Diet for potency – what to eat to keep full sexual performance for a long time
Potency is undoubtedly a word that arouses a lot of emotions among men, who want to avoid any problems with it, preferably until old age. Unfortunately, reality sometimes doesn’t look as rosy as we usually want it to, and smaller or larger erectile dysfunction caused by various reasons can happen to any of us. Avoiding erectile dysfunction is not as easy as it may seem at first and apart from typical pharmaceuticals or supplements used for this condition, it turns out that following a proper diet, chosen precisely in order to maintain the highest possible level of potency, is equally effective.
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Potency disorders – the most common causes

There are many potency disorders that the average man may encounter in the course of his life, but the most common are those related to getting and maintaining a strong and long-lasting erection, sometimes making it impossible to have normal sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, it affects more and more men every year and is no longer considered a disease that comes with age. Erectile dysfunction is already happening to younger and younger, even 20-year-olds, and many of its causes are our own fault, leading an unhealthy, unhygienic lifestyle. It manifests itself primarily through lack of any physical activity and improper diet, a diet that has a direct, and in this case negative, effect on our libido. Of course, these are not the only reasons for such a state of affairs, and others, equally common, are:
- exposure to prolonged severe stress, causing increasing mental and physical fatigue immediately affecting sexual performance;
- diseases causing problems with obtaining an erection, of which we often do not even know, hypertension, thyroid disease, atherosclerosis, failure of kidneys or other internal organs;
- alcohol abuse, with which we can’t even dream about the proverbial standing up to the challenge;
- problems of psychological nature causing inhibitions against sex, often having its origin in childhood, causing severe stress.
Observing any of the above symptoms in yourself should prompt us to visit a specialist, which rather should not be avoided. However, just a change in lifestyle can eliminate at least a few of them, and a healthy, well balanced diet, full of properly selected nutrients is able to work wonders.
Diet for potency – the most important principles of nutrition
When struggling with declining sexual performance we usually don’t realise what a huge impact what we eat has on it. We disregard it completely, usually reaching immediately for pills or other pharmaceuticals, whose effectiveness we will not deny, but which in many cases have serious side effects. So it’s better to sit down, analyze our daily menu and think, what products having positive influence on potency should be introduced to it, and what products weakening it should be removed immediately. You can consult a doctor or a professional nutritionist, but composing potency diet on your own is really not difficult and you just need to stick to a few proven principles.
When composing a diet for potency, you can follow the same rules as with an effective weight loss diet, because similar food groups should disappear from it. High calorie, fatty foods not only cause rapid, uncontrolled weight gain, but also erectile dysfunction, which results mainly from not providing the body with the proper amount of nutrients necessary for its proper functioning. There is a group of products whose regular consumption may immediately lead not only to temporary, but even permanent problems with libido, so they should immediately disappearfrom our diet:
- alcohol, the biggest enemy of male potency. Its negative effects include a significant weakening of the feeling of external stimuli causing sexual excitement, and thus the inability to get an erection. Alcohol also dilates blood vessels, which immediately reduces blood flow in the penile cavernous vessels responsible for maintaining an erection throughout an intercourse. It can also cause mental problems, lack of desire for sex, as well as other serious diseases that interfere with sexual performance, such as cirrhosis of the liver or acute inflammation of the pancreas, not only extremely painful, but often ending in total impotence;
- all products with a high content of saturated fatty acids, i.e. red fatty meat, bacon, lard, full-fat dairy products, cheese or cottage cheese. Particularly harmful is e.g. yellow cheese, which has an adverse effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and raises the level of “bad” cholesterol;
- highly processed products, such as cheap sausages or sausages, in which natural ingredients are usually only a small part of their composition, and the rest is harmful and unhealthy fillers, salt, fats or preservatives;
- Anything that contains simple sugars, and the largest quantities of these are found in the popular fizzy drinks, biscuits, white rice, and fruit drinks, which usually have nothing in common with healthy juices. Simple sugars, such as the most common fructose, are characterised by a high glycaemic index, which can cause overweight and increase the level of glucose in the blood, which in time may even lead to diabetes;
- soy, on the one hand full of valuable nutrients, but containing in its composition phytoestrogens that have a structure similar to female sex hormones. On the one hand, soy is full of valuable nutrients but, on the other hand, it contains phytoestrogens which are similar to female sex hormones. They can cause hormonal disorders in men, which results in reduced sexual performance, and in extreme cases, when eating large amounts of soy, even gynaecomastia, i.e. excessive growth of tissue within the male breasts;
- fast – food, all kinds of hamburgers, hot – dogs or pizzas, especially those available in frozen form, intended to be reheated in a microwave oven. Their composition often poses a real threat not only to potency but also to general health. In most of these products we’ll find record high amounts of saturated fatty acids, salt, artificial colouring, or the simple sugars described above.
