Dietary fiber – effective not only for weight loss
There are many more or less effective methods to reduce too high body weight. Unfortunately, many of them are connected with the risk of simultaneous deterioration of health, especially when we use specifications bought from unreliable sources. It is better to rely on safe, natural methods, modifying your daily diet, which should contain many ingredients conducive to weight loss. This is certainly the case with dietary fiber, a substance not only slimming, but also having other valuable health-promoting properties.
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Dietary fiber – what is this substance?
The most important properties of dietary fiber will be described later in this text, but first we should learn what it actually is. We can read about it in many articles, it is also contained in numerous dietary supplements, especially those promoting weight loss. However, the best and recommended sources are simply products rich in fiber, which should be introduced to your menu in appropriate amounts.
By the term dietary fiber we understand food fiber, a structural element of plant cell walls, whose characteristic feature is resistance to digestive enzymes secreted by the human digestive system. The chemical structure of dietary fiber is very complex, and it is composed of a multitude of substances
- polysaccharides, or polysaccharides;
- mucilages;
- gums;
- pectins;
- lignin;
- hemicellulose;
- beta-glucans.
It is also worth knowing the division of this very useful for health substance, and dietary fiber is divided into two basic types:
1. soluble fiber
This type of dietary fiber consists primarily of pectins, beta-glucans, and gum, and as the name suggests, is soluble in water. As the name suggests, it dissolves in water, forming a kind of gel with a consistency that enables it to fill the stomach and other parts of the digestive system with water:
- a longer feeling of satiety, so we stop snacking between meals, reaching for fattening calorie snacks;
- less absorption of carbohydrates and triglycerides from food;
- more efficient removal of toxins, including and especially harmful heavy metal ions;
- lowering of total cholesterol levels;
- loosening of the fecal mass, facilitating emptying.
2 Insoluble fiber
Insoluble dietary fiber is mainly composed of cellulose or lignin, so it can absorb water, but it does not dissolve, retaining its original structure. Insoluble dietary fiber is also beneficial to many aspects of our health
- regulates the frequency of bowel movements;
- improves peristalsis and leads to a better blood supply to the intestines;
- How to speed up metabolism to lose weight – 5 simple tips speeds up metabolism;
- stimulates the synthesis of gastrin, a hormone responsible for gastric juices secretion;
- counteracts rapid insulin “surges”, slowing down the absorption of sugars in the blood;
- provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
- relieves symptoms of indigestion, especially constipation;
- cleanses the digestive system of undigested food.
Dietary fiber – how it affects the human body
Both fractions of dietary fiber, presented above, delivered in the form of dietary supplements or directly in food, have a beneficial effect on the entire body. There are many ways in which dietary fiber can be used:
Supporting weight loss

It is safe to say that this is the main use of dietary fiber, which should become It is safe to say that this is the main use of dietary fiber, which should become an essential part of any treatment aimed at getting rid of excess weight or obesity. Its action in this regard comes down primarily to regulation of the processes of digestion and metabolism, the basis for rapid, sustained reduction in body weight without the unpleasant yoyo effect – what is it? How to avoid it? How to lose weight without the yo-yo effect? yo-yo effect. It eliminates all the obstacles standing in the way of achieving the desired slim and fit figure, without a gram of superfluous fat tissue:
- improves intestinal peristalsis;
- facilitates regular bowel movements;
- reduces appetite;
- increases the assimilation and absorption of other nutrients, without which weight reduction would not be possible.
It is possible, if we introduce products rich in fiber to our diet, and if we combine a healthy diet with a large amount of dietary fiber. Physical activity – why it is so important for our health physical activity, daily exercise in the fresh air. Properly balanced, easily digestible diet plus Running as a natural way to lose weight? Get to know experts’ opinions! Running or cycling is an effective way to lose body fat. Health benefits of cycling Cycling will also allow you to enjoy the absence of any other health problems.
Prevention of diabetes development
Diabetes is not a disease that can be ignored, if not treated properly, it even leads to the death of the patient. It manifests itself in a very ambiguous way, but its symptoms such as:
- constant thirst;
- lack of appetite or, conversely, too much appetite,
- weight loss or, conversely, rapid weight gain;
- a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness;
- dry mouth and dryness of the mucous membranes;
- problems with normal vision;
- a taste of acetone in the mouth;
- leg cramps;
- frequent urination;
- difficulty healing wounds.
If you want to prevent these symptoms or alleviate existing ones, make sure you get the right daily intake of fiber. Fiber is an important element in preventing an increase in blood sugar and triglyceride levels, often too rapidly. This was shown in a study of nearly 9,000 people with diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, who consumed more than 26 g of fiber daily. This was shown in a study of almost 9,000 people with diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, who consumed more than 26 g of fiber daily.
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
If the heart is to function smoothly throughout our lives, it must be given the right conditions for this. One of these conditions is the maintenance of a proper diet, not only full of vitamins and minerals, but also rich in dietary fiber.
In this regard, research has also been conducted and demonstrated the positive influence of dietary fiber on the heart muscle and other parts of the cardiovascular system:
- The above-mentioned regulation of cholesterol levels, reduction of the harmful fraction LDL and simultaneous increase in the beneficial fraction HDL;
- reducing the risk of developing Overweight and obesity – differences, causes and diseases that cause overweight and obesity, and increasingOverweight and obesity – differences, causes and diseases that cause overweight and obesity, and increasing body weight is one of the most important causes of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemic heart disease;
- reduce the amount of bile acids and fat absorbed by the body.
Protection against cancer
Another important argument in favor of daily consumption of dietary fiber. People who consume at least 15 g of dietary fiber a day can reduce the risk of cancer by up to 40 percent, especially cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, such as colon or stomach cancer. It is also worth using it in the prevention of breast cancer, because it can reduce the risk of the disease by about 7percent.
It is not much, but it is worth using all methods to prevent this dangerous, and often fatal disease. The effectiveness of anti-cancer action results, among others, from its ability to:
- intensify processes leading to the production of new, healthy cells;
- maintaining proper intestinal microflora favourable for health and digestion;
- prevents the accumulation of excessive amounts of toxins, carcinogens, and unnecessary products of the metabolism.
Dietary fiber – other health benefits
Of course, these are not all the benefits of adding dietary fiber to your diet; it is also useful in relieving symptoms of other diseases
- minimizes the risk of gallstones;
- prevents diseases of the pancreas by increasing the level of hormones secreted by it
- prevents inflammatory conditions within the digestive system;
- protects against hemorrhoids and equally painful lower limb varicose veins – what is it, how to prevent them? Diet for varicose veins of lower limbs;
- protects teeth against caries;
- improves the appearance and health of hair and skin.
Dietary fiber – recommended daily amount, effects of excess and deficiency
Like many other nutrients, dietary fiber cannot be eaten without limitation. Strictly defined doses of dietary fiber, recommended by doctors and professional nutritionists, must be followed. The current standards define the daily intake by adults at a maximum level of 20-40 g , and under no circumstances should it be exceeded. The effects of this may not be disastrous, but you can expect quite troublesome side effects, the most important of which are:
- intestinal problems, mainly bloating and painful constipation, so when eating products with fiber, remember that it absorbs water and therefore you need to drink at least 2 – 3 liters of water a day;
- deficiencies of other nutrients caused by binding of their molecules by fiber molecules and their subsequent excretion from the body. When using dietary fiber, for example, to support weight loss, the level of calcium must be monitored on an ongoing basis, Zinc – properties. The role of zinc in the body. Zinc paste, or how zinc affects the skin zinc and, above all, iron, deficiency of which quickly leads to anemia – symptoms, causes, types. How to prevent it and how to cure it? anaemia. Excess of this component also reduces the assimilation of vitamin A, Vitamin D – properties and dosage. What are the symptoms of deficiency and excess of vitamin D? Vitamin D, E and K;
- intensification of symptoms of coexisting diseases, and dietary fibre is not recommended for people suffering fromDietary fiber is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers or gastritis, inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, anemia, and pancreatitis.
Of course, it is not only the excess of dietary fiber that can have adverse effects; deficiencies in fiber are equally common. Fiber is necessary for the digestive processes, resulting in rapid increase in body weight and difficulty in burning fat.
Dietary fiber – sources

