Cleansing the body after quitting smoking – how to free the body from nicotine and other cigarette poisons?
If you have quit smoking or are in the process of doing so, you are probably interested in how to cleanse your body of nicotine and other harmful compounds, and thus free yourself forever from cigarette silent destroyers. I have very good news for you – there are several very effective, yet simple ways to do this. See how the body cleansing after quitting smoking cigarettes looked in my case. I recommend this method – it makes me feel 100% better than before the detox.
Detoxification after quitting smoking – what will it do for you?
I don’t think anyone doubts that the benefits of quitting smoking are colossal, but in order to enjoy them, we should first take care to quickly get rid of accumulated cigarette toxins from the body. I used very simple and very effective methods for intensive nicotine detoxification – I combined a detox diet with herbal therapy and physical activity. The effect? There are many of them. Here they are:
much better mood,
a feeling of rejuvenation of at least 10 years,
a boost of vitality and energy,
better immunity,
much better skin and hair condition,
better functioning respiratory system,
better metabolism, elimination of digestive problems and the feeling of heaviness,
slimmer figure,
more optimism in everyday life.
A body cleansed of cigarette toxins is a healthy and vital body. If you are quitting or have quit smoking and want to feel as good as I do, here is the exact recipe on how to do it.
How to cleanse your body from nicotine – start a detox diet!
A diet, which aims to cleanse the body of toxins, should be devoid of all processed food (including fast food, ready meals, powdered soups, sweets), but it should be based on products rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber .
So recompose your menu in such a way as to eat 5 light and healthy meals a day, in which vegetables and fruit will be leading – they have no equal in the process of detoxifying the body. You should also add bran, oatmeal and other cereals, coarse cereals and wholemeal bread to your diet – they improve metabolism and help get rid of toxins from the body. Start the day with a glass of water with lemon juice. During the whole day drink about 1.5 l of mineral water.
As part of lunches often reach for light vegetable sou ps (cream and ordinary soups) and steamed vegetables, salads, vegetables. Replace fatty meats with lean poultry and fish. Give up red meat and fatty and flour dishes. Avoid ready-made sauces, instant dishes, delicatessen products – they contain a lot of preservatives and other harmful substances that poison our body.
Every day, as part of one meal, drink a large glass of fruit and vegetable cocktail, which you compose from selected ingredients (e.g. citrus fruit, celery and parsley). You can also add bran, cereals, seeds to your blender smoothies.
Reach often for fruit juices – freshly squeezed or good quality 100% juices from the store. For snacks, eat raw fruit and vegetables and dried fruit instead of crisps, biscuits, bars or other processed products.
Don’t forget about physical activity!
Physical activity is an important ally in the process of cleansing the body of toxins. Vigorous movement promotes better circulation and better oxygenation of the cells throughout the body. When we exercise our metabolism improves, the organism functions more efficiently and gets rid of toxins more effectively.
Therefore it is worth to introduce to our daily schedule physical activities which give us pleasure. It can be jogging, aerobic exercises, swimming or even nordic walking – the important thing is to exercise with medium (or high) intensity and do it about 40-60 minutes 3-4 times a week.
Opt for herbs!
Drinking green tea, full of valuable antioxidants, and herbs that have a diuretic and toxin-cleansing effect, such as
wild pansy,
field horsetail,
You can prepare a mixture of the given herbs or use any of them by itself. Drink herbal teas once or twice a day.
What else will help the body cleanse itself after quitting smoking?
Ready-made dietary supplements containing ingredients that help remove toxins are also very useful in cleansing the body after quitting smoking. Especially if you don’t have time to make herbal cleansing teas or if you can’t always fully stick to a detoxifying menu.
In my opinion, the best detox preparation on the market is Detoxyn, composed of highly effective substances that help detoxify the whole body, such as:
Digezyme®, a unique formula that reduces toxins in the body;
Canadian bitter, which supports the immune system, has antibacterial and antifungal properties;
Green tea, which provides a wealth of vitamins and minerals and is a powerful antioxidant;
peppermint, which soothes the digestive system;
garlic, a powerful natural antibiotic;
aloe vera, which supports metabolism and digestion;
turmeric, also regulates liver function and has antiviral properties;
piperinea powerful thermogenic that helps you burn fat;
thyme, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
cinnamon, which stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes.
Detoxyn definitely accelerated my detoxification after quitting smoking. I recommend it to you as well
Detoxyn is a top shelf product which will help you get rid of lingering toxins, deacidify your body, improve metabolism and feel much better.
Piotr Kozłowski
My passion is everything that is related to a healthy lifestyle. I have been dealing with dietetics and related topics for almost 10 years and during that time I completed many professional courses in this field. This gave me a lot of knowledge, a solid basis for formulating the principles of healthy eating, which I first tried out on myself. I used to struggle with being overweight myself, and when various random diets had no effect, I decided to approach the subject professionally and finally managed to lose weight.
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