Nicotine Free – stop smoking quickly and effectively without withdrawal syndrome effects
One of the biggest mistakes a person can make in their life is reaching for their first cigarette. At the same time, the hardest thing is quitting smoking, this destructive habit that can even lead to the death of the smoker. Many people constantly try to give up supplying their body with deadly nicotine, but sometimes strong will alone is not enough to cope with it. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to use means facilitating it, and one of the most effective is Nicotine Free capsules, which will not only free us from smoking, but also from all unpleasant ailments associated with it.
Contents [hide]
- 1 Cigarette smoking – what harm does it do to your body?
- 2 Nicotine Free – quitting smoking as easy as never before
- 3 Nicotine Free – a multi-faceted, comprehensive effect resulting from the composition of the supplement
- 4 Nicotine Free – recommended dosage and opinions of people who have quit smoking
- 5 Nicotine Free – where can you buy it
Cigarette smoking – what harm does it do to your body?

When the Spaniards brought tobacco to our continent during the Conquest, no one realized the destructive power of this green leaf, which was originally considered a medicinal plant. Jean Nicot, the French king’s ambassador at the Portuguese court and a physician who even encouraged smoking, claimed this and gave his name to nicotine, a poisonous alkaloid in tobacco. For centuries, people have smoked pipes, then cigars, and of course cigarettes, without even realizing that this is the cause of many of the diseases they contract. The truth about smoking was only revealed by the rapid development of medicine in the last century, and it turned out that this favourite smoke is in fact responsible for the deaths of millions of people every year. That is why doctors aresounding the alarm, encouraging people to stop smoking and, above all, not to reach for a packet of cigarettes:
- cancer and in its many varieties, especially cancers of the respiratory tract, larynx, oral cavity, and lungs. Cigarettes are also responsible for stomach, pancreas, oesophagus and even cervical cancer;
- other diseases of the respiratory tract, such as emphysema or severe cases of pneumonia or bronchitis;
- stroke and heart attack, resulting from clogged arteries from smoking residue. Smoking also causes high blood pressure and atherosclerosis;
- serious foetal damage in pregnant women, inability to carry a pregnancy and more frequent miscarriages than in non-smoking women;
- impotence in men;
- allergies that are difficult to treat, resulting in changes in the skin, including an increased number of acne lesions.
Of course, these are only some of the diseases that we are exposed to when we reach for a cigarette and, contrary to appearances, not only smokers are exposed to them. The same, and according to many doctors even more harmful, is the so called passive smoking, when a non-smoker has to inhale tobacco smoke, which affects them with even greater intensity. People directly in the company of a smoker, especially children, are more exposed to diseases resulting from inhaling deadly substances in tobacco smoke.
Nicotine Free – quitting smoking as easy as never before
We know that quitting smoking is not easy and most people succeed only for a short period of time, after which they return to the habit again. It all really depends on a number of important factors, such as the number of cigarettes smoked per day, their composition, and the duration of the addiction. Sometimes the level of nicotine addiction is so strong that its immediate withdrawal could cause serious health complications, that is why in the process of gradual getting rid of the addiction it is worth using Nicotine Free . It is a modern dietary supplement in capsules, based only on natural ingredients, allowing you to safely quit smoking and at the same time alleviate all the worrying symptoms accompanying it. Our body can react quite violently when we stop supplying it with nicotine on a daily basis, and thanks to Nicotine Free, we can avoid the most serious effects of the so-called withdrawal syndrome:
- Theirritation effect, one of the most common symptoms of nicotine deprivation, appears almost immediately after quitting smoking. The reason for this is an emerging deficiency of dopamine and endorphins, whose increased secretion was just stimulated by smoking. The increased nervous tension can not only be a nuisance for the smoker and his surroundings, but above all, it can be a reason for him to start smoking again and increase his stress;
- a persistentcough of the smoker, sometimes so intense that it seems to be a symptom of a serious disease, such as pneumonia. In reality, it is an effect accompanying the cleansing of lungs from the remains of the habit, which begins as early as 24 hours after quitting smoking. However, it is a symptom that should not be underestimated, because if it is very severe, it can mean that our body is already suffering from a disease caused by cigarettes, especially the above mentioned diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
- asignificant increase in weight, because when we give up cigarettes, we almost immediately start looking for a substitute, we want to keep our hands busy, and most often we just reach for sweets or other equally fattening snacks. This ends up in uncontrollable snacking which may eventually lead to increasing overweight and obesity. The substances contained in Nicotine Free help to fully control this and effectively block the excessive appetite.
