Tribulus terrestris – an herb every man should know
When looking for the best way to solve your potency problems, it’s worth taking advantage of natural methods, the power of herbs and other plants with medicinal properties. Their effectiveness in most cases can’t be faulted and many of them work not only as a remedy for a weakened libido. With valuable nutrients in their composition, they have a positive effect on the whole health condition, allowing to alleviate symptoms of other health ailments as well. Such a plant is certainly tribulus terrestris, also known as mace.
Contents [hide]
- 1 Tribulus terrestris (mace) – where it comes from and what it looks like
- 2 Tribulus terrestris (mace) – a unique and powerful formula
- 3 Tribulus terrestris (mace) – how it works
- 4 Tribulus terrestris (mace) – recommended dosage and directions for use
- 5 Tribulus terrestris (mace) – Contraindications and side effects
Tribulus terrestris (mace) – where it comes from and what it looks like

Mace has been known to mankind for nearly 5000 years and its valuable health properties were first appreciated by people from ancient China, India, Korea and Japan. Already in those ancient times it was commonly used for various ailments, mainly in the treatment of infertility. It was and still is considered a powerful natural aphrodisiac, so it’s no surprise that it’s found in many dietary supplements designed to support weakened virility. Today Tribulus terrestris grows in several regions of the world, in Africa, Asia, still in China and India, Eastern and Southern Europe as well as in North and Central America, Mexico and the United States.
It is an annual plant, belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family, with spreading stems growing from 10 to 30 cm, hairy leaves and small, five-petaled, yellow flowers. The fruit resembles a mace, a weapon used in the Middle Ages, hence the Polish name for the plant. It is the fruit, in powdered form, that makes a valuable addition to potency enhancing pills, although it is also worth appreciating for its other properties.
Tribulus terrestris (mace) – a unique and powerful formula
The basis of the effective action of mace fruit is its unique composition, which certainly cannot be claimed by many plants used not only in traditional Chinese medicine. They are used, among others, in Indian ajuverda and are an important element of herbal medicine popular in western countries. In the small, green fruits there are several substances extremely valuable for health, among others such as:
Steroidal saponins
Also called steroid saponins, chemical compounds being derivatives of sugars, classified as glycosides, and their main source are plants, including mace. The ones it contains are: gitonin, diosgenin, chlorogenin, dioscin, gracylline, tribulosin, desgalactotgonins, desglucolanatygonin. Their health properties are extremely wide and are characterized by:
- antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral;
- anti-inflammatory;
- diuretic, helping to cleanse the body;
- expectorant;
- increases the production of intestinal juices and bile;
- accelerates fatmetabolism, which is useful in the fight against overweight and obesity;
- reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol.
Of which the two best known are quercetin and rutin. Quercetin is primarily known for its properties helping to counteract the symptoms of allergies, and in addition, has been shown to have
- antioxidant – as an antioxidant it protects the body against negative effects of free radicals, which may minimise the risk of cancer;
- counteracting the development of cardiovascular diseases thanks to its anti-atherosclerotic properties;
- antiviral, effective against many groups of dangerous viruses.
Rutin, found in the formulation of tribulus terrestris, also known as rutoside, has similar effects, plus:
- strengthens the body’s immunity;
- reduces inflammation accompanying infections;
- seals and strengthens weakened walls of small blood vessels, preventing their breaking and formation of unsightly spider veins under the skin or varicose veins
- alleviates cold symptoms, including swelling of nasal mucosa during runny nose.
Chlorogenic acid
A substance belonging to phenolic acids, found not only in the fruit of the mace tree but also, for example, in green coffee. Chlorogenic acid is considered a natural weight loss aid, accelerating the burning of fat by limiting the amount of absorbed sugars. Its other effects worth highlighting are:
- antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial properties;
- lowering too high blood pressure;
- reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
- regulation of blood sugar levels.
Vitamin C
Probably the most well-known and valued of all the vitamins that should be in our diet. Ascorbic acid, because it has such a scientific name, is primarily an antioxidant most effectively helping to get rid of free radicals. Experts consider its action as complex, systemic, positively influencing practically the whole human body, consisting in
- participating in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that is a component of all tissues;
- supporting the immune system;
- acceleration of wound healing;
- strengthening of blood vessel walls;
- reducing the risk of heart disease by improving circulation, lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure;
- increased physical fitness and endurance;
- improved mental well-being and increased mental abilities, better memory and concentration;
- regulation of blood glucose levels.
Mineral ingredients
Without which tribulus terrestris couldn’t have such a beneficial effect on health, strengthening both the body physically and the male psyche weakened for various reasons. Together with vitamins, they are able to effectively support a failing libido, among other things by increasing testosterone levels. Potency rises to a whole new level, making it possible to achieve a strong and long-lasting erection. Mace contains the following valuable elements:
- Iron, adequate doses of which need to be supplied from external sources, either with food or dietary supplements of which mace is one of the ingredients. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties, strengthens immunity, takes part in the formation of red blood cells, has a positive effect on the nervous system, regulates hormone management, including testosterone levels, and blood sugar levels. Its deficiencies lead to anaemia, a disease which can noticeably reduce potency;
- potassium, responsible for the functioning of the brain, regulating heart rhythm, water and electrolyte balance, pH level in cells, correct muscle function, glycogen production, proteins and amino acids
- calcium, essential for healthy bones, responsible for their mineralization, thus preventing osteoporosis. It is one of the elements conditioning proper blood clotting, conduction of nerve impulses, and muscle contractions. It counteracts swelling thanks to sealing the walls of blood vessels, it also works well as an allergy remedy, and its bioavailability is increased with simultaneous vitamin D supplementation.
Tribulus terrestris (mace) – how it works
Using herbs and plants with such a rich composition, full of the nutrients we need, will immediately have a positive effect on our health, so it’s definitely worth introducing mace into our everyday diet. Thanks to it we will quickly feel stronger, have a better physical and mental condition and more energy, not only for sex but also for any other physical activity. Its health-promoting action consists mainly in:
Strengthening the weakened libido

