Hair Loss Pills (Rank) – Which One to Choose?
Text updated 08.01.2024
Hair is an important part of our beauty, even determining how our appearance is perceived by those around us. We should therefore take good care of them throughout life, immediately detecting and removing any abnormalities, most often associated with the deteriorating health of hair and scalp. The disease, which should be feared the most, is accelerated balding, hair loss in excessive amounts, often difficult to stop. There are many reasons for this and we will discuss them further in the following text, first dealing with tablets for hair loss and other preparations that help to stop this process, such as popular dietary supplements.
Hair Loss Tablets – What to look for
There are many such remedies, which, according to their manufacturers, are supposed to effectively counteract thinning hair and some of them also help to restore the hair’s former appearance. Not all, however, meet the stringent requirements of both balding patients and specialists in the treatment of this disease, dermatologists and trichologists. The basic requirement is 100% safe use, the absence of any side effects, which is always related to the composition that the used tablets against hair loss have.
It absolutely must be natural, without artificial substances, which, although effective, at the same time have a troublesome side effect, sometimes completely eliminating their use. Such substances include minoxidil, a popular component of many preparations, giving unpleasant effects. It is worth saving yourself from such ailments and use tablets against baldness consisting of substances completely safe in use, preferably plant and herbal extracts with known and confirmed therapeutic properties.
Ranking of tablets for hair loss – which ones we recommend to fight this disease
It is not easy to determine unequivocally which tablets or other preparations most effectively prevent hair loss. The same problem is faced by people struggling with this disease. Therefore, we have made it easier for them by creating our ranking, thanks to which everyone can choose a product for themselves.
Place 1 – Folisin
This year the first place went to Folisin tablets, the latest generation of dietary supplements, whose composition consists of the best, carefully selected ingredients with comprehensive action. Thanks to this approach you can count on not only stopping hair loss, but also a rapid growth of stronger, thicker and naturally colored hair. This is due to the following active ingredients Folisin:
- AnaGain™ Nu, included in its complex of two substances is a unique and patented formula, composed of FG7, an ingredient that affects the hair growth phase, called anagen, and Noggim protein, shortening the resting phase of the hair, or telogen;
- EVNolMax™, an ingredient packed with another unique active, tocopherols derived from vitamin E, which improve scalp health. They are also antioxidants, removing free radicals, a common cause of diseases causing accelerated balding and preventing proper hair growth;
- PhosphaMax, a source of phosphatidic acid necessary for the proper functioning of the hair matrix responsible for its development;
- BioPerine®, obtained from peppercorns, also useful in the fight against overweight; the active substance here is piperine, which detoxifies the body while improving the absorption of selenium, a mineral essential for healthy hair;
- Selenium SeLECT®, a complex of minerals, of which selenium is the most important, as well as zinc responsible for the production of hair substance, keratin and biotin, taking care of the proper level of sulphur and oxygenation of the scalp;
- Sabal palm, effectively stimulating hair to fast growth, preventing mutation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), responsible for androgenic alopecia;
- Pumpkin extract providing vitamins essential for skin and hair health, especially vitamin C, B12, D and minerals and fatty acids Omega – 3.
Place 2 – Profolan
A tablet that certainly needs no introduction, known to anyone who has ever struggled with hair loss in large quantities. Profolan deals with all the causes that lead to hair loss, drawing its strength solely from nature, because you will not find any artificial, harmful ingredients. It works, among others, in the case of difficult to treat androgenic alopecia, its ingredients form a unique formula Grow 3, inhibiting the secretion of the hormone DHT, composed of:
- nettle extract, not only stopping hair loss, but also taking care of the health of the scalp thanks to its content of vitamins, A, E, C and minerals, led by zinc, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. As a result, the hair is always well nourished and the skin on the head becomes resistant to disease;
- Horsetail extract, a source of silica, the building material of hair, giving it strength and resistance to damage, preventing brittleness and fragility
- amino acids, taurine and l – cysteine, of which the first one takes an active part in the process of keratin synthesis, and the second one protects hair from harmful factors, especially atmospheric ones, moisturizes hair in its entire length, prevents aging and accelerates regeneration, provides gloss and restores colour
- an additional dose of zinc, an element most effective in preventing hair loss due to its participation in the synthesis of proteins that make up each hair, and the dose used in Profolan is up to 150% of the daily requirement.
Place 3 – Follixin
The lowest place on the podium in 2024 was taken by Follixin , a dietary supplement in tablets, designed for men who again want to enjoy a lush hairstyle without curves or show-throughs. It works with practically every type of baldness, quickly removing not only the visible effects but also the causes of the disease, reaching deep into the skin. Such high effectiveness, comprehensive action and effective hair growth is ensured by the composition of the tablets, for the creation of which such substances as
- nettle extract, which thanks to the content of many vitamins and minerals best stops hair loss. They simultaneously support their regrowth, strengthen and restore vitality, alleviate the negative effects of dihydrotestosterone, also remove dandruff and reduce sebum secretion, the cause of seborrheic alopecia;
- Horsetail extract, which provides hair with silicon, quercetin, vitamin C and carefully selected doses of potassium and magnesium. Hair stops falling out by handfuls, regains elasticity and becomes resistant to bacterial infections;
- collagen protein hydrolysate, which, providing large amounts of collagen, moisturizes hair from the inside, inhibits hair loss, accelerates regeneration, also of hair follicles damaged by DHT;
- l – cystine, another building block of hair, also known as alpha – keratin, effectively stimulating their faster growth, protecting them from mechanical damage, regenerating the damaged structure, nourishing hair bulbs;
- Zinc, whose deficiencies are often the cause of progressive baldness, preventing greasy hair and improving blood supply to the skin;
- vitamin E, by specialists called “the vitamin of youth”, a strong antioxidant, protecting hair bulbs and follicles from damaging effects of free radicals, giving your hair full of shine.
Place 4 – DX2 tablets