We have already learned about the positive and negative effects of dietary fiber on the human body, so it is time to learn about the sources we should use to provide it in the above-mentioned doses. These are primarily food products such as
- whole-grain bread;
- wholemeal bread;
- nuts such as pistachios;
- oatmeal and bran;
- Barley flakes and barley groats;
- brown rice;
- Legumes, beans, peas, broad beans, chickpeas, lentils;
- Soybeans;
- flaxseed;
- chia seeds for weight loss – small seeds with great power! chia seeds;
- dried fruit, especially apples, but dried with the skin or prunes;
- Some vegetables e.g. potatoes, parsley, celery, green beans, carrots, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, eggplant;
- fresh fruit, blueberries, blackberries, currants, raspberries, avocados and gooseberries.
Dietary fiber supplements
Dietary fiber supplements are an equally good source of dietary fiber, where it is one of the active ingredients, mostly those supporting weight-loss treatments. There are many of them, demonstrating the required effectiveness, and among the most frequently chosen ones we should mention
Green Barley Plus
Available in the form of tablets composed exclusively of natural ingredients, and the dietary fibre contained in them comes from Young Green Barley – a healthy vitamin bomb of young green barley. It helps you lose weight quickly and permanently, regulates the digestive system, prevents digestive disorders, and accelerates the reduction of excess fat cells. In Green Barley Plus – Green Barley for Weight Loss, its action is supported by garcinia cambogia extract, acting with the power of garcinia cambogia, acting with the power of hydroxycitric acid, HCA, conditioning the correct course of thermogenesis processes, and consequently burning fat and suppressing the feeling of hunger.

Cappuccino MCT
A revolutionary slimming formula in which the key ingredients are coffee and healthy MCT oil. This combination guarantees the highest effectiveness, for which the unique ID-alG™ formula is responsible, and it is the brown algae, which have in its composition:
- Vitamin B – types, action and health properties of B vitamins, including B9 ( Folic acid – properties and role in the body folic acid);
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – properties. What do we need vitamin C for?
- Vitamin D;
- vitamin A;
- large amounts of dietary fiber;
- the minerals potassium, sodium, iodine, calcium, iron, manganese and copper.
Natural and safe to use Cappuccino MCT composition – you lose weight with every sip of delicious coffee Cappuccino MCT supplements:
- Green coffee – a guarantee of a slim figure green coffee, source of chlorogenic acid, vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and Vitamin B12 – action, properties, role in the body. B12 (cobalamin) deficiency symptoms, so it supports fat burning, detoxifies the body, has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties;
- Garcinia Cambogia – a tropical fruit that makes you lose weight garcinia cambogia, described above;
- Guarana – Tablets or Powder, in which form is it better to use it? Guarana, providing energizing Caffeine – medicinal properties and effects on our health of caffeine, another efficient fat reducer;
- inulin, a natural prebiotic which protects the intestinal microflora, regulates the frequency of bowel movements and curbs the appetite;
- chromium, which lowers the level of glucose and “bad” cholesterol.

- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fiber-can-help-you-lose-weight
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/high-fiber-low-carb-foods#3.-Avocado
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146935
- https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321286