Weight loss patches – the new way to lose weight?
Many people struggling with their excess weight, wonder whether it is possible to get rid of fat folds from all parts of the body affected by them. Unambiguous answer to this question is difficult, because it depends on the degree of overweight or the rate at which we are able to burn fat tissue. There are several methods that can be used for this purpose, usually pills combined with exercises and an appropriate slimming diet. Recently another one has joined them, maybe not as effective but at the same time safer for your stomach, slimming patches, which work after sticking them on a specific, most fatty part of your body. Is it really worth to use them, we will show in this article?
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Why do we start to put on weight quickly and then cannot lose weight

Beginning of any treatment aimed at weight loss, including the one using slimming patches, should be preceded by a properly conducted, professional diagnosis, thanks to which we will learn what are the causes of our growing overweight and obesity. Both conditions are serious diseases that absolutely must not be underestimated, and untreated they can have really tragic consequences. They are primarily the cause of other, even more dangerous diseases, which can lead not only to permanent disability, in many cases ending in death. They are counted among the so-called social diseases, affecting at least hundreds of millions of people around the world, and in Poland obesity has already affected a quarter of the population, both men and women. The most worrying proportions, however, are being recorded in children. Studies carried out for this purpose have shown that problems with increasing body weight and the associated diseases already affect around 22% of people under the age of 15. That is why it is absolutely necessary to fight against this, and if we or our children start to gain weight suddenly, check what it is caused by. There are many causes of obesity and overweight, but most often we have to deal with three factors responsible for this unfavourable state of affairs.
1. diet far from the ideal adopted by nutritionists
The most common cause of obesity is our own negligence in terms of proper nutrition. We practically do not pay attention to what we eat, and we usually feed our children in the same way, which is immediately visible in their increasingly fat figures. We consume gigantic amounts of extremely unhealthy, harmful food that is high in calories and fattening at a rapid rate. We used the word “fattening” on purpose, because how else to call stuffing ourselves with junk food, pizza or microwave hamburgers, full of trans fats, salt and carcinogenic preservatives. All this we pour in huge amounts of highly sweetened, usually carbonated drinks, which we also drink with tons of sweet and salty snacks consumed in front of the TV. In turn, our diet lacks nutrients essential for health, vitamins and minerals, valuable bioflavonoids, fatty acids Omega – 3 or dietary fiber, one of the bases for proper digestion. So let’s take care of their correct amount, instead of red pork meat eat poultry or fish, let’s replace cola or beer with green tea or yerba mate, and vegetable oils with unrefined coconut oil. Positive effects of such a radical change will appear very quickly, not only in the form of steadily decreasing body weight, but also improve our overall health.
2. lack of exercise, or a sedentary lifestyle
The second main reason why our weight significantly begins to deviate from the norm, another curse of almost every modern, highly developed society. Most of us spend our days not very active, practically sitting all the time and avoiding any physical effort, unless the nature of our work forces us to do so. The people most at risk of developing overweight or obesity are those with a typically sedentary lifestyle, sitting in front of a desk or computer in the morning, and in the evening in an armchair or on a sofa. Unfortunately, the number of such people is growing every year, and doctors are sounding the alarm, trying to inform us that the lack of activity affects the development of many diseases, such as
- arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, risk of venous congestion, heart attack and stroke, ischemic heart disease;
- diseases of the digestive system, not only diarrhea, bloating or constipation, but also irritable bowel syndrome, stomach or duodenal ulcers, and even intestinal cancer;
- weakening of the immune system, which means opening the way to various ailments, having a negative impact on practically all parts of our body, also interfering with processes leading to weight loss;
- weakened bones and joints, resulting from being subjected to a constant, increasing load. It mainly affects the joints of the lower limbs, knees and ankles, additional weight may also cause serious damage to the hip joints and spine, manifesting itself in severe back pain. This should definitely not be underestimated, because spinal injuries are a direct route to permanent disability, and the treatment of a spinal hernia, for example, is long-lasting and very painful, just like degenerative arthritis;
- mental problems, increasing stress, in extreme cases almost completely disrupting our lives. At the same time with the increase in body weight, self-esteem and self-esteem decline, then comes insomnia, ostracism and lack of acceptance of the environment, and this ends in only one way, severe, clinical depression, a life-threatening condition.
