Fuleren C60 – Carbon to eliminate free radicals and prolong our lives
There is nothing more valuable than our health, which unfortunately begins to fail slowly with age, and diseases that affect us sometimes turn out to be very difficult to cure. For centuries, first the alchemists and then scientists have been searching for a way to prolong our lives and spend it in undisturbed health and full of vitality. Every now and then, the media announce a new, miraculous remedy that makes it possible, which usually, after some time, turns out to be less effective than previously assumed. Progress, however, does not stand still, after all, we are witnesses to the ongoing rapid development of new technologies and other areas of science, including chemistry, and one of the results of active research are fullerenes, which also include Fuleren C60, an allotropic variety ofcarbon that may find its use, among others in medicine.
Fuleren C60 – who discovered it and what it actually is
There is no denying that fullerenes have caused a real commotion in the world of science by showing that apart from the two already known pure varieties of carbon, i.e. diamond and graphite, a third one has appeared, and this one is perfectly pure. This discovery, which can safely be called epoch-making, was made in 1985 by three scientists from different universities, Bob Curl and Richard Smalley from Rice University and Harry Kroto from the University of Sussex. Their invention did not go unnoticed, arousing so much interest and admiration that the team was awarded the Nobel Prize for their work. The new molecule was named “Buckminster fulleren” after the American designer and architect Buckminster Fuller, who designed roofing for large buildings in the form of geodesic domes, with a shape similar to the fullerene molecule.

Defining the concept of fullerene in a simple way, understandable for a layman, we can say that it is carbon, similar in structure to that commonly found, for example, in soot escaping from a chimney. They are solids, with a characteristic black colour and metallic gloss, with chemical properties similar to aromatic hydrocarbons. They are very difficult to dissolve, only in some aromatic solvents, forming with them a so-called colour solution, in the case of Fullerene C60 having a purple shade. Fullerenes are obtained by laser bombardment of a disc made of pure graphite, rotating in a stream of helium. Unfortunately, this method is not only very expensive and complicated in terms of technology, but also inefficient, so now the so-called flame method is used to obtain Fuleren C60. It is much simpler, it consists in burning toluene, a chemical compound from the group of aromatic hydrocarbons, as a result of which a large amount of soot is produced, in which there are many fullerene molecules, which are then extracted by extraction with the use of toluene again.
Fuleren C60 – structure and key properties
Fuleren C60 is the third form of carbon we know of and has a unique structure that cannot be confused with any other molecule. It consists of as many as 60 carbon atoms joined together in a complex shape resembling a hollow sphere, called the truncated icosahedron, and it is this specific structure that determines its exceptionally valuable properties. Inside fullerenes it is possible e.g. to enclose atoms of many other elements, and so far it was possible to do it with almost all elements known to us, or even whole appropriately small chemical compounds. Their superconducting properties were also confirmed, so they can be used as superconductors, that is in appropriate conditions conduct electricity without any resistance. If we combine them with molecules of some polymers, chemical substances of high molecular mass, we can obtain almost an ideal lubricant, however, the most promising and interesting seems to be their application in medicine. Studies have shown that Fuleren C60 is one of the best antioxidants, that is, a substance that absorbs and destroys free radicals dangerous to health, which are the cause of many diseases, including cancer.
Free radicals – how they are created and why they are so dangerous
The human body can be safely compared to a huge factory, constantly producing hundreds or even thousands of chemical substances with extremely diverse effects on our health. Some of them have beneficial effects, e.g. helping in proper digestion, which is necessary in the process of weight loss, while others guarantee the proper functioning of many internal organs, such as the heart, kidneys or liver. We produce, among other things, natural collagen, called not without reason the protein of youth, which takes care of the health of the skin, free from pimples and other acne lesions. Equally important is its effect on the joints, which allow them to maintain full efficiency and mobility until old age. Another important substance, also naturally produced by our pineal gland, is melatonin, regulating the internal biological clock, taking care of the quality of our sleep, eliminating insomnia and, consequently, allowing for proper regeneration of the body.
Unfortunately, the body does not only produce substances which have a positive effect on it, it also produces dangerous toxins and other unnecessary products of metabolism , as well as particularly dangerous free radicals, which are not so easy to remove safely. They are unpaired atoms, which can significantly interfere with the balance of health. Most of the atoms of which our body is composed have an even number of electrons in their last orbit, but sometimes in the process of their production some disturbances occur, as a result of which only one is produced. Such a structurally “depleted” atom constantly strives to regain its equilibrium, circulates throughout the body looking for that lost particle and usually tries to take it away from other atoms next to it. Unfortunately, while searching for what it has lost, it simultaneously has a destructive effect on the structure of the “robbed” atoms, which can sometimes have serious consequences, especially when they are, for example, protein atoms. In various ways, it destroys many such indispensable substances, leading to, among other things, serious damage to their cell membranes or even DNA. The whole process is called oxidative stress, which is a disturbance of the existing delicate balance in our body between the amount of free radicals and the antioxidants that enable them to be removed safely and effectively.
Free radicals – other factors for their formation and the diseases they cause

