nutrients. Lack of vitamins and minerals adversely affect the health, as well as hard to digest, fatty dishes with a very high glycemic index. If we do not know how the diet can help our skin, we can always turn for advice to a dietician or dermatologist;
- skin infections, usually of bacterial origin, resulting for example from lack of daily hygiene. There is no denying that we are busy and overworked, we treat our facial skin with neglect, washing it with ordinary soap and not with specially designed cosmetics that allow to maintain the correct pH. Face gels or soaps must also be characterized by antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so that not only remove all harmful bacteria from the skin, but also relieve painful irritation or redness caused by the developing inflammation;
- disorders of the hormonal balance of the body, encountered both in teenagers and people over 40 years of age. Women at this time enter the menopause, while men enter the andropause, the effects of which can also be seen in the form of pimples and pustules appearing on the face. Acne at that age does not surprise anyone anymore, that is why it is worth taking care of the proper level of the most important hormones, in case of women it is progesterone and estrogen, and in case of men the disorders are caused by androgen or testosterone fluctuations;
- disorders of the sebaceous glands, which, as seen in the examples above, are one of the most important causes of acne, regardless of the age of the patient. Our skin, being a natural protective barrier, has to deal with many adverse factors causing problems with sebum secretion on a daily basis. Its excess leads to clogging of skin pores, development of inflammation and formation of pimples.
Home remedies for acne – antibacterial masks made of popular ingredients

With most pimples or other blemishes on the face, we can cope with the help of masks, which can be easily prepared from common ingredients that can be found in every kitchen. These can be for example. oatmealMixed with water and honey they are an effective antibacterial therapy. Similar effects can be achieved by a mask of apples or cucumber and honey again, held in the affected areas for about 20 minutes. If you do not mind the smell, you can also use garlic, after all, not for nothing called a natural antibiotic, it is also worth considering the use of baking soda. It is also mixed with water, and such a concoction for maximum effectiveness must be used 3 times a week.
Home remedies for acne – the power of nature in fighting pimples, pustules and blackheads
As you can see, we do not always have to use strong pharmaceuticals, based for example on effective but harmful retinoids or popular antibiotics, so readily prescribed by specialists. Unfortunately, in most cases they cause quite serious side effects, primarily excessive drying of the skin, its redness and itching, increased sensitivity of the epidermis, and even irritation and erythema. So it is better to save yourself this type of ailments and use other, equally effective, but completely natural methods of dealing with changes on the face.
Malcontents are surely already rubbing their hands, getting ready to say that home remedies for acne do not exist, however, they do not take into account the fact that this way of dealing with it has been used for hundreds and even thousands of years, before the appearance of the mentioned pharmaceuticals. Nature has shown and continues to show its power, helping in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, acne being one of them. That is why we take full advantage of it, using especially the natural herbarium, all substances with healing properties coming from plants which our meadows or gardens are full of. They can be used in many different ways, making masks, infusions, they are also included in the cosmetics recommended by specialists for everyday hygiene, especially of the face. Unfortunately, we often neglect this herbal pharmacy, in our opinion completely unjustifiably, choosing popular pharmaceuticals due to their speed of action. We agree that they can remove pimples faster than preparations based on plant extracts, but we should ask ourselves at what price? It is better to be patient, wait a little longer and get rid of acne changes without any negative consequences for our health.
Home remedies for acne – how to use natural herbal pharmacy