Nicotine Free – a multi-faceted, comprehensive effect resulting from the composition of the supplement
Among the various supplements designed to help you get rid of this terrible addiction, Nicotine Free Nicotine Free stands out above all due to its comprehensive action on each of the above described effects of smoking. This is due to the careful selection of substances that make up the formula, which are precisely tailored to the problems faced by each smoker. The manufacturer’s laboratories have selected the best, 100% natural ingredients of plant origin and combined them in one small capsule. Thanks to this, you can always count on the highest effectiveness of Nicotine Free, which is the result of a whole range of active substances, among which the most important are:
- Green tea not only helps fight nicotine craving, but also provides the body with essential nutrients: vitamins C, A and B, vitamins D and E, minerals calcium, potassium, copper, fluorine, zinc and manganese. The effect of green tea comes down primarily to a thorough cleansing of the body of toxins, including those left after many years of smoking. This variety of tea also effectively prevents related diseases, the possibility of stroke or heart attack, and more than five times reduces the risk of lung cancer and other cancers;
- african mango, an extract from an exotic fruit native to the tropical forests of Africa, also full of vitamins: B6, C, E and K, polyphenols, valuable fatty acids Omega – 3 and Omega – 6 and dietary fiber. Just like green tea, it takes part in processes leading to the purification of the body, effectively and quickly suppresses the feeling of nicotine craving. It is also an effective remedy for weight gain, often occurring after quitting smoking, and the active ingredients it contains facilitate digestion and curb a growing appetite;
- chicory, used in cooking as an important ingredient of many tasty dishes, a vegetable with health properties which cannot be underestimated. It is a rich source of nutrients particularly important in the context of smoking, as well as inhibiting the desire for a cigarette. The vitamins and minerals it contains allow you to quickly rebuild the body’s vitality, immune system, and its natural barrier against infections and diseases, weakened by nicotine;
- chromium, an element which is essential for the health and proper functioning of almost all body systems. In Nicotine Free it has an extremely important function, preventing fluctuations in blood sugar levels, keeping glucose always at the right level, not threatening to health. It is also an important element which helps to avoid snacking between meals and the resulting increase in body weight;
- glukomannan, an ingredient that primarily prevents gastrointestinal problems, another common side effect of quitting smoking that also needs to be dealt with. These may include bothersome constipation, sometimes even preventing normal bowel movements, and impaired intestinal peristalsis, which the dietary fiber contained in glukomannan helps eliminate. This ingredient brings another benefit, by swelling in the stomach and filling it, it removes the feeling of hunger, thus preventing excess weight.
Nicotine Free – recommended dosage and opinions of people who have quit smoking
The main factor that makes it difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to quit smoking is the growing, difficult to control nicotine craving. Its elimination is the basic and most important task to be fulfilled Nicotine Free The supplement is also completely safe and causes absolutely no adverse side effects. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer is only two capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, and that is enough to break free from the clutches of this horrible addiction after some time.
The effectiveness of Nicotine Free is fully confirmed by the opinions of people who have stopped smoking and no longer use cigarettes. It can be said that in most cases, they are even enthusiastic and praise the plant-based, natural composition of the tablets, their speed of action, versatility, including prevention of particularly unfavorable weight gain. Many ex-smokers also emphasize the possibility to quit smoking even after a dozen or more years of addiction, which we consider to be one of the biggest advantages of Nicotine Free.
Nicotine Free – where can you buy it
That is why, if smoking is a nightmare for you and your family is constantly complaining about the smoke in your home, it is time to visit manufacturer’s website Supplement, where you can place an order for as many packs of it as you need. It is also worth getting acquainted with current price promotions that allow you to buy Nicotine Free in attractive packages.