Chronic fatigue syndrome – causes, symptoms and natural remedies
There’s no denying that nowadays most of us live at an almost frenetic pace, which is enforced by the lifestyle, professional and private, that we lead. The relentless rush causes us to start experiencing worrying symptoms at some point, and unfortunately we usually ignore them. This is a mistake, because they can signify growing fatigue, which over time can negatively affect the entirethe entire state of health, becoming the cause of much more serious ailments, turning even into a state of chronic fatigue.
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What is chronic fatigue syndrome?
Before we get into the description of methods of preventing and alleviating the symptoms of constantly feeling monstrously tired and not feeling like doing anything, we should learn how experts define chronic fatigue syndrome.
It is also known interchangeably aschronic fatigue syndrome or referred to by the acronym derived from the English language, CFS, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The condition has been recognized as a disease entity of feeling severe fatigue, both physical and mental, all the time, regardless of the amount of rest, which can manifest itself in many ways.
Chronic fatigue syndrome can happen to anyone, but it most often affects active people between the ages of 20 and 50. Interestingly, women are much more likely to complain of it, although this has recently ceased to be considered a rule. CFS causes us to use up all the energy we have accumulated to perform our daily activities much more quickly, depleting our physical performance and intellectual abilities.
What types of fatigue can we deal with?

The feeling of fatigue that we begin to feel even after a seemingly light and non-tiring day is not only related to the physical aspect, although it must be admitted that this is what we deal with most often. We can start to feel it in various situations, after physical work or sports, but when it occurs without any apparent reason, it is definitely a cause for concern.
Just as often, we begin to feel a different kind of fatigue, reflecting negatively on our mental well-being, may in turn mean that we are simply overloaded with mental work. Such a condition is also caused by other factors, including stress or an excess of nervous situations in life. At the same time, sensory fatigue, caused by overloading the body with negative external stimuli, especially noise, should not be underestimated.
Which symptoms of each type of fatigue are cause for concern?
Now that we know which types of fatigue, leading to its chronic form, can attack our body, we should know their most common causes. These, too, are worth dividing into several distinct groups, pertaining to the different types of this condition. Specialists point primarily to:
Emotional and behavioral symptoms of fatigue
Although chronic fatigue syndrome is most often experienced by the physical side of the human body, its destructive effect on the mental and emotional spheres should not be underestimated. It gives clear and characteristic symptoms, the most common of which are:
- constant perceptible feelings of strong anxiety;
- constant stress and anxiety;
- negative attitudes toward the world;
- a sense of hopelessness and lack of meaning in life;
- lack of interest in what surrounds us, apathy;
- lack of motivation to do anything;
- difficulty concentrating on even the simplest activities;
- Increasing memory impairment;
- inability to process and assimilate new information;
- lower than usual productivity;
- declining self-esteem and lack of self-confidence;
- in extreme cases, even depression.
Behavioral symptoms of fatigue should also attract special attention, forcing you to take countermeasures:
- isolation from the environment;
- inability to communicate and maintain social relationships;
- a decrease in productivity, felt especially at work;
- higher irritability and quarrelsomeness;
- violent mood swings that are difficult to control;
- lack of patience resulting in frequent outbursts of anger.
Somatic symptoms of fatigue
If the state of fatigue has already lasted for a long time, at least several months, its negative effects begin to be felt not only by an increasingly weakened psyche. It doesn’t matter if we even sleep a certain amount of 7-8 hours a day, or rest in other ways that normally regenerate the body, Despite all efforts, we will begin to feel somatic, that is, physical symptoms of fatigue, such as, among others:
- disorders of the digestive system, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea;
- a feeling of chronic fatigue even preventing normal functioning in personal and professional life;
- lack of appetite or excessive craving;
- decrease or rapid increase in body weight;
- weakened functioning of the immune system, higher susceptibility to infections and diseases;
- a subfebrile state;
- pains of varying intensity, affecting various parts of the body, primarily the head and muscles;
- swelling in the area of lymph nodes;
- shortness of breath and cardiac disturbances;
- excessive sleepiness, or the opposite, difficulty falling asleep;
- weakening of libido.
What is responsible for chronic fatigue syndrome?
As you can see from the above examples, chronic fatigue syndrome can almost completely disrupt your health, so under no circumstances should its symptoms be ignored. Making the right diagnosis to recognize this condition makes it much easier to simultaneously find out the causes responsible for it.
Unfortunately, their correct identification is not simple, they can have a diverse background, both physical and psychological, and specialists point to as the most common reasons for the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome:
- abnormal functioning of the immune system, caused, for example, by a viral infection;
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland, either overactive or underactive;
- infection with EBV, Epstein-Barr virus, just detected in people with chronic fatigue syndrome;
- allergic reactions of the body, such as to lactose;
- comorbidities, often undetected, such as type 2 diabetes, anemia, overweight and obesity, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, kidney or liver disease, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, Parkinson’s disease, celiac disease;
- cancer and chemotherapy;
- restless legs syndrome, or RLS;
- elevated levels of stress, resulting from traumatic events in personal life or from the nature of one’s work;
- anxiety disorders;
- lack of support from the environment, including immediate family in difficult life situations;
- sleep apnea;
- subjecting the body to too much exertion, physical or mental;
- sleep deficiencies, resulting from failure to follow recommended sleep hygiene rules;
- poor diet, full of, for example, harmful highly processed foods, but at the same time deficient in nutrients essential for health;
- abuse of alcohol, caffeine and compulsive smoking.
How can chronic fatigue syndrome be managed?

There is no single 100% effective method to deal with this bothersome affliction. The basis is its correct diagnosis by a specialist, and the existing symptoms make it easy to confuse chronic fatigue with other physical or mental conditions. Mostly pharmacological methods are used, very often combined with psychotherapy, and in extreme cases it even becomes necessary to implement strong antidepressants and anti-inflammatory agents.
The effectiveness of such preparations assigned by the doctor can not be faulted, but at the same time it is possible to support the body weakened by fatigue with the help of appropriately selected herbal treatments. Phytotherapy experts recommend using such herbs and plants with proven medicinal properties as:
Liquorice smooth (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
The effect of licorice root is directly related to its exceptionally rich composition, thanks to which it is possible to make up for possible deficiencies of flavonoidsw, phytosterols, triterpene saponins, B vitamins, proteins, amino acids and essential oils, giving it properties:
- antioxidant, helping to remove free radicals from the body;
- anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial;
- enabling more effective detoxification;
- alleviating digestive ailments;
- improving the functioning of the endocrine system.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
The properties of the root of this plant are almost legendary, it is used in many branches of natural medicine, and its composition includes vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B4 (choline), vitamin C and vitamin E. These are supported by numerous triterpene saponins and such trace elements as zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, together responsible for the effects of ginseng:
- Increasing vitality and performance;
- strengthening impaired memory and concentration;
- increasing mental abilities;
- noticeable improvement in mental and physical well-being;
- more efficient functioning of the immune system.
Chinese citronella (Schisandra chinensis)
Both the fruits and seeds of this increasingly popular plant are used for medicinal preparations. They are a source of many active compounds, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, phospholipids, phytosterols, tannins, essential oils, organic acids. It is thanks to these that Chinese citronella has a multifaceted positive effect on health:
- provides the energy necessary for physical and mental activity;
- improves mental abilities;
- has a calming effect;
- allows you to better cope with the negative effects of stress;
- regulates the liver, heart and circulatory system.
- https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-fatigue-syndrome
- https://www.healthline.com/health/life-with-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-11-lessons-ive-learned
- https://www.healthline.com/health/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-treatment
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ginseng-benefits
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/licorice-root