Post-workout regeneration – essential not only for strength training
In previous posts I presented the most effective diet for muscle mass and the best training to help build itwhich however will not be possible without the simultaneous regeneration of the body. Many people who play sports or work out regularly at the gym seem to forget about it, not knowing that in this way they can lead to serious health problems. We need regeneration of our body after the workout practically every day, if we do not take care of it, we will feel a drop in our performance, both physical and mental.
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Taking a break from training gives you a new source of strength

When starting to exercise for muscle mass and lift heavier and heavier weights in the gym, many people, especially those who are just beginning their adventure with this beautiful sport, are not aware of how the growth of muscle tissue actually takes place. Training alone, even the most intensive one, only stimulates muscles to grow, which actually takes place during their resting phase, and overtraining and not giving them the right amount of time to regenerate can disrupt this whole complicated process. So don’t underestimate the importance of rest and recovery after training, which if properly planned can bring a number of benefits, the most important of which are:
- 100% recovery of lost strength, including mental strength, which is motivation for further training;
- a significant reduction in the risk of injury;
- avoiding the effect of overtraining which has a negative impact on the body;
- improving general well-being.
Our organism usually lets us know that something is wrong with it, we feel weak, we do not feel like not only exercising but also performing many seemingly simple everyday activities. Such weakness and inability e.g. to perform the previously assumed training plan is a clear warning sign, overtraining, which should in no case be disregarded. The symptoms are so characteristic that they are impossible to miss: general weakness, heavy sweating, trembling limbs, abnormal motor coordination, increased heart rate and body temperature, shortness of breath, muscle and joint pains, and increasing dehydration.
Post-workout recovery – how to take care of your muscles immediately after training
Resting after an intensive training session is definitely not about lying down. You may be surprised to learn that your muscles need a gentle start, with appropriately selected exercises that relax them and gradually bring them to a state of stagnation. In this way, we protect the body against shock, the possibility of soreness and venous congestion, as well as against pain. In addition to relaxing and stretching exercises, i.e. stretching, you can also go to the pool, jump on a skipping rope, decide to do a small jogging or ride a bike. Unfortunately, sometimes a longer break than the recommended 24 to 48 hours will be necessary, but usually it is enough just to avoid exercising the same muscle partsday after day.
Another important rule to follow is the right diet and food after training. There is no denying that during intense exercise we burn a huge amount of calories and it becomes necessary to immediately replenish any energy deficiencies. Therefore, 2 hours after the workout we should eat a high-energy meal, full of carbohydrates, fats, of course the healthy ones, and proteins, so that the body does not start burning its own muscles instead of fat tissue. At the same time we should avoid all unhealthy snacks, sweets or ice cream, choosing only products containing nutrients that effectively support and accelerate the recovery process. A similar rule applies to stimulants and probably no one needs to be reminded that alcohol is the biggest enemy of every athlete.
Post-workout regeneration – principles important not only for athletes

Correct regeneration of the body after training is recommended by specialists not only for active sports people, but practically for everyone. Our tiredness is influenced by many factors, not only long hours spent at the gym, equally tiring may be professional work or excessive household duties. In this case, some rest is also useful, but just like after a workout, it is good to stick to a few proven rules, such as:
- sleep is the best medicine, the time when our body regenerates comprehensively thanks to the intensive action of the growth hormone, whose action comes down precisely to the full repair of all possible damage within the muscle tissue. However, in order to make this possible, we must establish for ourselves a uniform duration of sleep, between 7 and 9 hours per night, and regular times at which we go to bed. We always sleep in a well ventilated room, and the optimal temperature is 18 – 22 degrees;
- Properly selected diet and proper hydration of the body, without which we cannot dream of replenishing deficiencies in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A diet is not only the basic nutritional principles we have already described, but also the regular use of dietary supplements that supplement everything we don’t get from food, and one of the recommended ones is Mass Extreme. Neglecting the issue of body hydration leads to a weakening of our physical condition, dysfunction of many important systems, especially the nervous, circulatory and urinary ones, as well as dangerous overheating of the body. It is therefore necessary to regularly replenish fluids, not only with water during training, but also with isotonic preparations containing carefully selected doses of essential electrolytes;
- awarm bath after training or a hard day’s work, and we are not talking about lying in the bath for hours, which can have the opposite effect to the one intended. Taking a warm shower alternating with a cold one gives better results, effectively reducing muscle tension, soreness and possible joint pain, as well as having a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. Similar effects can be observed in the sauna, which is relaxing, loosens up the muscles and helps to get rid of the feeling of fatigue and lactic acid faster. However, it must not be used immediately after training, and is also not recommended for people suffering from lung diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. You can also use the pool, swimming not only improves the efficiency of the respiratory system, but also relieves the spine and strengthens almost all muscle parts;
- massages and other treatments performed by professional physiotherapists to quickly restore full physical fitness, remove the effects of injuries, reduce inflammation of muscles and joints, and, for example, cold compresses also have an analgesic effect.