Acai Berry – health properties and effectiveness for weight loss
Healthy and safe weight loss is definitely not easy, and if we want to achieve visible results in a short period of time, it requires the use of properly selected preparations, based on natural plant ingredients. They are a beneficial and often indispensable supplement to a slimming diet, sometimes deprived of valuable nutrients due to our fault, supporting digestion and metabolism at the same time. One such ingredient is Acai berries, recommended by top nutritionists, a true hit of recent years, which completely revolutionized the approach to healthy eating.
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Acai berries – the origin of the fruit
Acai berries have become a permanent part of many weight-loss diets and they come from the tropical forests of South America, mainly Brazil. Acai, which also goes by the Latin name Euterpe oleracea, quickly became popular all over the world, and for some time it has also been available here in stores with organic food. These small, inconspicuous fruits have been used in natural medicine for years, mainly in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system, or those caused by dangerous pathogenic parasites. It is also worth using them in an effective treatment allowing us to get rid of excess weight, and the positive effects of their action will be felt throughout our body.
Acai blueberries – composition and key health properties

When you enter a shop and take a packet of these berries in your hand, practically immediately you notice how many nutrients are in them. It can be said that these little balls have in them almost all the vitamins and minerals we need, in a perfectly chosen quantity and proportions, and berries Acai delighted not only me with a real wealth:
- vitamins: A, B, vitamin C and E, whose importance is known to everyone and does not need to be presented separately;
- minerals such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium and copper, allowing you to keep strong bones until old age, and zinc is even essential in the process of weight loss;
- Amino acids and fatty acids, the most important of which are Omega – 3 and Omega – 6, which have a beneficial effect on brain and heart function and reduce bad cholesterol levels. In turn, amino acids help strengthen the immune system, facilitate muscle regeneration even after a large physical effort, remove toxins and all other products of metabolism, reduce fatigue and stress;
- antioxidants, which they have more than many other fruits, inseparable in the effective prevention of cancer, eliminating free radicals from the body and stopping the natural aging processes;
- polyphenols, also necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system, regulating their work, helping to fight high blood pressure, preventing atherosclerosis, thrombosis and coronary artery disease;
- phytosterols, or plant sterols.
The list of ailments for which Acai berries can be successfully used is really long and all the time specialists are adding new items to it, and it is worth mentioning here the alleviation of symptoms of such ailments as strong menstrual pain or gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. They should also be appreciated by men, especially those complaining about prostate problems, which concerns a large group of men of mature age, usually those over 35. Blueberry juice is also valued in the prevention of eye diseases, having a beneficial effect on blood vessels located in the retina, and another important advantage is the improvement of sexual performance.
Blueberries Acai – essential for weight loss

So, these small purple fruits in various forms are worth having in your home medicine cabinet, but they are even more useful when you complain about being overweight or, God forbid, obese. Specialists in healthy eating very quickly noticed the health properties of Acai, which was greatly influenced by the work of Dr. Alexander Schauss, a respected American physician and nutritionist. His many years of research were inspired by the observation of the inhabitants of the Amazon, maintaining full health and slim figure throughout their lives.
However, we must make it clear that Acai berries have gained the greatest popularity precisely because of their slimming properties, and when consumed in the right quantities, they allow you to fully control your weight in several ways:
- the most important is the high content of natural, easily absorbable dietary fibre, which quickly fills the stomach and ensures the feeling of satiety for long hours. In this way, we eliminate one of the most common causes of overweight, namely the constant snacking between meals, and this form of fibre also regulates all digestive processes and removes the mentioned toxins;
- chromium and caffeine content which stimulates metabolism, thanks to which we are able to get rid of excess calories and digest even the most indigestible meals;
- Combined with a healthy, stomach-friendly diet and a lot of physical activity, they give the expected results without the risk of the yo-yo effect, the return to the old weight after giving up fruit or preparations containing them.
The biggest problem with Acai is the fact that it is difficult to get them in our country in a fresh form, and most stores offer them only dried, but also such become an attractive addition to many dishes such as tasty and healthy salads. Most often, however, we can buy them as a freeze-dried powder, which only needs to be dissolved in water or yogurt and we get a nutritious shake, especially recommended before training, giving a lot of energy to exercise. Most importantly, they have virtually no side effects and only consuming too much of them may cause minor gastrointestinal discomfort.
Acai blueberries – opinions and my evaluation
As every novelty, also Acai berries, are widely commented on discussion forums dedicated to healthy lifestyle and weight loss. As always, they are not entirely unambiguous, so we can come across one hundred percent positive, extolling all the advantages, as well as negative, pointing out significant drawbacks. However, specialists are sure in this case and deservedly refer to Acai as a “super fruit”, taking care not only of weight, but also the overall psychophysical condition of our body.
Slimming pills ranking – equally effective and safe to use
Using Acai berries, in their dried form, as a supplement to your daily diet can be a bit cumbersome. After all, we don’t always have time to prepare the right meals, and the whole weight loss process requires support, which can provide slimming pills in our ranking. Everyone will find something for themselves, with a natural, safe composition, less cumbersome to use, thanks to which, in combination with a diet and daily physical activity, you will achieve the desired slim figure.