Public Health University: an innovative way to lose weight - Burn 5 kg a week without chemicals, diets or exercise
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Public Health University: an innovative way to lose weight - Burn 5 kg a week without chemicals, diets or exercise

Stephen Rogers, MD, will give an overview

Diet, exercise, pills and liposuction are the main methods to fight being overweight. But the number of obese people continues to grow, as none of these methods are truly effective. Everything changed when Keto Guru, a product to lose weight naturally, appeared on the British market.

One of the leading experts
on diets and nutrition
in the world

Director of the National Medical Science Centre, therapist, dietician. Work experience: 32 years.

What is Keto Guru

If you have vitamin A deficiencies, you eat oranges; if it is phosphorus that is lacking, you eat fish; in the case of vitamin C deficiency, black currants. Only Keto Guru contains trace elements that cause the burning of fat mass in the human body. In particular, super-antioxidants, which burn fat and normalize the entire body.

ITV In Ireland, everything changed when Keto Guru was launched
on the market.Natural weight loss product.

Keto Guru: a natural concentrate. One serving contains 25 extracts, so the speed of fat-burning in the body increases by 10 times! It has been scientifically proven that Keto Guru speeds up metabolism, restores the endocrine system, stimulates tissue regeneration and suppresses appetite. This product is completely natural and is an active stimulator of the body's natural processes. Since the burning of fat mass is caused by rapid metabolism, a strict diet is not necessary; a balanced diet is enough. In this case, intense physical activity is not necessary. Just moderate workouts are enough.

ITV What’s Keto Guru

Due to the rapid metabolism when taking Keto Guru, you can burn up to 700 grams per day of subcutaneous fat from your body’s problem areas! Keto Guru is also effective when being overweight is due to hormonal imbalance. Overweight? Then this is the product for you!

This product has only recently arrived in the Ireland, but it’s already considered a great product by bodybuilding coaches and athletes because of its ability to support rapid weight loss and reduced fat

Results after 25 days of Keto Guru intake:
ITV Results after 25 days of Keto Guru

Results after 28 days of Keto Guru intake:
ITV Results after 28 days of Keto Guru

Results after 35 days of Keto Guru intake:
ITV Results after 35 days of Keto Guru

Experts comments:

Mark Thornton Butler
ITV A proper slimming process needs to be natural and
can’t impair the internal body functioning

Mark Thornton Butler - physician, dietician, endocrinologist. Work experience: 15 years.

"The most important issue when losing weight is to avoid damaging your body. Unfortunately, the most popular slimming methods do not perform well in this sense. Dieting is not always possible and not everyone is willing to make a sacrifice. When failing to achieve their goal, people turn to these products, the vast majority of which only harm the body, causing problems with hormones, the immune system and liver. Slimming should be natural and protect internal body processes. Today, Keto Guru is the only product to respond to such challenges. The active trace elements contained in Keto Guru accelerate metabolism and burn fat mass, and the relative concentration in Keto Guru accelerates these processes by at least 10 times. I am convinced that this is the best slimming supplement available in nutrition today. It is also a proven product that can be completely trusted."

Laura Russell
ITV You can slim down properly only by burning body fat,
not by dehydrating your organism
Laura Russell - doctor, dietologist, endocrinologist. Work experience: 10 years.

“Women who come to me are often desperate and tearful. They have already tried everything, but always put back any weight lost. I recommend them to calm down and start all over again. Today there is a solution: Keto Guru. "Take it as a food supplement, you’ll burn up to 5 kg per week in a completely natural way. It is a totally natural product that is suitable for everyone - regardless of sex, age or health conditions. Good weight loss is achieved only by burning fat mass, not by dehydrating the body. Personally, I recommend it to all my patients, and everyone has been satisfied."


Results of clinical tests on Keto Guru at the University of Health:

ITV Keto Guru showed a powerful effect on metabolism acceleration

A group of overweight subjects (100 people) took Keto Guru daily as a supplement for one month without changing their usual diet. During this study, scientists observed the following results:

1. Fat mass loss from 14 to 21 kg:

   1. With weight loss of 14 kg- 95%.

   2. With weight loss of 21 kg, 100%.

   *Loss = fat mass.