It can be said that this is the primary and most important use of mace, considered a powerful natural aphrodisiac. This is why it is added to most of the available over-the-counter, dietary supplements used not only for potency enhancement. Many of them are also effective in increasing penis length and thickness, for which tribulus terrestris is also responsible, effectively increasing testosterone levels – the most important male hormone.
Its action on erection is also based on increased release of nitric oxide which widens blood vessels, resulting in better blood flow to the intimate area. Thus, problems with getting a proper erection and maintaining it throughout intercourse disappear, and the member itself becomes bigger. At the same time, a man can count on an increase in fertility, producing a greater number of more mobile and vital sperm.
Alleviating the effects of stress
Another observed effect of tribulus terrestris, predisposing it to regular use, is its action helping to alleviate the negative and harmful effects of stress and other nervous tensions. These are considered by specialists to be one of the most important causes of libido disorders, disrupting health to an extent that even makes it completely impossible to achieve an erection. Mace supplementation strengthens and immunizes the body against these factors, so we can always enjoy excellent mental wellbeing.
Faster fat burning and muscle tissue growth
Mace’s boosting of anabolic hormones, mainly testosterone, is beneficial for people who want to burn off excess body fat faster and replace it with rock-hard muscles. Its active ingredients help build muscle mass while increasing the body’s endurance and physical strength, so you can afford more intensive strength training.
Reducing harmful DHT levels
Another positive effect of tribulus terrestris is primarily relevant for men struggling with excessive and accelerated baldness. It effectively prevents the enzyme 5-alpha reductase from transforming testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, known as DHT for short. Its excess leads to rapid damage to hair follicles, and if untreated, to their irreversible destruction and in extreme cases almost complete hair loss. One must also take into account the increased risk of developing many skin diseases, such as acne.
Tribulus terrestris (mace) – recommended dosage and directions for use

As with any herb, mace should also be dosed properly and should not exceed the allowed daily dose of 250 – 750 mg. It can be taken in a variety of ways, even as a side dish or as a hot infusion made from 1 – 2 teaspoons of the fruit poured over boiling water and left to infuse for 15 minutes.
However, this method of use is not very convenient, especially for busy and busy men who want to boost their libido without any problems. For them, definitely better would be the OTC potency pills from our ranking, which you can find at the link below.
Tribulus terrestris (mace) – Contraindications and side effects
Mace is a relatively safe plant to use and in the vast majority of cases it does not cause any disturbing side effects. However, they may occur in a situation when we exceed recommended daily doses and they manifest themselves in digestive system problems, e.g. abdominal pain. Very rare is gynecomastia (enlargement of the nipples), some people may also be allergic to this plant. There are also some contraindications for the use of Tribulus terrestris and it is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers, among others