Diet for potency – products that raise libido to the maximum level

We already know what we shouldn’t eat, so it’s time to find out which groups of products will bring our potency to a maximum, previously unattained level, while allowing us to maintain such efficiency for many years. A properly composed menu will also have a significant impact on the whole state of health, while allowing to avoid being overweight or obese, also one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. So it’s worth taking some time to find products that meet the highest quality standards, full of vitamins, minerals and other manhood enhancing substances, which in turn must immediately appearin our diet :
- fruits and vegetables, the absolute basis of any healthy eating, the best and richest natural source of nutrients. Both are also low in calories, so there is no risk of gaining weight even if you eat a lot of them, and ingredients such as vitamin C or potassium perfectly regulate blood flow, also in the penis, so you can always count on a strong erection. The abundance of antioxidants will in turn protect against cancer, especially prostate cancer;
- lean meat, preferably poultry and fish, which provide us with protein, another ingredient eliminating all erection problems and allowing to regulate the production of testosterone, the most important male hormone. Fish, especially sea fish and seafood, contain large amounts of Omega – 3 fatty acids, lowering the level of triglycerides, responsible for the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels, lowering blood pressure to a safe level and producing serotonin, an important neurotransmitter improving the functioning of the nervous system. Fish also contains two important elements, selenium, which facilitates the removal of toxins from the body, and zinc, whose deficiencies cause an immediate drop in testosterone levels;
- Herbs and spices, which have an excellent effect on potency thanks to their ability to improve blood supply to the genitals. Many of them are natural, strong aphrodisiacs, and our diet should mainly include those containing capsaicin and piperine, such as black pepper and chili peppers, which increase the secretion of endorphins. Let’s not forget about other, equally beneficial spices, such as: turmeric, ginger, basil, nutmeg, coriander, cinnamon, allspice, cardamom, aniseed and vanilla. The choice of spices, as you can see, is large and everyone can easily find something that suits them best;
- dairy and low-fat dairy products, another important source of protein, and the most easily assimilated can be found in eggs, with the amount of which, however, should not be exaggerated, because the consequence of this will be an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. The daily menu should also not lack lean cottage cheese and ripened cheese, definitely healthier than the yellow “cheese-like” products available in our stores;
- Whole grain products, especially whole grain products, preferably dark bread, brown rice, bran, or groats, but only those rich in coarse grain, rich in dietary fiber regulating all digestive processes and allowing full control of glucose levels in the blood. Fiber also helps you control your appetite so you’re not at risk of snacking, which leads to obesity and high libido.
Diet for potency – supplementation also matters
Maintaining a proper, healthy diet consisting only of wholefoods is a good way of avoiding potency problems, but sometimes even this proves insufficient. Unfortunately there are situations when despite being supplied with plenty of nutrients the body is not able to cope with erectile dysfunction to a satisfactory degree. In such a case it is worthwhile to additionally support the diet with suitable dietary supplements, among which Eron Plus is most often recommended by specialists. It is a set of two pills, one to be taken like any other supplement on a daily basis e.g. before a meal and the other, Eron Plus Before, to be taken, as the name suggests, immediately before intercourse.
Eron Plus – a revolutionary, natural and completely safe composition
Eron Plus is a modern supplement, whose greatest advantage, apart from its proven high effectiveness, is its completely natural composition based solely on plant extracts. Thanks to this, the pills are 100% safe and cause absolutely no side effects, and in each of them you will find extracts from herbs commonly used in the treatment of potency disorders, such as:
- tribulus terrestris, better known in our country by the name of mace, full of phytosterols, saponins, polyphenols and other components that take care of sexual performance, strengthen the immune system, increase physical condition and provide a large dose of energy, necessary not only for sex;
- Maca root, a legendary natural libido enhancer, providing the body with l – arginine, which increases strength and stamina, and its regular use also has a positive effect on increasing fertility by improving semen quality;
- Korean ginseng, responsible for a strong and lasting erection throughout intercourse, regulating blood flow in the intimate area;
- Fenugreek, which has a stimulating effect on increased testosterone secretion.
The benefits of introducing Eron Plus as one of the elements of a potency diet are, as you can see, obvious. That’s why it’s worth visiting its manufacturer‘s website today, where you can find more useful information and place an order for any number of packs at the best price on the market.