In the ways of taking care of our health we can notice a certain paradox that is incomprehensible, at least to us. On the one hand most of us know basic herbs and ailments, whose troublesome symptoms they can alleviate or cure, and on the other hand we disregard this knowledge, almost always reaching for strong pharmaceuticals. However, phytotherapy, as this is what we call herbal medicine, has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness and there is really no reason to disregard it. Herbal treatment of various diseases, including acne, has its roots in antiquity and nowadays, when the period of admiration for preparations based on artificial ingredients has passed, it is experiencing a real renaissance.
The name phytotherapy originates from the combination and polonization of two Greek words phyton, meaning plant, and therapeu, cure. In the process of treatment it uses all substances with health-promoting properties contained in many popular plants and not only in herbs. Equally important for our health, including skin health, are fruits and vegetables, with which it is worth replacing in our diet everything that is unhealthy. However, we are most interested in herbs that can help get rid of all acne lesions, although most of them prove effective for other ailments as well, and our home medicine cabinet should definitely include such three recommended herbs for acne as:
1. Marigold
This is a popular plant belonging to the Asteraceae species, with orange-yellow flowers emitting a characteristic scent. Its valuable properties are determined mainly by its composition, full of such substances as:
- saponins, with antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, thus removing from the skin most of the harmful pathogenic microorganisms, while supporting the natural regeneration processes of the skin;
- flavonoids, thanks to their diuretic properties, help cleanse the body of toxins and other metabolic products, also acting anti-inflammatory and regulating circulation;
- mucilaginous compounds, another ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties, at the same time a natural antiseptic, it also helps to lubricate and properly moisturize the skin;
- karetonoids, strong antioxidants fighting dangerous free radicals, accelerating the healing of wounds and skin irritations, also delaying the natural skin aging processes.
Calendula flower, also called calendula, can be used in many ways, in the form of infusions or as an addition to cleansing masks. It is also included in many popular creams, gels and ointments for daily care of acne-prone skin.
2. Wild Violet
This colorful flower surely needs no introduction, it is a popular ornamental plant growing in many gardens, and its valuable properties cannot be underestimated. Violet, also known as pansy, is effective against many ailments, which is a direct result of its properties:
- diuretic, helping to rid the body of toxins;
- detoxifying;
- strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which prevents them from bursting;
- has a positive effect on metabolism, which is also important in the process of losing weight, facilitating rapid burning of excess fat tissue.
The substances found in its composition can easily cope with most acne lesions, it also contains the above described saponins, mucus compounds and flavonoids, supported by vitamin C and minerals beneficial to skin health. Pansy can also be used to make drinking infusions, masks and, like marigold, it can be found in creams and other cosmetics designed for different skin types.
3. Nettle
Nettle is treated by most of us as an ordinary weed, weeding it out and not knowing the widespread use it has in medicine, not only natural. It’s safe to say that every specialist in home remedies for acne recommends the use of nettle in various forms, unable to boast of its numerous health properties, emphasizing its effects:
- reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol LDL in the blood;
- antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, helping to alleviate symptoms and healing all painful redness and irritation of the epidermis;
- cleansing the skin to its deepest layers thanks to its flavonoid content, and in addition to these, in these green, steaming leaves, we find vitamins: A, B2, B5, K, C, minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, potassium, silicon and iodine, as well as tannins, organic acids (glycolic and formic), essential oils, chlorophyll and mineral salts;
- diuretic, cleansing from toxins;
- helps in treating digestive disorders;
- inhibits even the natural process of hair loss, which is why it is used as an important ingredient in anti-alopecia preparations.
Due to such comprehensive effects, nettle can be safely called a natural antibiotic, which is why it is included in the composition of many anti-acne preparations, showing high effectiveness in treating this disease. Of course it is not the only ingredient which can improve the condition of our skin, it is also worth taking an interest in dietary supplements drawing strength from such substances as biotin or hyaluronic acid, which contain Royal Skin 500 .
Royal Skin 500 – a supplement effective for different types of acne and other skin diseases

This dietary supplement can also be successfully used to treat many varieties of acne, relieving its symptoms of virtually any severity. Additionally, Royal Skin 500 goes straight to the source of the problem, the causes which cause the disease, which is possible thanks to its well-thought-out composition. The manufacturer decided to use 100% effective and thoroughly tested ingredients which are commonly used in many other anti-acne preparations.
What active substances can you find in the composition of each Royal Skin 500 tablet:
- hyaluronic acid, on the subject of which whole volumes have already been written, not only perfectly smoothing the skin, but also helping to remove acne lesions and soothing the accompanying skin irritation and redness;
- vitaminC, not without reason called the vitamin of health, whose action is primarily to inhibit the adverse excessive secretion of sebum on the skin surface
- vitaminB7, also called biotin, also blocking excessive seborrhea, one of the causes of acne, strengthening and firming our skin;
- collagen, by far the most important building block of the skin, giving it elasticity and allowing to maintain it until old age;
- Zinc, one of the most important elements for our health, including the skin, taking part in the processes of its regeneration and helping to heal pimples.
This natural, one hundred percent plant-based composition of Royal Skin 500 is the best guarantee of its effectiveness and complete safety of use, with no side effects. The first positive effects of the pills will be noticed after about 4 weeks, and the full treatment usually takes about 6 months. We invite you to visit the manufacturer‘s website, where you will learn detailed information about Royal Skin 500 and you can buy it at an attractive price, in several separate packages.
Currently available Royal Skin 500 packages:
- Start package, one pack;
- Recommended package, 3 packs;
- Maximum Effect package, up to 6 packs.