Another dietary supplement intended only for men, taking a place just behind the podium, which was determined by its effectiveness and good reviews it enjoys. DX2 capsules work well with most causes of male pattern baldness, being only slightly less effective than the first three in our ranking. As a vitamin and protein complex, it supplements possible deficiencies of nutrients in the body, which also influence the condition of hair and scalp, such as
- silicon, whose source is the already mentioned field horsetail, and without it hair becomes brittle, fragile and begins to fall out;
- l – cysteine, a valuable amino acid, which is one of the components of keratin, the building material not only of hair, but also skin and nails. It makes hair thick and strong, moisturises it thoroughly, accelerates regeneration;
- biotin, vitamin B7, facilitating the absorption of other vitamins, participating in metabolic processes, mainly proteins and fats. It helps to fight dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and acne, strengthens hair from the inside, thus stopping them from falling out;
- B vitamin complex, especially vitamin B7 and vitamins A, C and E;
- minerals, again zinc, in addition to iron, iodine and selenium.
Place 5 – Hairvity Men

Our ranking could not miss Hairvity Men, an anti-hair loss pill also available in a women’s version. However, we focus on the treatment of hair loss in men and therefore, we will only describe a supplement intended for them. You can count on stopping hair loss and new hair regrowth will delight with its appearance, beautiful shine, thickness and vitality, hair bulbs and follicles are also well nourished.
Hairvity Men uses several ingredients that together form Nutri-Amino Complex, a unique and patented formula with the following active substances:
- organic sulfur;
- Hyaluronic acid;
- Vitamins: biotin, or vitamin H, and vitamin E;
- Sabal palm extract, whose action we described at number 1 of this ranking;
- Vitamin A extract from Vitania sluggishis, better known as ashwagandha, an adaptogen with numerous healing properties, which has a positive effect on the entire body and boosts immunity;
- collagen, the most important material included in the connective tissue, which is also responsible for the correct structure of hair and skin;
- three amino acids, l – leucine, l – methionine, l – cysteine;
- the minerals copper, zinc and selenium.
Place 6 – HairNovum

The last dietary supplement we would like to present to you, thanks to which hair loss will be only an unpleasant memory, is HairNovum, recommended for men. Its advantage is also a complex action, it not only stops hair loss, but reverses the process to a large extent. At the same time, it repairs damaged hair, strengthens its damaged and weakened structure, thickens it, stimulates new growth, prevents clogging of hair follicles, nourishes the skin and blocks the action of DHT. This is made possible by the composition of these tablets, one hundred percent natural, composed of plant extracts:
- from soya beans, in which the most important are hair-friendly vitamins of B group, unsaturated fatty acids and phytoestrogens, acting primarily against cancer;
- wheat seed, a source of easily absorbable, natural vitamin E regulating the activity of sebaceous glands, inhibiting excessive secretion of sebum, strengthening blood vessels, including those in the scalp.
Another HairNovum ingredient is klimbazol, which is effective against dandruff, has an antifungal effect and helps in the treatment of seborrhoeic alopecia.
Hair loss pills – what are the causes of hair loss?
However, before we reach for any of the above-described tablets with complex action for hair and nails, we should realize that baldness is a disease, even if we think that it is due to our own negligence. A good solution is to visit a trichologist, who after examining your hair will help you choose the right pills to deal with the problem. It is also worth learning the basic causes of the weakening of our hair and nails, the former begin to fall out, and the latter become fragile and brittle.
There are really quite a few of them, many result from our own mistakes, especially in terms of personal hygiene, and most often accelerated balding is caused by:
- improper choice of cosmetics for daily hair care and scalp care, and the most important thing here is to take into account its pH factor. Mistakes can cause dry skin or intense seborrhea, and both of these conditions weaken the hair follicles and we start balding;
- bad diet, and the rightdiet is the basis not only to get rid of overweight and obesity, but also to stop and reverse the process of hair loss. In what we eat, there absolutely must be nutrients that promote their health, vitamins and minerals, such as in the above presented preparations, including vitamin B7. The condition of our hair is also negatively affected by excessive use of stimulants, so it is worth giving up cigarettes and at least limiting alcohol consumption;
- hormonal imbalance in the body, during which there is a conversion of testosterone into its negative variant, the aforementioned dihydrotestosterone DHT, which damages, and sometimes even completely destroys the hair follicles;
- co-morbidities, of which sometimes we are not even aware, and one of their symptoms is sudden, uncontrolled and difficult to control hair loss. These are, among others, such serious diseases as lupus, anemia, or thyroid disorders, its hyperfunction or hypofunction. It is also worth to carefully check the composition of currently taken drugs, which may also be the cause of hair loss;
- stress, one of the most serious diseases of modern times, already classified as a civilization disease and manifested by weakening of the hair structure, its increased susceptibility to damage and as a result loss of hair in large amounts;
- genetic factors, usually neglected, but as studies show, the tendency to baldness can be inherited from the older generation of your family, from your father or grandfather.