We also have a certain responsibility for the formation of free radicals and the most common factors that can cause their development are
- living in constant stress, which has a negative impact not only on our psyche, but also on our physical condition, manifesting itself in apathy, lack of energy or decrease in efficiency and strength, sometimes making it impossible to perform activities that require great effort. On the other hand, excessive physical exertion can also cause the intensification of free radical formation processes;
- drinking too much alcohol and smoking cigarettes, which have a destructive effect on the functioning of the body. Similar effects can be caused by drugs taken in large amounts, so it’s a good idea to limit yourself to those prescribed by your doctor for specific ailments. Alternatively, you can also use proven dietary supplements, preferably composed of natural, plant-based ingredients, such as Detox Dream Shake, which helps remove all toxins;
- An unhealthy diet, poor not only in nutrients, but can in many cases increase the amount of free radicals. Particularly harmful are e.g. food products which are subjected to too much heat treatment, heavily smoked meats or dishes grilled over an open fire or deep-fried;
- too intensive lifestyle, too little rest, and above all sleep;
- external factors beyond our control, i.e. the polluted air we breathe, full of particles that can lead to disorders of the most important systems;
- spending too much time in the sun, exposing ourselves to the intense effects of dangerous UV radiation.
We are aware of the fact that at least two of the latter factors are difficult to avoid, but the others we can influence, and changing our diet to a healthier one, or eliminating stimulants, will allow us to avoid the development of many diseases caused by an excess of free radicals, such as
- cancerous changes that affect the most important organs of the body, causing cancers of the lungs, bones, and in women, breasts, resulting from modifications to the DNA code, which are made in an uncontrolled manner by free radicals;
- atherosclerosis, a dangerous disease of blood vessels, manifested by their narrowing as a result of deposition of fat on the walls of veins and arteries, resulting in decreased oxygenation of the most important organs, including the heart and brain;
- heart attack, strokes, hypertension;
- all disease processes leading to accelerated ageing of cells, mainly in the skin, often causing skin cancer;
- degenerative diseases of the brain and nervous system, Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimera;
- various ailments of the digestive system, ranging from flatulence, constipation, to diseases of the stomach, pancreas, intestines or duodenum, including cancers of these organs, and in the case of malfunctions of the pancreas we are threatened with diabetes
- cataracts, sometimes leading to irreversible blindness.
The list of diseases caused by the action of free radicals is much longer, but these are already so serious that their treatment requires the use of modern, one could say revolutionary solutions, and such is certainly Fuleren C60.
Fuleren C60 – what is its antioxidant activity

There are many antioxidants that help in the elimination of free radicals and so far the strongest among the natural ones was considered to be vitamin C. Its numerous advantages are undeniable, but studies of similar properties of Fueren C60 have shown that they are many times stronger. Many serious scientists from reputable research centers not without reason call it the most effective broom against free radicals, which is due to many of its important properties, and according to specialists in this field, the most important are
- aninternal structure that guarantees exceptionally high stability, and the large number of double bonds between the carbon atoms that make it up allows it to attach a record number of free radical atoms, e.g. as many as 34 methyl radicals that are dangerous to health;
- high resistance to natural wear and tear processes and digestive juices, moreover, in our body Fuleren C60 is located in the most sensitive areas, wherever there are the most harmful free radicals;
- No negative impact on the human body, this type of carbon is 100% safe, not causing any adverse side effects, which can not be said about other, commonly used anti-cancer drugs.
The action of Fulerene C60 can be safely described as comprehensive, which certainly can not boast of any other antioxidant, including the mentioned vitamin C. Among others, its antiviral activity was confirmed, allowing not only to effectively fight the popular viruses such as influenza, but also the HIV virus, the cause of AIDS, a disease usually ending with the death of the patient. This carbon has aroused interest not only in virologists, but also in doctors of other specialties, including orthopedists, who want to use it to treat osteoarthritis, existing inflammation there and the possible breakdown of joint or bone tissue. However, the most important field where Fuleren C60 will certainly find its application is oncology. Although cancer treatment with traditional methods is highly effective, especially when reacting to the first symptoms early enough, the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation cause other, no less troublesome health complications. There are also serious problems with delivering agents that actively eliminate cancer cells directly to the source of the disease. Fuleren C60 binds to the molecules of such specifics, allowing for their prolonged release and thus enhanced treatment efficacy.
Accurate and rapid neutralization and removal of free radicals from the body is beneficial to our health, but equally promising are studies showing that carbon with a molecular number of C60 can be considered a natural means of extending life, preventing most of the aging process. Experiments conducted on rats showed conclusively that the life span of those who regularly took preparations with fullerenes increased by almost 90 percent. Currently, the effect of Fullerene C60 on the extension of human life is also being studied, and Dr. Phil Meyers, a functional medicine specialist working at Ohio, is testing it on himself. He began to feel the positive effects after a short period of time, including an improvement in overall physical fitness and faster recovery of muscles after heavy exertion. Unfortunately the results are not yet generating much interest, and the preparations containing this form of carbon are available in limited quantities and in most countries are still considered a dietary supplement and not a full-fledged medicine. Unfortunately, this is how it is with novelties, but we can hope that with time this will change and soon we will be able to buy medicines containing Fuleren C60 in every pharmacy and enjoy full health, protected from diseases caused by free radicals, and our life will be significantly, noticeably extended.