Fat burners – how do they work? Natural fat burners
The basis for taking care of a slim figure is a proper diet and systematic physical activity. Slimming is a gradual process, requiring a large dose of patience and commitment. This does not mean that you can’t do not mean that you can’t get good results, if only you put your mind to it.
Many people ask themselves a question: can fat burning be accelerated? In shops with supplement stores you will find a whole host of products whose task to lose weight faster. These supplements usually consist usually consist of a combination of natural substances, accelerating certain metabolic processes in our body, which affect faster weight loss effects. There are a number of products which we can also implement into our diet in order to achieve similar results. How do fat burners work and what are their best natural sources?
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What is a fat burner?
Fat burners are substances which act on our body in such a way that it burns fat tissue faster if we follow a proper diet and exercise. Thermogenics are the most commonly used supplements – products improving thermogenesis, i.e. speeding up metabolic processes and the excretion of fat cells. Typical fat burners that we find in stores for athletes are nothing more than a combination of the right dose of ingredients that in some way affect metabolic processes in the human body.
See also: Fat burners ranking
How do fat burners work?

Fat burners may work
in several ways. Most of them stimulate the previously mentioned
thermogenesis. Among the fat burner actions, we distinguish
- lipolysis;
- fat oxidation;
- diuresis;
- hunger suppression;
- agitation.
This is the basic and most common task of fat burners. What is thermogenesis? It is increase of the energy tax, whose main action is to speed up metabolism. Among natural products that increase thermogenesis include:
- coffee, including the green variety;
- green tea;
- red tea;
- cayenne pepper.
Studies show that stimulation of thermogenesis allows for acceleration of fat burning by 8-15%.
It is a release of fatty acids and glycerol from fat cells. This process makes that stored fat reserves are used faster. Products which cause lipolysis in our organism are among others:
- caffeine;
- synephrine.
Oxidation of fats
The released fatty acids travel in the bloodstream and must therefore be used by muscles. Normally, this process occurs naturally, but it can happen, It can happen, however, that the migrating fatty acids return to the fat cells. The right fat burner will stimulate the mitochondria which are in the fat cells, prompting them to use the migrating acids.
Diuresis is the excretion of fluids. Not It is not directly connected with fat burning, however It can contribute to a more sculpted silhouette if the The problem is the excess of water in the body.
Fluid excretion is caused by:
- dandelion;
- nettle.
Hunger suppression
Many fat burners, apart from stimulating the fat burning process, are also responsible for hunger suppression, i.e. appetite reduction. This allows you to limit the number of calories consumed.
Thanks to its stimulating properties, a fat burner taken before training provides us with additional motivation to act. It also affects energy during the workout, thanks to which we are able to exercise more intensively, which results in faster burning of fat tissue. The best stimulating fat burner is caffeine.
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Natural fat burners
Apart from specially prepared supplements for weight loss it is worth introducing to your diet natural products that also affect the process of burning fat tissue. They are widely available around us. Let’s see what are the natural fat burners.
Black coffee

Let’s start with the beverages. So black coffee, which contains caffeine, mentioned several times in this article. It not only stimulates us to action, but also stimulates thermogenesis and lipolysis, the processes described above which play an an important function in weight loss processes. Caffeine is one of the of the most important ingredients of fat burning supplements, However, many of us drink black coffee every day. Just just one cup before exercise will contribute to accelerated weight loss. weight loss.
Green tea

Green tea has been associated with weight loss for years. It contains caffeine, which stimulates and speeds up metabolism, and additionally improves digestion itself. It is also a strong antioxidant, so it protects the body from free radicals and the formation of inflammation. Green tea also contains such valuable compounds as fluorine, tannin and catechin.
Red tea
Red tea supports intestinal peristalsis intestines and the secretion of digestive juices. It does not contain caffeine, but its derivatives, and what is more, it increases the biosynthesis of fat, inhibiting excessive accumulation of its cells. Red tea also supports cardiovascular system and heart function, which may contribute to better efficiency during exercise.

Studies show that just one teaspoon of cinnamon per day can effectively help us lose excess body fat. This aromatic spice increases thermogenesis, speeding up metabolism. Cinnamon regulates insulin levels in the blood, which helps suppress appetite, so we do not snack. Regulation of insulin levels is also important in reducing the body’s ability to accumulate fat cells. You can find cinnamon in tablets at any pharmacy, but you can also buy it at the grocery store and add it to yogurt, oatmeal or baked goods.
Apple cider vinegar
Known for its properties supporting digestion and regulating blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar, especially the organic one, has for some time enjoyed the reputation of a fat slayer. Its action is based on inhibition of fat absorption from food and stimulation of fat cells removal. It cannot be taken in excess, because every body needs fatty acids to function properly, but in the right amount it will effectively help us get rid of excess weight.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that additionally helps dissolve and digest fats in the body. It also supports metabolism and absorption of nutrients.
Ginger warms up the body, effectively stimulating thermogenesis. This makes the metabolism go faster and fat cells are used at a higher rate. Ginger is also known for its properties which support the digestive system – it stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and the neutralization of stomach acids. It has a positive effect on digestion and helps get rid of flatulence. It is used in medicine to alleviate muscle pain and reduce inflammation in the joints.

One of the most valuable spices, appreciated by doctors, nutritionists and personal trainers. Known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer properties. However, turmeric can also effectively support fat burning by limiting the growth of fat cells and supporting their breakdown. A powerful antioxidant, it helps cleanse the body of toxins and protects against free radicals. It stimulates digestion and proper functioning of the digestive system.
Pepper cayenne
Considered to be one of the strongest natural fat burners. It strongly stimulates thermogenesis, accelerating metabolic processes in the body. It contains capsaicin – a substance which is commonly used in weight loss supplements. It shows appetite suppressing properties, helping to reduce calorie intake.
It helps digestion and protein absorption thanks to the enzyme bromelain. Pineapple is valued by athletes both for its metabolism-boosting properties and because it helps build muscle mass.
Why should you bet on natural fat burners?
Fat burners are supplements which usually consist of a composition of the above mentioned ingredients. In addition, you will also find L-carnitine and synephrineknown for their fat burning properties. There is nothing wrong with taking such preparations, but it is worth knowing that weight loss can also be accelerated by following a proper diet and using special spices.
Products stimulating thermogenesis and accelerating the breakdown of fat cells can help us lose weight even if we cannot systematically exercise. Of course the best results are achieved when we combine fat burners with regular physical activity.
Ranking of the best supplements supporting fat burning can be found HERE!