2. Major metabolism improvement.

3. Increased tone and physical activity.

4. Improved liver and endocrine system function.

Keto Guru has a powerful effect on accelerating metabolism and burning fat mass - fact! It is recommended for overweight people with metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus.

WARNING! Beware of counterfeits! In the Ireland, Keto Guru can only be bought through the MANUFACTURER’S OFFICIAL WEBSITE.

Let's go!

Spin the wheel! Try and get this product with a big discount!

Limited offer, be fast and order


The maximum effect of Keto Guru is achieved with a 60-90 treatment course.


Please note that the special discount is valid only until


You can order Keto Guru with a 50% discount


Barbara |
I will definitely try it and describe my results. This year I will enrol in college and want to start a new life with a new body. At school I had to put up with a lot of teasing, everyone thought I was huge. Now I will shed about ten kilograms, create my own little group, and be a real queen!
Stephen Rogers |
Barbara, the most important is to not exceed the recommended dose, as this product is quite powerful and instead of 10 kg you might lose 20kg.
Kind regards, Stephen Rogers
Dianne |
Girls, you know, I tried this product, if you don’t give up, it gives its results. I'm not one to brag, but this is how I look like now:
Christine |
I cannot tell you about long-term results because I’ve been taking Keto Guru for 4 days only. You won't believe it, but in the first 3 days I lost 3 kg -- I only have 18 kg to go! I can make it! I have to :)
Danielle |
Hi, I tried to take but in two weeks I lost only 7 kg :(
Stephen Rogers |
Danielle, this means you have misread the instructions for use, please read them again carefully. This product is to be taken only by carefully following the instructions.
Kind regards, Stephen Rogers
Mary Ann |
Hi all, with Keto Guru with the help I lost 11 kg in two weeks, and a year later my weight stayed the same!
Elizabeth |
I lost weight too! Good luck everybody, fingers crossed!
Maddy |
I started taking Keto Guru, I eat what I want and I’ve lost 14kg. I think this slimming product is the best I’ve ever tried. It's great, I don't need to go to the gym anymore, I don't have the time or will. This is really the ideal method to slim down. I recommend it! Here are my results:
Max |
Before taking Keto Guru I weighed 90 kg. When I was young, I was quite fit, but with age my hips and belly got heavy. At 35, I realized that I needed to get back into shape. I spent almost a year working hard in the gym, but without any significant results. Then I began to take Keto Guru and within a few weeks I was back to being the guy I was years ago. Now I stay fit and keep Keto Guru always at hand.
Alexis |
For me, Keto Guru has been a true lifeline. A few years ago I had an accident after which I could not move for 8 months. I gained 32 kg! Gradually, I started walking with a cane, but I could not even consider physical activity, because I was still weak and my weight made the whole situation worse. I had the chance to try Keto Guru thanks to a friend who was just back from the US, tried it there and still had some. She gave me six packages. Of course, I wasn’t hoping for anything, but I tried anyway. I took it according to the instructions. I noticed the changes from day one, and it wasn't like I lost a lot of weight, but I felt like my body was working faster, digesting better, etc. I actually felt my metabolism become faster. During the first 2 weeks I lost 10 kg without changing anything in my life! Then, the remaining 22 kg disappeared in about 4 weeks. I'm very happy, I think I'm just lucky that my friend found out Keto Guru in the US, otherwise I don't know what would have happened and I would still weigh 89 kg.
Lucy |
Keto Guru has a different effect on each person, but it has been very helpful for me. It’s really good. I’ve lost 16 kg in 3 weeks. I’ll keep it up.
Joyce |
But haven't you ever just tried to stop eating? When you are a child it’s different, you eat whatever they give you. But as grown-ups, is it so difficult to control oneself and not eat?
Stephen Rogers |
Joyce, maybe you didn't know, but there are people with genetic predisposition to eating and no diet or medicine can help them. If you don't have this problem, good for you, but not everyone can say so.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Meredith |
Joyce, I virtually starve myself, but it doesn’t work, for me. My weight is high and I can’t shed an ounce.
Emily |