3 Other causes, co-morbidities and geneticfactors
Obesity and overweight not only become the cause of the development of other diseases, they are also their characteristic symptom. This most often occurs with type I or II diabetes, metabolic diseases associated with fluctuations in blood glucose levels and increasing resistance of the body to the positive action of insulin. This is due to increasing abdominal obesity, the accumulation of huge amounts of fat tissue there, not only looking unsightly, but also ruining our health. Obesity is also accompanied by dysfunction of other important endocrine glands, not only the pancreas, disrupting the functioning of the thyroid gland, causing its inactivity or hyperactivity. A lot of obese people do not realize that their disease may have a genetic basis and if parents or even grandparents were also overweight, we can inherit these tendencies to weight gain from them.
Read also: Best pills for weight loss
Slimming patches – a new solution used instead of dietary supplements in tablets

Regardless of the reasons for our growing excess weight, it is necessary to get rid of all those excess pounds and fat deposits quickly. As we have already mentioned, there are many methods, but you should use only those that are completely safe and do not have any side effects. It looks beautiful in the premise, but the reality is not so rosy anymore, and the real problem starts when someone cannot take weight loss pills for various reasons. So far, it has been the best and most widely used form of supporting a slimming diet and physical activity leading to the fastest weight loss, supplementing nutrient deficiencies in the body. Currently, it has been joined by patches, acting from the outside and not from the inside of the body, whose effectiveness is still the subject of many discussions, although they allow you to avoid additional problems with the digestive system burdened with subsequent tablets.
Slimming patches – are they really as effective as their producers claim?
According to their producers, slimming patches are supposed to have multifaceted and versatile effects, accelerate metabolism for better burning of fat tissue and suppress excessive appetite. It is supported by active ingredients often found in other supplements, whose effectiveness in case of pills cannot be denied. In a slice you will find such popular substances as green tea extract, young green barley, blueberries Acai, fruits garcinia cambogia, piperine and many others. Most of them are effective in supporting the weight loss process, however, they work only from the inside of the body, and when applied with a patch, they have virtually no effect. This is because, among other things, these substances are not able to penetrate our skin, which is quite thick, and another topic of discussion is the effect on a specific part of the body, abdomen, thighs or hips. Specialists in weight loss claim that it is simply impossible, we are not able to slim down a specific place on the body, because the process is complex, involving the entire body. The only confirmed effect that we can observe in their case is a feeling of warmth in the place of sticking, but unfortunately nothing more. Many pseudo-dietitians also claim that with the help of patches we will lose weight without a proper diet and physical activity. This is another myth that we have to debunk, because supplements, even those in pills, only support weight loss, which is still based on a proper diet and a large dose of daily exercise in the fresh air, running or even nordic walking. Supplements supplement what we are not able to provide with food, and their active ingredients allow you to simultaneously intensify metabolic processes, lipolysis and thermogenesis, allowing for faster reduction of body fat. Patches are effective only in the case of combating cigarette smoking, because transferred with their help small portions of nicotine are actually able to penetrate the skin. It is also not worth believing in the promises of manufacturers about transdermal transport systems, supposedly derived from traditional Eastern medicine, because modern highly developed science has not confirmed their existence.
Shed weight effectively with dietary supplements in pills
Maybe someone and try to get rid of their excess weight with the help of weight loss patches, which we personally consider a waste of time and money spent on their purchase. Instead of ineffectively slimming down legs, stomach or hips separately, it is better to approach this comprehensively and provide the body with the factors needed for this in one powerful tablet. In this way they will hit the inner source of problems with obesity, removing them once and for all, without the risk of the yoyo effect, i.e. the return to the old weight after stopping the supplement. When choosing them, one should follow one of the most important rules: check the composition carefully before buying, avoiding artificial and usually harmful substances, such as metformin. On the market, also in our country, we can easily find slimming pills based on safe to use, natural ingredients, which we can take without any risk of side effects. It is worth buying those based on extracts from plants and fruits with slimming and medicinal properties, and the best, carefully selected ones can be found in our ranking of slimming tablets 2021.