I’m a bit confused, reading what you write, you speak as if only dietitians knew about this product. I've been taking it for two years already. It initially helped me lose 14 kg, now I only use it as a preventative measure and for vitamins, since it’s a natural concentrate. My friends also have known about it for a long time, it’s not your secret :) BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS
Frances |
Why should we all be alike? Why should we all be slender? I weigh 79 kg with a height of 167 cm, and I don't feel that bad. I like how I look and feel great!
Stephen Rogers |
Frances, it’s just that 21st century trends and fashion obsess girls and make them feel inadequate if they don’t look like models, but what usually happens is that they try to stay fit to the detriment of their health. This is why we developed our product, it will enable you to lose weight without health problems.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Theresa |
I just ordered, now I just have to wait :)
Florence |
Stephen Rogers |
Florence, laziness is not exactly the best human quality, but happily there’s a solution, as Keto Guru is just what you need.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Charlene |
The manufacturer’s official website is this the only place you can get Keto Guru in our country or do they also sell it on other online stores?
Stephen Rogers |
Charlene, yes, unfortunately, because pharmacies only try to rip people off, while we try to help people solve health problems. They just try to raise prices, so we are forced to sell on the Internet and charge a price that allows us to work based on high quality standard and meet our customers' needs.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Valerie |
I’ve been taking Keto Guru for a while, now. I used to have weight problems too, but now I don't even think about it anymore, I eat whatever I want, I just take these drops and everything is fine :)
Stephen Rogers |
Valerie, my advice is to take a full course, it will be more than enough, and eat sensibly.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Julie |
Blanche |
Julie you can try, but I only found it on the manufacturer's official website. It’s safer, too.
Stephen Rogers |
Julie, don’t panic, there’s always a solution. One thing at a time. First, this product cannot be found in regular pharmacies; I have already explained why. Secondly, you can order Keto Guru and take it by following the directions, I’ll say it again: TAKE IT ONLY BY STRICTLY FOLLOWING ITS DIRECTIONS, if you want to get results.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Laurie |
Hi everyone, I'm a mum of two and have been trying to lose weight for as long as I can remember. I can't diet, I keep at it for two days, then I get hungry and start binging. I don't have time for sports. I read this article and I am very interested in the product, but it’s not clear how to take it. Does the packages has directions on it? Or are there any recipes? And then if you stop what happens? If you can, please answer my questions. I'll be very grateful.
Martha |
Hello everyone, I’m 50 and I want to lose weight. At this age it is much more difficult, but I won't give up and I'll keep trying. I decided to try and order Keto Guru . A week later, I already ordered more packs because the result was impressive. I lost 9 kg!!! Of course, I paid attention to my diet and tried to do some exercise, but I really didn’t expect such a result. Thank you for the article, I recommend Keto Guru to everybody I know.
Lillian |
I am so happy I found this article. I thought I would never be slim again. I started taking Keto Guru only last week. 6 kg already gone. I haven't changed my lifestyle, I eat what I used to, just a bit less. My huge hunger has decreased a lot, and now I don't need to constantly chew something. Whoever invented this product has my thanks.
Patricia |
It’s frustrating when you want something but fear you’ll never get it. And then the miracle. I’ve lost 10 kg and I’m continuing at the same pace. My friends are baffled, they think I’m on a strict diet...but I don't tell them anything, I just let them keep on wondering :)
Stephen Rogers |
Patricia, no gratitude needed, we and the University of Health work hard to ensure the best health for people.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
Willa | 09.03.2023
Girls, where did you buy it? It’s not sold in pharmacies. I would like to avoid buying a fake, and be sure of my purchase.
Stephen Rogers |
I’ll say it again, it’s possible to purchase Keto Guru ONLY on the official website. To make sure you don't miss it, click on the "visit the manufacturer’s official website" button below! A big discount awaits readers through a deal with the manufacturer, but only for a limited period of time - so order now! And beware of fakes.
Regards, Stephen Rogers
ORDER Keto Guru